Edit Command Summary

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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
Project Configuration ProjectCfg.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+K Used to edit the project configuration. This function is only available prior to project load. See Project Configuration for more information.
Project Settings Used to adjust the project settings for the current project. NOTE: solver mode cannot be adjusted with this command. See Project Settings for more information.
Solver Setup ProbalDynSettingsButton.png Used to set methods and options for Steady State or Dynamic projects. See Solver Setup - Steady State Projects OR Solver Setup - Dynamic Projects for more information.
Conversions Manage Conversions Opens the Manage Conversion Defaults and Display dialog to set the Default Engineering Units as well as the default group selection. See Manage Conversion Defaults and Display for more information.
Use Metric Defaults Selects to use the Metric group of Engineering Units for the project. See Use Metric Defaults for more information.
Use American Defaults Selects to use the American group of Engineering Units for the project. See Use American Defaults for more information.
Use Custom Defaults Selects to use the Custom group of Engineering Units for the project. See Use Custom Defaults for more information.
User Database Used to modify the global user defined conversions table. See User Database and Conversions Table for more information.
Project Database PrjConversion.png Used to modify the user defined conversions table for the local project group. See Project Database and Conversions Table for more information.
Bulk Change Tag CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+B Used to change tag names for multiple units. See Bulk Tag Change for more information.
Quick View Used to quickly access selected unit model information from the Graphics Window as well as set up report templates. See Quick View and Copy Data for Excel Reports for more information.
Quick Find FindButton.png CtrlKey.png+F Used to locate a unit on the Graphics Window. See Quick Find for more information.
Quick Find Next FindNext.png F3 This command is used to scroll through the results of the "Quick Find" List. It will find and display the graphic page of the next item on the Find List.
Quick Find Prev FindPrev.png ShiftKey.png+F3 This command is used to scroll through the results of the "Quick Find" List. It will find and display the graphic page of the previous item on the Find List.
Find FindButton2.png CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+F Used to generate a list of units/stream in the project that meets some user defined criteria. Clicking on an item on the Resulting List will find the unit on the corresponding graphics page. See Find Units using Query for more information.
Manage Find Query List CtrlKey.pngShiftKey.png+Q Used to add / modify user defined criteria used by the Find command. See Manage Find Query List for more information.