Shortcut Keys

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Menu Commands ➔ Shortcut Keys

There are a number of shortcut keys for the most used SysCAD commands. These are summarised in the table below.

Keyboard Button Shortcut Keys Active Window Description
1 Ctrl + 1 Brings the Access 1 Window into view. The Access 1 window must have been accessed at least once.
2 Ctrl + 2 Brings the Access 2 Window into view. The Access 2 window must have been accessed at least once.
3 Ctrl + 3 Brings the most recently accessed Graphics window into view.
5 Ctrl + 5 Brings the message window into view.
A Ctrl + A Opens the Tools - General Options dialog box.
A Ctrl + Shift + A Graphic / Trend / TagList Activates the Graphic, Trend or TagList - Save As command.
B Ctrl + B Graphic Refreshes the Graphics on the graphics window, removes any temporary marker, if any.
B Ctrl + Shift + B Activates the Edit - Bulk Tag Change command.
C Ctrl + C Graphic Activates the Graphics - Copy command.
C Ctrl + C Access Copies the selected variable's name / value onto the clipboard.
C Ctrl + Alt + C Graphic Activates the Graphics - Copy Bitmap command.
C Ctrl + Shift + C Graphic Activates the Graphics - Quick Copy command.
C Ctrl + Shift + C Access Copies the selected variable as displayed on the access window onto the clipboard.
D Ctrl + D Graphic Activates the Graphics - Delete command.
E Ctrl + E Opens the View - Explorer Window.
E Ctrl + Shift + E Stops SysCAD if it is solving (steady state solve mode) or running (dynamic solve mode).
F Ctrl + F Activates the Edit - Quick Find command.
F Ctrl + Shift + F Activates the Edit - Find command
G Ctrl + G Graphic Toggles Graphics Grid Display on/off
G Ctrl + Shift + G Opens the Graphics - Group Operations dialog box.
I Ctrl + I Graphic Opens the Graphics - Insert Text dialog box.
I Ctrl + Alt + I Graphic Opens the Graphics - Change Text dialog box.
I Ctrl + Shift + I Pauses SysCAD if it is solving (steady state solve mode) or running (dynamic solve mode).
J Ctrl + J Graphic Opens the Graphics - List All Unit Symbols Dialog box
J Ctrl + Shift + J Graphic Highlights all non-standard Link on the active graphics window.
K Ctrl + K Trend Trend Window - Scroll to End (most recent time)
K Ctrl + Shift + K SysCAD Startup Opens the Edit - Project Configuration dialog box. (All opened projects must be closed)
L Ctrl + L Graphic Activates the Graphic - Insert Link command.
L Ctrl + Shift + L Graphic Activates the Graphic - Redraw Link command. See NOTE 1 below.
M Ctrl + M Graphic Activates the Graphics - Zoom All command, sizes the graphics page to fit the window.
M Ctrl + Alt + M Graphic Activates the Zoom with Window command, user can draw a selection box on the window to zoom in.
M Ctrl + Shift + M Graphic Opens the Graphics - Zoom floating toolbar.
N Ctrl + N SysCAD Startup Opens the Create New Project dialog box.
N Ctrl + N Graphic / Trend / TagList In Build 138 or earlier, opens the New Window (File) Graphics/Trend dialog box if a project is opened.
In Build 139 or later, opens the New Document dialog box if a project is opened. TagList is only available in Build139 and later.
N Ctrl + Alt + N Graphic Activates the Update Annotation Table command.
N Ctrl + Shift + N Graphic Activates the Insert Annotation Table command.
O Ctrl + O SysCAD Startup Activates the Open Project dialog box.
O Ctrl + O Graphic / Trend / TagList In Build 138 or earlier, activates the Open Window (File) (Graphics/Trend) dialog box if a project is opened.
In Build 139 or later, activates the Open Document dialog box if a project is opened. TagList is only available in Build139 and later.
P Ctrl + P Graphic Activates the Print command, prints the current active window.
P Ctrl + Shift + P Graphic In Build 138 and earlier - Activates the Print Multiple command, Prints Multiple Graphics Pages
In Build 139 or later - Activates the Print Multiple PDF command, Prints Multiple Graphics Pages in PDF format.
Q Ctrl + Q Close Project.
Q Ctrl + Shift + Q Opens the Edit - Manage Find Query List dialog box.
R Ctrl + R Opens the Excel Automation: Export Reports and Import Data Dialog Box
R Ctrl + Shift + R Starts SysCAD solve (steady state solve mode) or run (dynamic solve mode).
S Ctrl + S Activates Project - Save command.
S Ctrl + Alt + S Activates Project - Save Version command.
T Ctrl + T Access Copy Full Tag - Copies the selected variable's full tag name onto the clipboard.
T Alt + Shift + T Access Copy Tag for PGM - Copies the selected variable's full tag name, including PGM tag syntax onto the clipboard.
T Ctrl + Shift + T Solves the SysCAD project for 1 step/iteration.
T Ctrl + Alt + T Solves the SysCAD project for n step/iteration.
U Ctrl + U Graphic Opens the Graphics - Insert Unit dialog box.
U Ctrl + Alt + U Graphic Activates the Change Unit command.
U Ctrl + Shift + U Graphic Activates the Change Symbol command.
V Ctrl + V Access Pastes values from the clipboard.
V Ctrl + V Graphic Pastes the Cut or Copied Graphics (and configuration data, optional)
V Ctrl + Shift + V Graphic Quick Paste - Used to paste contents copied via the Quick Copy command.
W Ctrl + W Opens the View - Explorer Window. Same as Ctrl+E. This will be discontinued in future.
X Ctrl + X Graphic Cuts the Graphics (and its associated model configuration from the project)
X Ctrl + Alt + X Opens Windows Explorer and displays the current project folder.
X Ctrl + Shift + X Opens Windows Explorer and displays the configuration file (cfgfiles folder) used by the current project.
Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Resets the project Solve State.
Z Ctrl + Alt + Z Zip Project
Insert Control + Insert Graphic Activates the Graphics - Copy command.
Insert Shift + Insert Graphic Pastes the Cut or Copied Graphics (and configuration data, optional)
F1 F1 Opens the SysCAD online help Main Page
F1 Shift + F1 Opens the SysCAD online Models help Models
F3 F3 Quick Find Window Find the next item on the Find Query List
F3 Shift + F3 Quick Find Window Find the Previous item on the Find Query List
F4 Alt + F4 Exits SysCAD, prompts user to save project before exiting.
F5 F5 Starts SysCAD solve (steady state solve mode) or run (dynamic solve mode).
F5 Ctrl + F5 Pauses SysCAD if it is solving (steady state solve mode) or running (dynamic solve mode).
F5 Shift + F5 Stops SysCAD if it is solving (steady state solve mode) or running (dynamic solve mode).
F6 F6 Access Send to Quick View - Sends the selected variable to the Quick View window
F6 Ctrl + F6 Activates the Load Scenario command.
F6 Shift + F6 Activates the Save Scenario command.
F6 Ctrl + Shift + F6 Cycles through the various windows in SysCAD
F7 F7 Access Send to topmost trend - Sends the selected variable to the most recently opened trend window
F8 F8 Access Open Find Results - Runs the find query command with the selected variable, and returns the results on screen.
F10 F10 Activates the Step or Idle action command.
F10 Shift + F10 Activates the MultiStep or Idle action command.
F12 F12 Activates Project - Save As command.
F12 Shift + F12 Activates Project - Save command.


  1. For users using AMD graphics Card, Ctrl+Shift+L and Ctrl+Shift+O are Hotkeys used by the AMD Driver. If you would like to use the "Ctrl+Shift+L" shortcut key for SysCAD "Redraw Link" function, you may disable the AMD driver hotkey settings by completing the following:
    AMD Settings > Gaming > Global Settings > Performance Monitoring > Toggle Performance Logging Hotkey > Press "Delete" key
  2. Users may have other installed software or drivers that have may have Shortcut keys that may take precedence over SysCAD shortcut keys.