Plant Model - Water Quality

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Allows the user to set global Water Quality parameters. Only visible if the 'WaterQuality' properties option is selected on the Views Tab.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description / Calculated Variables / Options
Water Quality Configuration
Aqueous species used in Alkalinity, Acidity and Hardness Calculations
Aq_Species.Used Display Display of all the aqueous species in the project which can contribute to the alkalinity, acidity and hardness calculations.
Definitions of Aqueous species Not in Project
Aq_Species.Required Display Display of the definitions of aqueous species which are important to alkalinity, acidity, hardness and/or oxygen demand calculations but are not present in the project.

The required (aq) species are: H1C1O3-, C1O3--, O1H1-, Cl1-, S1O4--, Ca1++ and O2.

Note: Different species are required for different calculations. If a required species is missing, other calculations will still be computed. It is recommended to include all species in this list. See Material Flow Section - Water Quality for the required species in each calculation.

Aq_Species.Optional Display Display of the definitions of aqueous species which could contribute to alkalinity, acidity and hardness calculations but are not present in the project.

The optional (aq) species are: Al1+++, Ba1++, B1O4H4-, Br1-, C12H24N, Cl1O4-, Cu1++, F1-, Fe1++, Fe1+++, H1+, H2P1O4-, H1P1O4--, H1S1O4-, K1+, Mg1++, Na1+, N1H3, N1H4+, N1O2-, N1O3-, P1O4--- and Si1O4H3-.

Carbon and Nitrogen Solid and Liquid Species in Project
C_Species.Used Display Display of all the solid and liquid species in the project which contain carbon, and hence will contribute to the carbon calculations.
N_Species.Used Display Display of all the solid and liquid species in the project which contain nitrogen, and hence will contribute to the nitrogen calculations.
Organic Species used in calculations
Speciesxx List of Species The user may select the individual species that are to be included in the calculation of Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Any number of species may be selected. The list will be restricted to liquid and solids species which contain carbon.
Speciesxx List of Species The user may select the individual species that are to be included in the calculation of Organic Nitrogen (Nitrogen.Organic). Any number of species may be selected. The list will be restricted to liquid and solids species which contain both carbon and nitrogen.
Parameters for Oxygen Demand Calculations
COD.Factor Input Factor to convert Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in g/L of carbon to Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in g/L of oxygen.
UBOD.Factor Input Factor to convert Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in g/L of carbon to Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (UBOD) in g/L of oxygen.
BOD.k Input Biochemical oxidation rate constant. Assuming any oxidation is a first-order reaction, the BOD at any time period, t, is equal to UBOD*(1-10^(-k*t)). The rate constant is assumed to be independent of temperature.
This constant is used to calculate the Biochemical Oxygen Demand after 5 days (BOD5) from the Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (UBOD).
Conductivity = K * TDS
Conductivity.K Input Ratio of Conductivity in S/m to Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in g/L. This ratio is used to calculate the conductivity from the TDS measurement.