Zinc Hydrometallurgical Project

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Example Projects ➔ 95 Zinc

-Example Zn 1-3.png -Example Zn 4-6.png -Example Zn 7-9.png

Project Location

This is a Steady State project and is stored at:

..\SysCADXXX\Examples\95 Zinc\Demo Zinc Hydrometallurgical Project.spf

Features Demonstrated

  1. The use of Makeup Source and Makeup Block (MU)
  2. How to control the acid addition to the leaching circuits
  3. How to set up Solubility data

Brief Description

  • This is a demonstration project of a simplified Zinc Hydrometallurgical plant. The project contains 10 simplified flowsheets as follows:
    1. Flowsheets 1 - 4 - leaching circuits, including Neutral Leach, Weak Acid Leach, Hot Acid Leach and Super Hot Acid Leach.
    2. Iron Precipitation to remove the iron
    3. Purification where various metals are separated
    4. Zinc Solution Cooling and Gypsum Removal.
    5. Zn Electrowinning.
    6. Flowsheets 9 and 10 are Spent Electrolyte Distribution and Reagents page.

Project Configuration

Setting up Makeup Source and Makeup Block (MU)
  • This project also demonstrates how to setup and consolidate the reagents/utility usage in the plant.
  • This is done by using makeup sources, there are seven (7) Makeup Sources in this project, these are:
    1. Air_Source
    2. Arsenic_TriOxide_Source
    3. Conc_Acid_Source
    4. Demin_Water_Source
    5. Floc_Source
    6. Steam_Source
    7. Zinc_Dust_Source
  • All Sources can be found on the Reagents flowsheet.
  • The configuration of the sources is straight forward - the user defines the source compositions directly.
  • The Makeup Block (MU) sub model can be used in many process units, this includes the Tanks, Ties, Pipes, Feeder/XPG Connector and other select unit operations.
  • In this project the pH control using the Makeup block is used as a safety feature to ensure that the required pH is maintained at all times in the different sections of the plant. The Makeup Block is added to the links exiting the different leach tanks and concentrated acid is added to adjust the pH, if it is not at the required set-point of the PID controllers. When the project is converged, no additional acid is required via these Makeup blocks. This ensures stability of the project convergence.

Excel Report

  1. Example Plant Criteria Report, used to set data into SysCAD as well as reporting back the actual values from SysCAD.
  2. Example Reactions Report detailing all the reaction and reaction extents used in the project.
  3. Example Stream Report
  4. Example Overall Mass Balance and Water Balance Report