Example Projects

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Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389


A number of example projects are distributed with the SysCAD software. These have been created to show various different features of SysCAD in an actual project.

The Steady State projects are stored in the following folder: ..\SysCADXXX\Examples
The Dynamic projects are stored in the following folder: ..\SysCADXXX\ExamplesDynamic
Some Example SysCAD Excel Reports that can be used as templates by users. These are stored in: ..\SysCADXXX\Examples\01 Reports

Most of these example projects require a valid SysCAD license (can be trial license).

  • Steady-state example projects require a steady-state (ProBal) license while dynamic projects require a dynamic license (except for very small projects)
  • Some example projects may require additional add-ons and licensing options, such as energy balance, size distribution or species and TCE thermodynamic model add-ons.
  • Only some small example projects can be opened in demonstration mode.
  • Please see Required Add-On column in the tables below for license option required to open and run the example projects.
  • Note that documentation for Example Projects refers to projects distributed with the latest release of SysCAD. Documentation may occasionally be out of date.

List of Projects

Steady State Example Projects (By Group)

Group Project Name Purpose / Functionality Required Add-on
Steady State Example Projects: Demonstrates various SysCAD Functionality and Feature.
Command Script Example A simple project demonstrating how to use command script file to run sensitivity analysis. Energy Balance
Demand Example This simple project uses the Steam balance around a plant with High, Medium and Low Pressure steam to demonstrate the Demand in pipes functionality.
Energy Balance Example A project demonstrating mass and energy balance calculation across some simple unit operations.
Heat of Dilution Example A simple project showing the use of heat of dilution functionality in SysCAD.
Lime Preparation (Makeup) Example This example project shows how to use the make up functionality.
Model Procedure Example This project demonstrates how write simple user defined models / side calculation using Model procedure. -
Solubility Example A simple project showing the use of solubility functionality in SysCAD. Energy Balance
Water Treatment (Demand) Example This simple project shows how to set up a RO_Unit to separate out brine, uses the Demand functionality. -
Steady State Example Projects: Demonstrates the use and set up of process units.
Absorption Tower (MultiK) Example A simple project emulating an absorption tower with three sections and using Multi-Component VLE. Energy Balance
Absorption Tower Example A simple project emulating an absorption tower with two or three sections and using VLE and Solubility.
Boiler and Combustion Example A simple project consisting of a combustion reactor and a boiler unit.
Calcine and Fuel Example A simple project emulating a combustion unit providing the energy for an alumina calciner.
Cooling Tower Example A project consisting of a cooling tower only. This is useful to evaluate the operation of this unit.
Counter Current Washer Example Simple project to demonstrate mud washers. This example shows the use of unit operation “counter current washer” AND “washer”.
Crystallisation Example An example project showing the use of an Evaporator model as a Crystalliser. The project has a single aqueous species with a number of solubility curves, and different solid species being precipitated using Solubility functionality at specific points in the flowsheet.
Evaporator Flash Train Example A project containing evaporator with internal heat exchanger and barometric condensers. Also shows the solubility functionality.
Flash Train Example A project containing different configurations for flash tanks. The flash tanks are connected to shell and tube heaters, direct contact heaters and barometric condensers.
GFEM Simple Examples A project showing how to set up the Gibbs Free Energy Minimisation (GFEM) reactor. This project contains 5 simple example situations.
High Pressure Autoclave Leach Example Autoclave section only using high pressure autoclave leach. Shows typical base-metal leach reactions and the use of Reaction Source and Recycle.
IX Column Uranium Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an ion exchange column.
Mechanical Vapour Recompression MVR Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an Evaporator-Gas Compressor-Recycle heater Circuit.
Solvent Extraction Example A simple example showing how to build a closed loop solvent extraction circuit. The project also shows the use of Make up sources.
Thermocompressor TVR Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an Evaporator-Gas Thermocompressor-Recycle heater Circuit.
Reboiler Condenser Heat Exchanger Example Available from Build 139.35244. A simple example showing how to build a circuit using the Reboiler/Condenser Heat Exchanger (RCX) unit. The RCX is used to transfer heat from one stream to another.
Size Distribution Steady State Example Projects
SizeDistribution Milling and Flotation Example A simple project showing the use of flotation cells in SysCAD. Size Distribution
Milling and Magnetic Separation Example A simple project showing the use of flotation cells to emulate magnetic separators in SysCAD.
Size Distribution Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD handles size distribution in materials and units that alter, or split the flow based on the size distribution. It consists of crushers, screens, cyclones and mills.
Met Dynamics Steady State Example Projects
MetDynamics Crushing and Grinding Example Available from Build 139.36061. This project demonstrates the use of Met Dynamics unit models for a multi-stage crushing and grinding circuit. Size Distribution, Integrated Libraries, Met Dynamics
Crushing, Grinding and Flotation Example Available from Build 139.35531. This project demonstrates the use of Met Dynamics unit models for a multi-stage crushing and grinding circuit followed by a multi-stage flotation circuit.
PHREEQC Steady State Example Projects (Available from Build 139.)
PHREEQC Evaporators Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an Evaporation Flash Train using PHREEQC Evaporator. Energy Balance
RO Plant Example This project demonstrates how to use of the PHREEQC RO unit for calculating maximum permeate recovery.
Simple Reactor Example This project demonstrates several different operating modes for the PHREEQC reactor.
Uranium Solvent Exchange (USX) Example This project demonstrates how to use the PHREEQC Solvent Extraction model. TCE, Energy Balance
Raffinate Water Treatment Example This project demonstrates how to use PHREEQC Reactors with General Separators to model a multistage water treatment circuit for waste water streams. TCE, Energy Balance
Raffinate Water Treatment Example (with Adsorption) This project demonstrates how to use PHREEQC Reactors with General Separators to model a multistage water treatment circuit for waste water streams. It includes multicomponent adsorption to ferrihydrite and alumina. TCE, Energy Balance
REE SX Example Available from Build 139.35531. This project demonstrates how to use PHREEQC Solvent Extraction to build a typical rare earth solvent extraction circuit. TCE, Energy Balance
OLI Steady State Example Projects (New OLI example projects are available from Build 139.31866.)
OLI Acid Recovery NF Example This project looks at nanofiltration of concentrated acidic copper sulphate solutions. (To run this project a valid OLI Systems license is required) TCE, Energy Balance
Potash Crystallisation Example A MOP (Muriate of Potash) project, demonstrates the setup of multi-stage-crystalliser flash train consisting of OLI Evaporator, Barometric condenser and heat exchangers. (To run this project a valid OLI Systems license is required)
Simple Reactor Example This project demonstrates several different operating modes for the OLI reactor. (To run this project a valid OLI Systems license is required)
OLI Legacy OLI Demo Lithium Carbonate Acid Leach Project NOTE: This project will be discontinued in future release.
This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate a lithium carbonate plant using the acid leach process with the use of OLI to perform side calculations. (To run this project an OLI license is required)
TCE, Energy Balance
ChemApp Steady State Example Projects (Available from Build 139.)
ChemApp Nickel Laterite Smelter This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate the Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF) process in a Nickel Laterite Smelter. CST file provided by M4Dynamics. (To run this project a full ChemApp license is required). TCE, Energy Balance
Multivariable Optimisation of Ni Smelter Based on Ni Laterite Smelter, this project demonstrate how to use SysCAD COM Automation through Python to perform a multivariable optimisation to achieve various set point targets simultaneously. CST file provided by M4Dynamics. (To run this project a full ChemApp license is required).
Hybrid GFEM + ChemApp Electric Furnace Based on Ni Laterite electric furnace, this project demonstrate how to use SysCAD GFEM reactor together with a ChemApp sidecalc to reproduce non-ideal multi-component solution models by adjusting the activity coefficients of liquid metal and slag in GFEM reactor. CST file provided by M4Dynamics. (To run this project a full ChemApp license is required).
Combustion This project demonstrates how ChemApp can be used with SysCAD to simulate boiler and combustion examples. (This project requires ChemApp Light or ChemApp Full license) Energy Balance
AQSol Steady State Example Projects (Available from Build 139.). Note: Running these projects requires that the user first download and install the [Demonstration Version].
AQSol AQSol Brine Concentrator This project demonstrates the use of the AQSol Evaporator as part of a brine concentrator circuit. Energy Balance
AQSol Fractional Crystallization This project demonstrates the use of AQSol Reactors and an AQSol Evaporator in a fractional crystallisation circuit.
AQSol RO Plant This project demonstrates how to use of the AQSol RO unit for calculating maximum permeate recovery.

Steady State Example Projects (By Industry)

Group Project Name Purpose / Functionality Required Add-on
Alumina Digestion Example Bauxite digester with a flash train consisting of 10 flash tanks, 8 shell and tube heat exchanges and condensation pots and a direct contact heater. Alumina, Energy Balance
Digestion with Tube Digestor Example Digestion circuit with a flash train consisting of 9 flash tanks, 10 tube digesters, condensation pots and live steam heaters.
Evaporation with Cooling Tower Example An evaporation train consisting of 9 flash tanks and shell and tube heaters and 1 flash tank with a barometric condenser and a cooling tower.
Falling Film Evaporation (FFE4) Example Example of an evaporation circuit constructed using Falling Film Evaporators 4 (FFE4) unit. This project models upto 6 effects with optional flashing stages.
Precipitation with Cooling Example A simple precipitation circuit simulated using three different precipitation methods (three separate flowsheets). This project also shows the use of external/internal cooling. Alumina, Energy Balance, Size Distribution
PSD Precipitation Circuit A simple precipitation circuit with simplified classification using full particle size data.
Precipitation with Embedded Classifier Example A simple example showing how the internal classifier works in the Precipitation model.
PSD Precip with Oxalate co-precip Example A simple precipitation circuit with classification using full particle size data, includes oxalate co-precipitation and oxalate removal from fine seed circuit.
PSD Precipitation and Classification Circuit A detailed precipitation and classification circuit including oxalate co-precipitation with separate classification using full particle size data. Includes detailed reporting.
Ammonia Demo Ammonia Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an ammonia plant. Energy Balance
Demo ASU WEU HBR Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate an ammonia plant, as three separate sub sections: ASU, WEU and HBR.
Gold Demo Gold Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate a gold leaching circuit. Energy Balance
Lithium Demo Lithium Carbonate CRM Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate a lithium carbonate plant using the CRM process. Energy Balance
Demo Lithium Carbonate Acid Leach Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate a lithium carbonate plant using the acid leach process.
Nickel Demo Nickel Copper Project A project with multiple flowsheets demonstrating most of the unit operations required in a base metal refinery. Energy Balance
Potash Four Stage Crystallisation Example A MOP (Muriate of Potash) project showing the use of Potash Solubility, and the set up of multi-stage-crystalliser flash train consisting of PotashEvaporator, Evaporator, Barometric condenser and heat exchangers. Energy Balance, Potash
SOP Example Project An SOP (Sulphate of Potash) project showing how a brine stream can be concentrated in a series of evaporation ponds and the precipitated solids refined in a processing plant to produce an SOP Product. Energy Balance
Three Stage Evaporator Example A MOP (Muriate of Potash) project showing the use of Potash Solubility, and the set up of multi-stage-Evaporators with embedded heat exchangers. Energy Balance, Potash
PowerPlant Cogeneration Example A simple Cogeneration plant which produces electricity and steam by burning natural gas. Energy Balance
Demand Example (with desuperheaters) This simple project uses the Steam balance around a plant with High, Medium and Low Pressure steam to demonstrate the Demand in pipes functionality as well as utilising the desuperheater model.
Power Plant Example A demonstration power plant utilising boiler, multi-stage turbines and condensers.
Rankine Cycle Example A simple project simulates the Rankine cycle.
Rare Earths Demo Rare Earths Project Available from Build 139. A project with multiple flowsheets demonstrating multiple unit operations to produce a mixed rare earth product. Energy Balance
Smelting Copper Flash Furnace example Simulation of Flash Furnace as three simpler unit operations (Shaft section, Settler Section and Uptake) Energy Balance
FerroManganese Furnace Example Simulation of FerroManganese Furnace as four zones to produce metal, slag and offgas streams. Variety of feeds (fluxes, reductants, ores) possible. Many control options available.
GFEM Blast Furnace Examples A project showing how to set up the Gibbs FEM reactor to simulate blast furnace reactions. This project contains 2 examples:
The first is a relatively simple example using only the solid and gas phase of the furnace, with a fixed temperature;
The second example includes the slag phase and an energy loss to ambient. In this example the GFEM unit calculates the final temperature of the product.
Steelmaking Green Steelmaking Example This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate DRI process using hydrogen. The model includes GFEM reactors, non-ideal binary solution model and magnetic ordering parameters for Gibbs equations. Energy Balance
Sugar Sugar Milling Example A simple project showing sugar milling circuit, demonstrates the use of various sugar unit operations including shredder, sugar crusher, and juice screen. Energy Balance, Sugar
Sugar Clarification Example A simple heating and clarification circuit showing the use of mud filter.
Sugar Falling Film Evaporation Example A simple multi-effect falling film evaporator circuit, showing the use of FFEvaporator 4 unit operation.
Sugar Vac Pan Example A simple project showing the use of vacuum pan.
Uranium Demo Uranium Project A simple project showing Uranium Solvent Extraction circuit plus a Precipitation and Calciner circuit. Energy Balance
Urea Demo Urea Project This project demonstrates how SysCAD can be used to simulate a Urea plant. Energy Balance
WasteRecycling Glass Sorting Facility A project showing separation of material based on size and type. Shows the use of Size Distribution and Model Procedures. Energy Balance, Size Distribution
Water Ionic Desalination Example A project showing desalination of seawater using two Reverse Osmosis (RO) units in series. Includes pretreatment of the seawater with strainer and microfiltration units and energy recovery through use of Pressure Exchanger. Uses ionic aqueous species. Energy Balance
Water Treatment Example A project showing a conventional drinking water treatment plant. Includes coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Uses ionic aqueous species.
Water Molecular Desalination Example A project showing desalination of seawater using two Reverse Osmosis (RO) units in series. Includes pretreatment of the seawater with strainer and microfiltration units and energy recovery through use of Pressure Exchanger. Uses molecular aqueous species. Energy Balance
Water Treatment Example A project showing a conventional drinking water treatment plant. Includes coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Uses molecular aqueous species.
Zinc Zinc Hydrometallurgical Project A Simple Zinc Hydromet Plant showing leach, precipitation, purification and electrowinning circuits. Energy Balance

Dynamic Example Projects

Group Project Name Purpose / Functionality Required Add-on
General Dynamic Plant Example A simple dynamic flow project, with a single tank with a reaction and control valves. It also demonstrates the use of profile, noise and level control. Energy Balance
Dynamic Transfer Pull Network Example A simple project showing how to set up Dynamic Transfer Pull network. -
Foundry Example Simulation of a Foundry where a combination of Alloy and Scrap feeds are melted and cast. Energy usage is calculated, and resultant energy costs determined based on standard, peak and off-peak energy costs. Energy Balance
OPC Marshal Example A simple project demonstrating the connectivity between SysCAD, OPC server and OPC client. SysCAD Marshal (OPC)
Piping System Example A simple project demonstrating how to use and set up Piping Systems. Energy Balance
Planning Example A simple project that demonstrates the use of mining profile and shipping schedule for production planning purposes. This project contains an Excel front end to drive the model. -
Tailings Dam Example A simple project demonstrating how to use and set up Tailings Dam Model. Energy Balance
Waste Handling with Batch Digestion This is a generic household waste handling plant with conveyors, splitters, bins and a number of Batch digestion tanks.
Sugar Sugar Centrifuge Example Available from Build 139.35250. A simple dynamic state machine project, with a single tank feeding several centrifuges. Useful for batch processes and schedule planning. Sugar
PHREEQC PHREEQC Ion Exchange Column Example Available from Build 139.36389. A lithium ion exchange column. It demonstrates the use of PHREEQC Tanks for the spatially dependent loading of a column. Energy Balance, TCE
Met Dynamics Dynamic Grinding Example Available from Build 139.36389. The project simulates a two-stage grinding circuit with secondary and tertiary grinding using ball and stirred mills, both in closed circuit with hydrocyclones. Size Distribution, Integrated Libraries, Met Dynamics