View Command Summary

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Project Edit View Species Tools Actions Graphics Trend/Control TagList License Window Help

Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389

View Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
Explorer ExplorerButton.png CtrlKey.png+E Used to explore the current prwoject
  1. Navigating to Existing Graphics and Other Windows
  2. Manipulating Organisation of Graphics Windows (Flowsheets)
  3. Navigating to Unit models or Pipes
  4. Copying Equipment or Pipe Lists to Clipboard
  5. Deleting Models without Graphics
See Explorer Window for more information.
Toolbars Opens the General Options > Toolbars tab, used to switch on/off toolbars and customise toolbar buttons. See General Options Toolbars for more information.
Project Description This command is tied-in with Plant Model - Project - DescLink field, this action will open the file entered:
  • If a hyperlink to a web address has been added, then this action will open the web page. (All distributed SysCAD example projects have the corresponding help file page linked, this command will take the user to the SysCAD help wiki).
  • If a full path of a file is provide, then the command may open the file (may depend on the file type and file association). For example, if "C:\SysCAD139\Examples\40 Nickel\Demo Nickel Copper Project.spf\Reports\Project Criteria Report.xlsx" is entered into the Plant Model - Project - DescLink field, then this command will open the Excel file.
  • If no information has been provided, this option is greyed out.
See Plant Model - Project for more information.
Project Opens the Project Window. See Project Window for more information.
Messages Opens the Messages Window. See Message Window for more information.
Conversions Opens the Conversions tab in the Project Window. See Conversion List for more information.
Plant Model IconPlantModel.png Used for global project settings. See Plant Model for more information.
Solver Settings SolverSettingsButton.png Sets solver method and options for the projects. See Solver Settings for more information.
Controls May be used to auto-tune controllers in the project, similar to trend window (with PID controllers). See Controls and Controls Window for more information.
Evaluation Order Open the order Evaluation Window to display how the solver network is built; the relationship between the units; the tears streams, the project input and output units and some PID controllers information. See Evaluation Order for more information.