Material Flow Section - Size
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Navigation: Models ➔ Common Sections ➔ Material Flow Section ➔ Size (Sz)
Material Flow (Qo) | Qxxxx Tab Include Properties | Species Flow | Optional Tabs | ||||||||
Basic Information | Energy ValuesAtUserTandP | Density Correction Solubility Saturation | Acidity Charge Transport | HeatsOfCombustion Heating Values | Solution Impurity H2O Properties | Water Quality | Sp Tab EC Tab | DLockup LockUp | DTrack Track | DSz Sz MSz | DSSA SSA |
Related Links: Common Content Section, Size Distribution (PSD), Size Distribution Definition
Once a Size distribution has been created the Define size tab page (DSz) will be activated. This allows the user to define the Size Distribution(s) for the solids in the unit. For more information please see Size Distribution Definition.
DSz Tab Page
- This tab is only visible if Size Distribution (PSD) has been configured in the Configuration file AND SzDist.Action has been set to 'Create' or 'Modify', either in a Feeder or in a Pipe on the Qi tab.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Inputs | ||
Distribution | Input / Display | If more than one Size Distribution has been defined for the project, then the user may select the required Size distribution in this field. If only a single Size Distribution is defined for the project, then this field displays the Size distribution. |
Method | Rosin-Rammler | Mass fraction retained in each size interval is calculated using the Rosin-Rammler equation with two user-specified constants: a & b. |
Modified Rosin-Rammler | Mass fraction retained in each size interval is calculated using the Modified Rosin-Rammler equation with two user-specified constants: d50 and sharpness constant. | |
Gaudin-Schuhmann | Mass fraction retained in each size interval is calculated using the Gaudin-Schuhmann equation with two user-specified constants: k & m. | |
Lynch | Mass fraction retained in each size interval is calculated using the Lynch equation with two user-specified constants: d50 & m. | |
LinearInterpolate | This method takes a user defined number of data points and interpolates to determine the size distribution across the full range of size intervals. | |
DataPoints: Interval Fraction | With this method the user directly sets the mass fraction in each individual size interval. | |
SingleDefn | Tick Box | This is enabled when you are tracking size data independently for multiple solids species. When enabled the user can select this to set a single size distribution definition that applies to ALL solid species (rather then separate parameters for each solid). |
The required inputs will depend on the Method chosen. The Size Distribution fields will either be display fields, or in the case of Data Entry they will be input fields. Please see Size Distribution Definition for the equations and description of these fields. | ||
Display Options | ||
View (Not visible for Data Entry methods) |
Interval Fraction | The table will display the calculated mass fraction in each interval fraction. |
Cumulative Passing | The table will display the cumulative mass passing through each sieve size. In this case the top size will always display 100%. | |
Cumulative Retained | The table will display the cumulative mass retained on each sieve size. In this case the top size will always display 0%. | |
Intervals | ![]() ![]() |
Clicking on this button will toggle between displaying the size intervals in Ascending or Descending order. |
Size_Units | List | The user may select the display units, i.e. mm, um, etc., from a drop-down list. |
Please see Size Distribution Definition for more information on the methods and constants used.
Sz Tab Page
- This tab is only visible if Size Distribution (PSD) has been configured in the Configuration file AND Size Distribution (PSD) has been 'Created', either in a Feeder or in a Pipe on the Qi tab, upstream of the current unit.
Tag (Long/Short) | Calc / Option | Descriptions |
Sz... | ||
SpeciesX.Qm | Calc | Each species selected to contain size data will be listed here, showing the mass flow for that species.
Zeros | ![]() ![]() |
Toggles between show / hide zero. Only applies to the SpeciesX.Qm section above. |
The size distribution table displays the parameters described below for each solid with a specified size distribution.
| ||
Size Intervals | TopSize / MidSize | The size displayed will be the "topsize" or "midsize" of the size interval. SysCAD calculates the MidSize for each size interval using the Geometric Mean. See Sz Data Sections for more information. |
FP: | Fraction passing of the solids - this is the fraction of solids in a size interval. | |
FPCum: | Cumulative Fraction passing of the solids, summing from the smallest size fraction to the largest. | |
Qm | Mass flowrate of the solid within the size interval | |
QmCum | Cumulative Mass flowrate of the solids, summing from the smallest size fraction to the largest. | |
SpN: | Optional view. Number of Particles per unit mass of solids. | |
SpNCum: | Optional view. Cumulative Number of Particles per unit mass of solids, summing from the smallest size fraction to the largest. | |
NFp: | Optional view. Number of Particles for the size interval as a percentage of the total number of particles. | |
NFpCum: | Optional view. Cumulative Number of Particles for the size interval as a percentage of the total number of particles, summing from the smallest size fraction to the largest. | |
Qn | Optional view. Number of Particles per unit time within the size interval. | |
QnCum | Optional view. Cumulative Number of Particles per unit time within the size interval, summing from the smallest size fraction to the largest. | |
Distribution | Display List | Shows the size distribution being used. |
Global SzDist (PSD) View Options | ||
Intervals | ![]() ![]() |
Clicking on this button will toggle between displaying the size intervals in Ascending or Descending order. |
Interval Display | ![]() ![]() |
Clicking on this button will toggle between displaying the size intervals as TopSize or MidSize. |
CumulativeDisplay | ![]() ![]() |
Only visible if the project contains one PSD solid. In the Separate Table mode, the cumulative values are displayed as a separate table. The Separate Table mode will always be used when two or more PSD solids are used. |
ViewColumns | ![]() with popup selection |
Clicking on this button will show a popup list containing all available variables for the size distribution table. Please note that if the project contains many PSD solids, then this list can become very long. To shorten the list, please only select the required display option from the Plant Model - Qualities tab. |
View Options | PlantModel.PSD | clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of this will jump to the Plant Model - Qualities tab. |
Please see Sz Data Sections for more information and explanation of the above fields.
MSz Tab Page
- This tab is only visible if Size Distribution (PSD) has been configured in the Configuration file AND Size Distribution (PSD) has been 'Created', either in a Feeder or in a Pipe on the Qi tab, upstream of the current unit.
Tag (Long/Short) | Calc | Descriptions |
Size Passes Fraction | ||
P80: | Calc | Size passing fraction = 80%. Fraction set in the configuration file. |
P50: | Calc | Size passing fraction = 50%. Fraction set in the configuration file. |
Fraction Passing Size | ||
m100: | Calc | Fraction passing 100 microns. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file. |
m10000: | Calc | Fraction passing 10000 microns (10 mm). The size interval definition is set in the configuration file. |
Fraction Retained Size | ||
r1000: | Calc | Cumulative retained fraction at specified size of 1000 microns (1mm). The size interval definition is set in the configuration file. |
Other | ||
PPG: | Calc | Total Particle Count per Mass. |
SAM: | Calc | Surface Area Mass basis (per Gram). |
SAL: | Calc | Surface Area per Liter |
APD | Calc | Average particle diameter based on Fraction Passing and Geometric mean size of each size interval |
Mass Passing Size | ||
Qm100 | Calc | Cumulative passing mass at specified size. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file. |
Mass Retained Size | ||
QmR100 | Calc | Cumulative retained mass at specified size. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file. |
Spread and Range | ||
QuartileSpread | Calc | Difference in sizes at two specified cumulative passing fractions: 75.0% - 25.0%. Range definition is set in the configuration file. |
mRange10_1000 | Calc | Mass flow between two different size ranges: 0.010mm to 1.000mm. Range definition is set in the configuration file. |
fRange1_10000 | Calc | Mass Fraction between two different size ranges: 0.001mm to 10.000mm. Range definition is set in the configuration file. |
Please see MSz Data Sections for more information and explanation of the above fields.