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Getting Started and Installation Training Tutorial Guidelines and Examples
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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544


It is strongly recommended that new users budget for some form of SysCAD training, as it has proven the most time and cost effective method of learning to use the software effectively.

KWA Kenwalt Australia (the owners and developers of the SysCAD software) offer formal and informal SysCAD training courses on an as needed basis. The different types of training offered and course content are discussed in the following sections.

Please contact us for pricing information or to discuss your individual needs.

Training Delivery Formats

Two different forms of delivery of training are available. Both provided by one of our highly experienced simulation engineers:

  1. Face-to-Face training – we provide this training in the client’s office, or in a suitable training facility. We recommend this form of training, as it provides 3 to 5 days of continuous training for multiple users with personal contact with a trainer and the ability to ask questions and discuss issues in depth.
  2. Online training – this is for training up to 4 people at a time. We provide interactive web based training (live video conference style) in 2-hour sessions and the trainees are required to work through the SysCAD exercises between the training sessions.

Face-to-Face Training

  • Recommended class size 2-5 people. Recommended maximum class size 6 people.
  • The client will provide a training venue and supply a data projector.

Online Training

  • Training is for a maximum of 4 people. As SysCAD training is interactive, the smaller the class, the more beneficial the training will be.
  • We use software that allows the trainee to view the computer monitor of the SysCAD trainer, and the trainer may also view SysCAD on the trainee’s computer.
  • Online training is typically provided in 2 hour online sessions plus an additional 1 hour for the trainee to practise/review on their own. The 1 hour session for exercises/practise/review is important as this will help to consolidate the trainee’s SysCAD skills and is expected for the next session.
  • Typically about one-fifth of total training hours is used as offline time by the trainer for reviewing and troubleshooting projects, answering emails, etc.
  • Scheduling is flexible but we would recommend training be completed within a 2 week period. For instance, training sessions could be scheduled once or twice a day over consecutive days.
  • The client must have access to a reliable Internet connection.
  • We highly recommend 2 screens as the trainee can then have the video/screen sharing application open on one screen and be able to see their own computer on the second screen. Alternatively, the client may use a data projector to display the video/screen sharing application for all users to see.

Training Content

In general, the training can be customised to meet the needs of the client, including skipping irrelevant sections or covering additional/optional features. The content of the SysCAD training may consist of a combination of the following:

  1. Steady-state: using the SysCAD Introductory Tutorial, introduce the basic concepts of modelling in SysCAD followed by some practical Training Exercises.
  2. Dynamic: using the SysCAD Dynamic Tutorial, introduce the key elements of dynamic modelling in SysCAD followed by some practical Training Exercises.
  3. Supplementary Topics: using the SysCAD Supplementary Tutorials, introduce selected topics, advanced features and capabilities of interest followed by some practical Training Exercises.
  4. Thermodynamic Calculation Engine (TCE): training in use of a specific TCE add-on in SysCAD. Current options include OLI, PHREEQC, AQSol and ChemApp.
  5. Training Exercises: with assistance from the trainer, solidify knowledge learnt from tutorials by practice in building models based on flowsheets relevant to the client.

A typical steady-state training course for new users would consist of items 1, 3 and 5.

A typical dynamic training course for new users would consist of items 1, 2, 3 and 5.

These are described in more detail in the following sub-sections.

Steady-State Training

Using the SysCAD Introductory Tutorial, users are introduced to SysCAD, learn basic flowsheet modelling concepts and made aware of numerous features. Each section generally includes a description of the functionality followed by simple exercises for the user to complete. The trainer will first demonstrate and then assist users as they complete exercises.

After completing the relevant sections of the SysCAD Introductory Tutorial, topics of interest in the Supplementary Tutorials can be covered. Refer to Supplementary Training Topics.

Dynamic Training

This course is provided as a stand-alone course for competent steady-state users or can be completed immediately following the steady-state training. Using the SysCAD Dynamic Tutorial, users are introduced to key differences in unit operations and controllers in dynamic mode, shown how to configure the model and unit operations, and introduced to dynamic specific models and features. This is followed by a section on dynamic reporting and collecting of statistical information. After completing the required sections of the Dynamic Tutorial, optional topics in the Dynamic Tutorial can be covered. For example, dynamic flash train or dynamic alumina precipitation.

Supplementary Training Topics

Specific tutorials or chapters in additional Supplementary Tutorials are available on a wide range of features and advanced topics. For example, the use of Gibbs Free Energy Minimisation (FEM), species models or size distribution. A selection of these topics may be included with a Steady State or Dynamic Training course, but can be used in a stand-alone course for existing SysCAD users.

Thermodynamic Calculation Engine Training

Specific tutorials are available for each different third-party Thermodynamic Calculation Engine (TCE) add-on. One or more of these can be worked through based on the client’s requirements. Each tutorial will include any TCE required software, preliminary setup steps and use of the various TCE unit models within SysCAD. This will include the critical step of mapping species between the relevant TCE package and SysCAD.

Training Exercises

In addition to performing specific exercises while progressing through tutorial documents, training should always include a significant block of time (between 25% and 33%) to work on exercises specific to the users intended use of SysCAD. Significant progress in learning to use SysCAD competently is achieved through practice and real world exercises. Exercises solidify what was learnt during tutorials and gain experience in trouble-shooting during model development. Typically the exercises selected are flowsheets of areas of interest, with the added advantage of trainee being able to use the results in ongoing project work. In other words, a practical start on modelling can be completed during training.

Formal Training Duration

The amount of time (blocks of 4 hours) required for training is entirely dependent on selected training content (topics) and client objectives. Typically formal training duration varies between 4 and 10 blocks (2 and 5 days). Most commonly, for Introductory Steady State training, the duration is 3 days (6 blocks).

The number of SysCAD 4 hour training blocks required depends on a number of factors such as:

  • Client objectives and requirements (intended uses of SysCAD).
  • The industry and processes to be modelled.
  • SysCAD/modelling experience of trainees.
  • Class size.
  • Steady State and/or Dynamic modelling.
  • Number of optional or specialised topics included.

Contact Kenwalt to discuss and determine the training type and duration that best fits your objectives.Some examples below:

  • SysCAD Introductory Steady State Training - 6 Blocks - 3 Days
  • SysCAD Introductory Steady State Training with PHREEQC - 7 Blocks - 3 1/2 days
  • SysCAD Steady State and Dynamic Training - 10 Blocks - 5 days

Training Types

Training can be tailored to the client's needs. Different types of training services are available:

  1. Formal Training - this is a structured training course involving use of the Tutorials developed by Kenwalt and client specific exercises. Pricing includes training licenses for all trainees.
  2. Informal Training Services - this involves general help with use of SysCAD and/or flexibly working through parts of tutorials with an individual user. Client uses license purchased.
  3. Collaborative Model Development Services - this involves assistance and/or involvement in developing SysCAD projects (Base Case Plant Model). These services are provided in combination with Formal training. This has significant advantages as described below.

Where Kenwalt are separately contracted to develop a SysCAD model, Formal Training can be provided together with model hand-over.

Formal Training

For both In-Person and Online formal training, the structure of a training course has two main parts. Firstly working through Kenwalt supplied tutorials (based on selected Training Content). Secondly, for between 25% and 33% of allocated time, assisted practical SysCAD model building based on some agreed flowsheets relevant to the intended use of SysCAD.

Training Information/Requirements

  • Kenwalt will provide a 3-week SysCAD license for each trainee that attends a SysCAD training course. Maximum 10 training licenses per course.
  • Kenwalt will provide the latest version of the SysCAD software and an electronic version of the tutorial documentation.
  • The client may provide a printout of the training course material, either for each attendee or to be shared.
  • The client supplies a computer for each trainee.
  • We highly recommend 2 screens especially if the trainee is using a laptop. Though not essential, the workflow of SysCAD involves multiple applications apart from the SysCAD software and a second monitor will allow the trainees ease of access to these other resources and provide more productive user training time.
  • We recommend the users have a mouse to assist with the flowsheet development tasks.
  • Ideally the trainees should be connected to the internet throughout the training to allow access to the online help files.
  • The prerequisite for Dynamic training is that trainees are either:
    • Totally competent with steady state modelling using SysCAD; or
    • They complete the Steady State course and then move onto the Dynamic course.

Informal Training Services

This is where a client, typically an individual user with a SysCAD license, allocates a block of time for assistance with SysCAD modelling.

This may be any combination of:

  • Assist a client who is using the SysCAD Tutorial to self-teach themselves. This may include specialist or supplementary topics.
  • The client may have completed tutorials and has created their own SysCAD project and call on our experienced engineers for assistance as required.
  • Client has built and/or is using an existing model and requires assistance making changes, understanding and/or troubleshooting.

Collaborative Model Development Services

This is where Formal SysCAD Training is provided together with SysCAD Model Development Services. The provision and organisation of Training and Services is flexible and customised to the specific needs of the client.

Some examples of the types of services that can be provided are described below:

Build SysCAD Project

In this example, Kenwalt's experienced engineers, build the initial SysCAD project for a client. This can be followed by a combined SysCAD training course/model handover exercise, where the client project is used as a reference throughout the training course and for all subsequent exercises.

This type of model works well for a new client who has no staff competent with SysCAD who need a robust SysCAD project built in a timely fashion. The aim of the training/model handover will be to get the client team competent enough with SysCAD and familiar enough with the model that they will be able to take over management of the SysCAD project, including being able to make changes to the project.

Assist with Model Development

Experience has shown that two full weeks of combined training and modelling assistance can be very beneficial for a new client. This will ensure that at the end of this period the client will have a well-developed model. With the additional time, extra topics can be covered - such as advanced features, workflow, modelling standards, modelling best practices, etc. - and the user has additional time to become proficient in the use of the software.

Training Preparation

All trainees must have the latest SysCAD version installed and have sent their site code to us prior to the start of training. This ensures that we can start the training course at the start of day 1 without dealing with IT issues.

Please see Training Preparation for notes on:

  • Installation Instructions for SysCAD and Utility Programs
  • Checking License Location
  • Instructions for obtaining a SysCAD Training software license