Downloading SysCAD Software and Updates

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Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389

Related Links: File Transfers (Basecamp)


There are typically two types of downloading that SysCAD users routinely perform:

  1. Downloading SysCAD software and updates from the SysCAD website:
  2. Sharing projects and related files on the Basecamp file sharing site:
  • Note that these sites have different logins and passwords.

This page is for Downloading SysCAD Software and Updates. See File Transfers (Basecamp) for Basecamp information.

Each new client is set up with an Administrative user, this user (and others that are given permission) can login to the SysCAD website and download the latest software and updates. This includes:

  1. Full installation files for major builds (this is for new users or users upgrading to a new build (e.g. from Build138 to Build139). Please note the full install does not include client specific add-ons. For clients with specific add-ons, please refer to section immediately below.
  2. SysCAD update files for minor builds, (this is for updates within the same Major Build number, aimed at users with SysCAD Build139 already installed, and wanting to update from say Build139.30918 to Build139.31157).
    • Users can securely download the main SysCAD files. Users will only be able to download SysCAD versions (Build numbers) to which they are entitled. For clients with specific add-ons, please refer to section immediately below.
  3. Updated and additional documentation (some documentation are included as part of the full install, others are only available here, i.e. supplementary tutorial files)
  4. Updated separate downloads for Basefiles and Example Files (these are included as part of the full install)
  5. Updated Utilities files (these are included as part of the full install)
Downloading addons SysCAD139.png

SysCAD update files for client specific add-ons.

  • Users can securely download their client specific add-ons. Users will only be able to see the client add-ons to which they are entitled. Ensure that the build number for the client add-on is an exact match to the SysCAD version number of the main SysCAD files.

Downloads (from

Admin User / User Login

Download Login.png

Once a valid username and password have been entered, the user will be directed to a client specific set of available files to download:

  • For companies with current maintenance agreements, this will include the latest SysCAD version update, the most current full install file for SysCAD and other related files.
  • If the company is entitled to any client specific downloads, then these will also be available on this page.
  • For Full installation, please see SysCAD Installation Instructions.
  • For SysCAD updates, please see SysCAD Updates

Reset Password

Passwordreset2.png If the user has forgotten their password, please click the Forgot Password button. If this is a valid registered email address, a password reset link will be emailed to you.

Admin User


  • SysCAD requires each client to nominate a Primary SysCAD Contact(user) and an optional IT/Technical Contact person, contact details required include: Name, email address, contact phone number, contact physical address, position in the company.
  • Both the nominated contacts will be set as an "Admin User" for the user site.
  • Once the Admin User logs in with the provided username (usually email address) and password, they can change the password if they wish.
  • Admin user can add other users to the site.
  • Should the main contact person details change, please notify the SysCAD team, so new Admin User details can be setup to allow your company continued access to the download site.

Once the Admin User is logged in, they will have an additional button called Manage Account. (This button is only visible to the Admin user, at the bottom of the page.) This button allows the Admin User to control user access to the company downloads site.

Admin User - Manage User Access

  • Admin user can add or remove users
  • Users added can choose their own passwords.

To add a new user:

  1. Fill in the form with the user details
  2. Select the "Send NEW members the welcome email" tickbox.
  3. Press submit.
Add New user.png

To remove a user, from the list of names, press the Remove button next to the person to be removed.

Remove user.png

Trial User

SysCAD Trial Software can be downloaded from the SysCAD Website:

  • Request a Trial User password by filling in a form in the Download Trial Section.
  • Once the Trial login information is obtained (via email), the user can download the SysCAD installation file for evaluation purposes.
  • Install the trial version of SysCAD, make sure the person installing SysCAD has local administration rights to the computer.
  • Startup SysCAD. The user will receive a number of dialog boxes such as shown below:

Unlicensed trial139.png Trial License Authorisation139.png

  • The Site Code shown in the License Authorisation dialog box is a unique code.
    • Press the EmailSiteCodebutton.png button to auto-generate an email to [email protected] (may depend on email setup and IT permissions). Press send.
    • If EmailSiteCodebutton.png fails, please press the LicenseCopytoClipboardbutton.png button. Paste this information into an email and send this to [email protected].
  • The SysCAD Team will issue a corresponding Site Key for a trial SysCAD license and email this back to the user.
  • Once the user has received the Site Key enter this in the License Authorisation dialog and press Validate.
  • The trial period is usually three weeks.
  • If you need to send a new site code to extend the trial or change options, use the License\License Authorisation command from within SysCAD, but still send the site code to [email protected].