Project Command Summary

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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
Save Project Save.png CtrlKey.png+S Used to save the current project. See Save Project for more information.
Save Version SaveVersion.png CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+S Used to save a copy of the current project as a different name including the current name as prefix. See Save Version for more information.
Save As F12 Used to save a copy of the current project as a different name. See Save As for more information.
Close Project CtrlKey.png+Q Closes the current project, before closing the project, SysCAD will prompt for save of the project. This command is not available if SysCAD is running or solving. See Close Project for more information.
New Project Group Used to create a new project group and project.
  • Use this option when you are creating a SysCAD project for the first time or would like to make a new project group that is using a different set of species.
  • This option includes creating a new configuration file and project species database.
  • This command is only available prior to loading of SysCAD projects.
See New Project Group for more information.
New Project NewProject.png CtrlKey.png+N Used to create a new project using an existing configuration file and project species database. See New Project for more information.
Open Project OpenProject.png CtrlKey.png+O Used to open an existing project. See Open Project for more information.
Open Project (Alternate Configuration) OpenAltCfg.png Used to open an existing project using a different configuration file. See Open Project (Alternate Configuration) for more information.
Zip Project CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+Z Used to create a zip file of the files used in current project. See Zip Project for more information.
Merge Project Used to select and merge another project into the current project. See Merge Project for more information.
Save Layout This will save the position and size of all the windows as well as the position and arrangement of the toolbars. See Save Layout for more information.
Scenario Load Scenario LoadScenario.png CtrlKey.png+F6 Loads a saved scenario file into the current project. See Load Scenario for more information.
Save Scenario SaveScenario.png ShiftKey.png+F6 Saved current project state in a binary file. See Save Scenario for more information.
Compare Scenarios Saved Scenarios can be compared to find changes. See Compare Scenarios for more information.
Print Print Setup Sets the printing options. See Print Setup for more information.
Print Print.png CtrlKey.png+P Prints the current Graphics / Trend / Access Windows See Print for more information.
Print Multiple CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+P
(Build 138 or earlier)
Used to select and print single or multiple Graphics pages, user can select any installed printer driver with this function. Recommend using this to print hard copies. See Print Multiple for more information.
Print Multiple PDF
Available from Build 139.
(Build 139 or later)
Used to select and print single multiple Graphics pages using the "Microsoft Print to PDF" printer driver. This function allows user to print all graphics pages to a single file. Recommend using this to print to PDF. See Print Multiple PDF for more information.
Open Containing Folder Project folder CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+X Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the current project folder.
Configuration folder CtrlKey.pngAltKey.png+X Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the configuration folder used by the current project.
Reports folder Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the Reports folder used by the current project.
Application folder Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the installation folder of SysCAD.
License folder Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the license folder used by SysCAD.
Basefiles folder Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the Basefiles folder used by SysCAD.
Temporary folder Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the folder used by SysCAD to write any temporary files
Exit AltKey.png+F4 Exits SysCAD. Will prompt for save of opened project before exiting.