Species Command Summary

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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

Species Command Icon Shortcut Keys Brief Description Full Documentation Link
Edit User Database EditUserDatabase.png Used to edit local species database used by the current project. See Editing User Species Database and Species Table for more information.
Edit Default Database Used to edit the default SysCAD distributed species database. NOT recommended as new installs of SysCAD will replace this file. See Editing User Species Database and Species Table for more information.
Copy Species Data to Clipboard Used to copy selected properties from the species database to the clipboard. The clipboard data can then be pasted into packages such as MS Excel. See Copy Database Data more information on what is copied.
View Properties IconSDB.png Used to display properties data for species used in the project. See Species Properties for more information.
Properties Report Opens the Copy Species Properties to Clipboard dialog box. User can copy and paste selected information into packages such as MS Excel for data analysis. See Copy Species Properties to Clipboard for more information.