TCE Dynamic Projects

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PHREEQC Ion Exchange Column Example

IX Column.png

Project Location

..\SysCADXXX\ExamplesDynamic\PHREEQC IX Column Example.spf

Available from Build 139.36389.

Features Demonstrated

  1. The use of PHREEQC Thermodynamic Calculation Engine using a customised database.
  2. The use of PHREEQC Model Configuration.
  3. The use of PHREEQC Tank.
  4. The use of a General Controller.
  5. The use of Archive Reporter for reporting dynamic data to excel.

Brief Project Description

  • This example project presents a dynamic finite element model of a lithium ion exchange column.
  • It includes three stages of operation - loading, washing, and elution. All data is obtained from open literature sources, see "References" below.
  • Feed solution is fed to the ion exchange column.
  • Column operating parameters can be set using a general controller.
  • A Class is used to model the operation of the column. This class can be reused for any column.
  • The resin bed is modelled as a series of 15 "slices", with each slice being a PHREEQC Tank
  • Liquor flows between each slice. Liquid holdup in each slice is determined by the level of the overflow on the slice and the initial charge of resin in the column.
  • Resin loss is not considered.

Project Configuration

  • Most units with reactions are simulated by the PHREEQC Tank unit model.
  • A General Controller is used to control the column.

Included Archiver Report

  • Production table including the following outputs:
    • Flowrates of feed, wash, eluent, and eluate
    • Lithium content (%solids) at each slice of the column
    • Production rate of lithium in the discharge


  1. YS Won, H. You, M-G Lee, "Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherm Studies for the Aqueous Lithium Recovery by Various Type Ion Exchange Resins", Korean J. Mater. Res., Vol 26, No 9, 2016.
  2. Pitzer.dat database, distributed with PHREEQC
  3. LLNL.dat database, distributed with PHREEQC