Graphics Command Summary

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Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389

NOTE: This command menu is only available if a Graphics Window is currently active. Most Graphics commands are only available while SysCAD is not solving. All graphics command, floating toolbars, dialogue boxes are only valid for the currently active graphics page (where the command was started), so before switching to another graphics page, please close any opened command, toolbars or dialogue boxes.

Graphics Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
New Graphics Window NewDocument.png Open a new Graphics Window
Open Document OpenDocument.png CtrlKey.png+O Available from Build 139. Used to open a Graphics page that is currently closed See Open Document for more information.
Open Window (File) OpenProject.png CtrlKey.png+O Removed in Build 139. Used to open a Graphics page that is currently closed See Open Window (File) for more information.
Save/Rename As CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+A Saves a copy of the active Graphics Window as a different name. See Save/Rename As for more information.
Delete/Close Graphics Window Delete/Closes the active Graphics Window See Close/Delete Graphics Window for more information and warnings.
Group Operations CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+G This brings up the Graphics Flowsheet Group Operation Dialog box. A user can select multiple Graphics OR Areas to perform certain actions such as:
  • Activate / Deactivate flowsheets (this replaces the Solver Settings - Active Page Tab]]
  • Delete / Close flowsheets
  • Reset / Remove Qualities
  • Graphis page display actions such as resize tags, add breaks to lines and so on.
See Group Operations for more information.
Insert Unit InsertUnit.png CtrlKey.png+U Used to add unit models onto the flowsheet See Insert Unit for more information.
Link InsertLinkButton.png CtrlKey.png+L Connect two unit models together See Insert Link, Default Graphics for Insert Link and Graphics for Insert Link and Redraw Link for more information.
Symbol InsertSymbolButton.png Used to add dummy graphics symbols (no mathematical model) onto the flowsheet. See Insert Symbol for more information.
Text InsertTextButton.png CtrlKey.png+I Used to add text strings onto the flowsheet See Insert Text and Change Text for more information.
Group InsertGroupButton.png inserts a group of SysCAD models which has been saved using the Create Group command See Create Group and Insert Group for more information.
Edit Tag Position, Show or Hide TagAnnotationButton.png This command is used to show or hide unit display tags. The scale, rotation and position of the unit tags can be changed using the Update tag annotation dialog box. See Tag Position, Show or Hide for more information.
Used to move a graphics entity or text string on the currently active Graphics page. See Move for more information.
Scale/Rotate ScaleRotateButton.png Used to change the scale and/or rotation for a graphics entity on the currently active Graphics Window. See Scale/Rotate for more information.
Change Unit
Change Model Icon.png
CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+U Used to change the underlying mathematical model and/or link connectivity without changing the graphic symbol for the model and links . See Change Unit for more information.
Redraw Link RedrawLinkButton.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+L Used to change the appearance of the link (including the arrow style and scale size) without changing the connectivity information. See Redraw Link and Graphics for Insert Link and Redraw Link for more information.
Change Symbol
CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+U Used to change the Graphics symbol of a unit model without changing the underlying mathematical model See Change Symbol for more information.
Change Text
CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+I Used to edit dummy text string (added using Insert Text) on the graphics page. See Insert Text and Change Text for more information.
Disconnect Link
Link - Disconnect.png
Used to disconnect either the source or the destination unit, or both, from a link. See Connect Link and Disconnect Link for more information.
Connect Link
Connect Link.png
Used to connect either the source or the destination unit, or both, from a link. See Connect Link and Disconnect Link for more information.
Reroute Link
Reroute Link.png
Available from Build 139. Used to disconnect either the source or the destination unit, or both, from a link, then connect it, then redraw the link. See Reroute Link for more information.
Delete Delete DeleteButton.png CtrlKey.png+ D Used to delete selected units / links from the graphics page. See Delete for more information.
Explode ExplodeButton.png Used to delete selected units' mathematical model while leaving behind "dummy" graphics symbol. See Explode for more information.
Delete Graphics Only Used to delete a unit model's graphics symbol while leaving the mathematical model behind (orphan model). See Delete Graphics Only for more information.
Explode Symbol Used to detaches the unit's mathematical model and graphics symbol (orphan model + dummy graphics symbol). See Explode Symbol for more information.
Copy and Paste Copy CopyButton.png CtrlKey.png+C Used to copy selected models/text from the currently active flowsheet onto the clipboard. See Graphics Copy Limitations, Model Configuration Copy Limitations, Copy and Paste for more information.
Cut CtrlKey.png+X Used to relocate selected models/text from one flowsheet to another. See Cut and Paste for more information.
Paste PasteSpecialButton.png CtrlKey.png+V Used to paste information from the clipboard (added using either copy or cut) onto a SysCAD flowsheet. See Copy , Cut and Paste for more information.
Quick Copy CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+C Used to copy selected models/text from the currently active flowsheet onto the clipboard. Less user input options than the Copy command. See Quick Copy for more information.
Quick Paste PasteButton.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+V This command is used to paste the contents of the clipboard into a flowsheet. Less user input options than the paste command. See Quick Paste for more information.
Copy bitmap CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+C Copies the graphics page (screendump in mono colours) as a bitmap to the clipboard See Copy bitmap for more information.
Display Show all Unit tags Displays ALL unit Tags on the active Graphics page. See Display for more information.
Hide all Unit tags Hides ALL unit Tags on the active Graphics page. See Display for more information.
Size all Unit tags Applies the Preset Unit Tag size for ALL Units on the active Graphics page. The Tag size is specified on the General Options - Drawing tab. See Display and Drawing for more information.
Show all Link tags Displays ALL Link Tags on the active Graphics page. See Display for more information.
Hide all Link tags Hides ALL Link Tags on the active Graphics page. See Display for more information.
Size all Link tags Applies the Preset Unit Tag size for ALL Links on the active Graphics page. The Link size is specified on the General Options - Drawing tab. See Display and Drawing for more information.
No Breaks at Link Intercepts All link breaks where lines cross one another will be removed from the active graphics page. See Display, Drawing and Link Intercept Methods for more information.
Horizontal Breaks at Link Intercepts All links that crosses vertical lines will have Horizontal breaks added. All vertical breaks are removed. See Display, Drawing and Link Intercept Methods for more information.
Vertical Breaks at Link Intercepts All links that crosses Horizontal lines will have Vertical breaks added. All Horizontal breaks are removed. See Display, Drawing and Link Intercept Methods for more information.
Apply Arrow Style and Scale for Links Applies the Preset Arrow Style and Scale for ALL Links on the active Graphics page. The arrow style and scale are specified on the General Options - Drawing tab. See Display, Drawing and Link Arrow Options for more information.
Update Tear Graphics Available from Build 139.30427. Used to recreate the tear graphics symbol (>>) for the tear stream, useful for tidying up the drawing when link and tear symbol is out of sync, such as after link has been moved or redrawn. The tear graphics size is proportional to the the link arrow scale size. See Display and Drawing for more information.
Animation Insert Annotation Table InsertAnnotationButton.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+N Used to display selected variables as a table on the active graphics page. See Insert Annotation Table for more information.
Insert Fill Area InsertFillButton.png Adds animation to a variable such as Tank Level to the graphics page. See Insert Fill Area for more information.
Insert Dynamic Bars InsertDynBarButton.png Adds animation to selected variables in the form of bar graph on the graphics page. See Insert Dynamic Bars for more information.
Insert Toggle InsertToggleButton.png Adds animation to selected variables in the form of Large Dots on the graphics page. See Insert Toggle for more information.
Update Annotation Table UpdateAnnotationButton.png CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+N Edits the annotation table added via Insert Annotation Table. Used to add/remove variables as well as edit existing data in terms of display label, number format, engineering unit and table size. See Insert Annotation Table and Update Annotation Table for more information.
Update Fill Area UpdateFillButton.png Used to modify the fill area animation added via Insert Fill Area. User can use this to change fill colour, variable, data range or delete the dynamic fill. See Update Fill Area for more information.
Update Dynamic Bars UpdateDynBarButton.png Used to modify the dynamic bar animation added via Insert Dynamic Bars. User can use this to change bar colour, Bar size and Label display option. See Insert Dynamic Bars and Update Dynamic Bars for more information.
Update Toggle UpdateToggleButton.png Used to modify the toggle animation added via Insert Toggle. User can use this to change Dot colour, Dot size and Label display option. See Insert Toggle and Update Toggle for more information.
Refresh Annotation Updates the value display for all annotation tables (added via Insert Annotation Table) on the active graphics page. See Insert Annotation Table and Refresh Annotation for more information.
Refresh All Annotation RefreshAnnotationButton.png Updates the value display for all annotation tables (added via Insert Annotation Table) in the project. See Insert Annotation Table and Refresh All Annotation for more information.
Symbol Management List All Unit Symbols CtrlKey.png+J Used to view the graphical symbols used for all units on the active graphics page. If any symbol shown is not a standard SysCAD symbol, user can change or save the symbol using this command. See List All Unit Symbols for more information.
List Unit Symbols Used to view the graphical symbols used for the selected units. If any symbol is not a standard SysCAD symbol, user can change or save the symbol using this command. See List Unit Symbols for more information.
Highlight Non-Standard Links CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+J Highlights all links on the active graphics page that are not recognised as standard SysCAD links. See Highlight Non-Standard Links for more information.
Construct Load Drawing This is used to load an existing drawing into the active Graphics Window. See Load Drawing for more information and notes.
Construct Unit ConstructUnitButton.png Used to attach a SysCAD unit model (mathematical model) to a "dummy" graphics symbol. See Construct Unit and Manipulating Graphics for more information.
Construct Link ConstructLinkButton.png Used to attach a SysCAD link model (mathematical model) to a "dummy" graphics line. See Construct Link, Construct Unit and Manipulating Graphics for more information.
Construct Tie ConstructTieButton.png Used to break dummy line(s) at the intersection point and insert a Tie unit. See Construct Tie and Construct Link for more information.
Construct Symbol ConstructSymbolButton.png Used to attach an orphan model to a dummy graphics symbol. See Construct Symbol and Manipulating Graphics for more information.
Export All Symbols Used to export all the graphic symbols (unit models only, not including links) on the active graphics page to a sub folder in the project. See Export All Symbols for more information.
Isometric This command is only relevant for drawings with three dimensional spatial co-ordinates. This command zooms the graphics to an isometric view.
Redraw RedrawButton.png CtrlKey.png+B This command refreshes the drawing on the Graphics Window.
ZoomAll ZoomAllButton.png CtrlKey.png+M This command fits the full drawing on the Graphics Window. Can also use "mouse wheel click + Ctrl"
Zoom ZoomButton.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+M Opens the zoom floating toolbar to allow user to zoom/pan around the graphics page. Alternatively user can use the mouse wheel to zoom/pan around the graphics page. See Zoom Floating Toolbar OR Using the Mouse Wheel and Mouse Wheel Settings for more information.
Toggle Grid Display CtrlKey.png+G Toggles the Grid Display on / off. The Grid Display settings can be changed in General Options - Graphics

Colour Scheme

Graphics Window background colour can be changed here:

  • Black
  • Grey
  • LightGrey
  • Offwhite
  • White
Bulk Change Tag This opens a pop up toolbar allowing user to select the required models for change tag. TagChangeToolbar.png
  • Single left click on a unit will select/deselect it, click on each units that requires tag change, alternatively
  • Use the InWindow or CrossWindow buttons to draw a box around all the units that require tag change to select them.
  • Press the Tick button to open the Bulk Change Tag dialog box.
See Bulk Change Tag for more information.
Options Opens the General Options dialog box. The tab displayed will be one that relates to Graphics such as Graphics/Drawing/Colours/Mouse. See General Options Graphics for more information.