Species Properties ($SDB)
Navigation: User Guide ➔ Menu Commands ➔ Species ➔ Species Properties ($SDB)
Main | Editing User Species Database | Species Database Data Table - Theory and Equations | Viewing Properties | |||||||||
Species Database | Editing User Species Database | Importing data into Species Database | Species Table | Heat of Formation and Entropy | Density | Specific Heat (Cp) | Phase Change (solubility) | BPE & Acid/Base Ka/b | Vapour Properties | Transport Properties | Viewing Species Properties | Species Properties Reports |
Related Links: Species Database Class, Density Correction Calculations
This page can be accessed via the menu Species - View Properties or by right clicking on the application's window background and choosing View Species Properties.
This opens the Species Properties Access Window ($SDB). There are a number of tabs for this Access window that display the properties for the species used in the project. This can be used to check the property data and provides useful data for the SysCAD users while solving the project.
The species properties are based on the data loaded for the project in the Species Database. The properties of individual species are used in the Standard Species Model to calculate the properties of a stream (mixture).
To access thermodynamic properties of species in a controller use the PGM Species Database Class.
Video Link
This View Species Properties video in the tutorial section shows the different ways in which you can view species properties used in a SysCAD project.
Tab Pages
The $SDB Access Window has the following tab pages, please click on the following links to see more details on each tab.
FS SDB Tab | H2O Tab | Thermo1 Tab | Thermo2 Tab | Vapours Tab | Liquids Tab | Solids Tab | Definition Tab | Properties Tab | Other Tab | Elements Tab | Components Tab |
Copying and Pasting
Copy Species Data to clipboard
Pressing the CopyToClipboard button () will add selected Properties Data to the clipboard, which allows the user to manually paste them into packages such as MS Excel for information. This can also be copied to the clipboard using the menu command Species - Copy Species Data to Clipboard.
Information copied by this button includes:
Long Name, Compound Name, Elemental Definition, Phase, Individual Phase, Molecular Weight, Enthalpy @25 (H25), Entropy @25 (S25), Density value/equation, Heat Capacity (Cp) value/equation, Critical Pressure (Pc), Critical Temperature(Tc), Critical Volume(Vc), Acentricity(Ac), Acid/Base Dissociation constant (Ka/Kb). For more information, please see Species Table.
Users can also use the Excel Report function to auto generate this information to a selected MS Excel workbook. For more information, please see Export Reports.
Species Properties Reports
Copying and Pasting Values
Right clicking on any property value in the above data table will bring up a pop up menu which includes the following options (refer to Right click on Access Window variables for more information):
- Conversions: The engineering units for the column can be changed where applicable.
- Format: The format for the column can be changed.
- Show/Hide Row: Toggles the visibility of the Row. If the All Fields button (
) is pressed, the Row will be marked with a
- Show/Hide Column: Toggles the visibility of the Column. If the All Fields button (
) is pressed, the Column will be marked with a
- Copy Full Tag: When the data is presented as a matrix, the conventional Copy and Paste method would not copy the tag properly. To copy the full tag for use in the trend window or other referenced files such as excel or pgm, use this copy full tag command. The format is:
$SDB.compound(phase).ColumnHeading (units)
To paste the tag, use <Ctrl + V> as normal.
- For referencing properties in a PGM, it is recommended that the Species Database Class commands are used rather than using the tags from this page.
- When referencing tags from this page in an Excel report, the value reported will be based on the current values of T, P and SoluteMF in the project, when the report is generated.
- When referencing tags from this page on a Trend page, the value reported will be based on the current values of T, P and SoluteMF in the project when the paste is made. The values on the trend page will NOT update when T, P and SoluteMF are changed.
- Copy Tag: This will copy the field name without the $SDB part of the tag.
- Copy: To copy the tag value, use this copy value command or simply <Ctrl + C> as normal.
- Paste: As the variables are all calculated or for display only. Values cannot be pasted onto the table.