Tools Command Summary

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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

Tools Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
General Options GeneralOptionButton.png CtrlKey.png+A Opens the General Options Dialog box. The following options are available:
  • General : Various project options.
  • Access : Various project options.
  • Find : Various options for Find Query
  • Toolbars: Used to configure the toolbars.
  • Project: Various project options.
  • Graphics: Contains Graphics settings
  • Drawing : Contains default drawing settings
  • Colours: Graphics Window display colour options
  • Mouse: Used to assign mouse click actions
  • Trends: Contains Trend Window settings.
See General Options for more information.
Reports Reportbutton.png CtrlKey.png+R Used for exchanging data with Excel, either to export data from SysCAD to Excel, or to import data from Excel into SysCAD. See Adding and Executing Excel Reports for more information.
Command Scripts Used to load and run command script files See Command Scripts more information.
Browse Historian Tag Old way to access the historian. Archive is a better alternative. See Historian and Archive Reporter for more information.
Archive Options Icon Archive.png Only relevant for dynamic projects. Only available if Archive Reporter has been enabled on the Project Settings page. The Archive Options dialog box shows the tables that have been created and their frequency of data recording. See Archive Configuration and Archive Reporter Options for more information.
OPC Server Options The OPC Options will list a summary of the communication between the packages connected using OPC. See OPC Server for more information.
Update Behaviour This command updates the internal project revision number to match the revision number for the build of SysCAD being used.
In older projects, this may change some of the internal logic used.
Upgrade Compatibility Checks Available from Build 139.32925. This command checks the project compatibility for upgrade and use in a newer Build. Tests for use of unit models and settings that will be discontinued in a future Build. The results of the test are shown in the Message Window.
License Information LicenseInfoButton.png Lists the current license information, which include information such as the expiry date, SysCAD options and restrictions. See also License Information for more information on SysCAD licensing.