Evaluation Order
Navigation: User Guide ➔ Menu Commands ➔ View ➔ Evaluation Order
This will open the order Evaluation Window. This window contains fairly useful information, eg, it shows how the solver network is built, the relationship between the units, the tears streams, the project input and output units and some PID controllers information.
As this window displays how the project is solved information will only be gathered when the solver has been activated. If you have opened this window before solve, press the Refresh button to update the display.
To illustrate how to use this window, an example of a very simple project (Tutorial project DigestF3.spf) and its Order of Evaluation Windows are shown below. Note that as the complexity of the project grows, so does the relationship between units, which can become very large.
The options for the evaluation order window are:
The number of columns displayed depend on the options selected above, they may include:
- Seq - Sequence number
- Inputs - This is the input stream to the node / unit operation.
- Node - The unit operation
- Outputs - This is the output streams from the node / unit operation.
- Mv - This is the measured value, only applies to the control values. NOTE: these will be in SI units.
- Qm, T, P, (Solids fraction), (Liquid fraction) or dQm, dT, dP etc. columns will appear based on selection of IO list box.
A number of features to look out for are:
- If the Process option is selected, it will display all the process flow dependencies, including the control information.
- If Option Control is selected, it will display all the General Controllers and PID controllers showing their dependent streams.
- Units are grouped into little networks to indicate their dependency. Each group is shown in the order the units are evaluated. .
- The plant model input and output streams are indicated by
- The tear streams are indicated by
- Control streams are indicated by