Plant Model - Qualities

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ View ➔ Plant Model ➔ Qualities

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This tab page on the Plant Model Access Window allows the user to set up additional qualities specification, based on selections made in the project configuration file.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description / Calculated Variables / Options

Quality Removal Tolerance

EmptyMass Input If the total mass in the contents of a model (e.g. in tank in dynamic) of the species associated with a quality is less than this tolerance, then remove the quality from the model contents.
MeaningfulMassFlow Display Tolerance for testing of total mass flow of species associated with a quality used to determine if the quality is meaningful and should be perpetuated downstream.
The following lists additional fields for qualities configuration.
The Qualities Models selections are made when editing the Configuration (cfg) file.

Lockup Quality Configuration

Lockup Species Selection (Refer to LockUp for further information)
Filter None No species in the project will have Lockup enabled. The user may NOT set lockup in any Feeders or Pipes.
Phase The user may select a phase and then any species within the selected phase(s) may have Lockup enabled.
Individual Phase The user may select an Individual Phase and then any species within the selected Individual Phase(s) may have Lockup enabled.
Species List The user may select individual species that may have Lockup enabled in Feeders or Pipes in the project.
LockupSpeciesCount Display The number of species which may have lockup enabled, based on the user selections.
Solids Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then any solid species may be selected to have Lockup in a Feeder or Pipe.
Liquids Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then any Liquid species may be selected to have Lockup in a Feeder or Pipe.
Gasses Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then any gaseous species may be selected to have Lockup in a Feeder or Pipe.
SpeciesXX List of Species Only visible if Species List is selected. The user may select the individual species that may have lockup enabled in the project. Any number of species may be selected.

Material Tracking Quality Configuration

Track... (Refer to Material Tracking for further information)
MaterialCount Input The number of materials to be used for tracking.
Materialx Input The name used for each material to be tracked.
Material Tracking Species Selection
MatTrackSpeciesCount /MatTrackSpCount Display The number of species to have material tracking, based on the selections made below.
Filter None No species in the project will have Material Tracking enabled. The user may NOT set Material Tracking in any Feeders or Pipes.
Phase The user may select a phase and then any species within the selected phase(s) will have Material Tracking enabled.
Individual Phase The user may select an Individual Phase and then any species within the selected Individual Phase(s) will have Material Tracking enabled.
Species List The user may select individual species that will have Material Tracking enabled in Feeders or Pipes in the project.
Solids Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then all solid species will have Material Tracking enabled.
Liquids Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then all liquid species will have Material Tracking enabled.
Gasses Tickbox Only visible if Phase is selected. If the user enables this, then all gaseous species will have Material Tracking enabled.
SpeciesXX List of Species Only visible if Species List is selected. The user may select the individual species that will have Material Tracking enabled in the project. Any number of species may be selected.

SzDist (PSD) Quality Configuration

PSD... (Refer to Size Distributions for further information)
DistributionCount / DistCount Display The number of size distributions defined in the project.
ParticleCountFactor / CountFactor Display The correction factor which may be used to account for particle geometry. This is defined in the configuration file.
Variable Selection - User can choose the variable by pressing the Sz ViewColumns button.png on the unit model / pipe Sz Page.
WithMassFrac Tickbox Fraction Passing (FP) of the solids - this is the fraction of solids in a size interval. (This is the default display on the Sz Page)
WithMassFlow Tickbox Mass flowrate (Qm) of the solid within the size interval (if a stream is being viewed) will be added to the available for display list.
WithMass Tickbox Mass of the solid within the size interval (if a content such as tank is being viewed) will be added to the available for display list.
WithCountFrac Tickbox Number of Particles for the size interval as a percentage of the total number of particles (NFp) will be added to the available for display list.
WithCountFlow Tickbox Number of Particles per unit time (Qn) will be added to the available for display list (if a stream is being viewed).
WithCount Tickbox Number of Particles will be added to the available for display list (if a content such as tank is being viewed).
WithSpecCount Tickbox Number of Particles per unit mass of solids (SpN) will be added to the available for display list.
Cumulative Tickbox For each of the above option, a Cumulative view will be added.
Intervals Sz Ascending button.png This is a toggle button, when the button shows Ascending, it means the current display is in the descending order (largest at the top), but the user can change it to Ascending.
Sz Descending button.png This is a toggle button, when the button shows Descending, it means the current display is in the Ascending order (Smallest at the top), but the user can change it to Descending.
IntervalDisplay Sz Topsize button.png This is a toggle button, when the button shows TopSize, it means the current display shows the Mid Size in each size interval, but the user can change it to Top Size.
Sz Midsize button.png This is a toggle button, when the button shows MidSize, it means the current display shows the Top Size in each size interval, but the user can change it to Mid Size.
PSD Distribution "Name"
Name Display The name of the user defined size distribution
IntervalCount Display The number of size intervals in the user defined size distribution
TopSize Display The largest size in the user defined size distribution sieve series
BottomSize Display The smallest possible size for use in smallest interval in the user defined size distribution sieve series
IntervalRatio Display Available from Build 139.34461. The ratio for the user defined size distribution sieve series values or zero if there is not a constant ratio for the defined size distribution sieve series
SpWithPSDCount Display The number of (solid) species to be defined with size distribution data
SpWithoutPSDCount Display The number of solid species which are not defined with size distribution data
DefaultSp Display For all solid species without size distribution data, they behave (or follow) this default species with size distribution data
(Set in configuration file)
Linear Linear interpolation is used when performing size distribution calculations.
TSpline TSpline interpolation is used when performing size distribution calculations. A spline is a special function defined piecewise by polynomials.
LogLog Linear interpolation of the natural logarithm of the size distribution values is used when performing size distribution calculations.
LogLogTSpline TSpline interpolation of the natural logarithm of the the size distribution values is used when performing size distribution calculations.

SSA Quality Configuration

SSA... (Refer to Specific Surface Area (SSA) for further information)
MixingRule MaintainParticleCount Mixing rule applied when mixing two or more streams that have different SSA.
MaintainSurfaceArea Recommended selection. Mixing rule applied when mixing two or more streams that have different SSA.
SolidsSelection Local Requires user to specify the solid species in feeders, pipes, etc. where SSA is defined. Can lead to unexpected behaviour where mixing streams, especially where different streams have different SSA solid species selected.
If no SSA is required, select this option or remove SSA from the configuration file.
Global Recommended selection if SSA is used This defines once the SSA solid species to be used for SSA, with "Local" the user has to specify the solid species in each case SSA is added or defined.
Solids List Only visible if Global is selected. Allows user to select the solid species to be used for SSA throughout the project.