Plant Model - Model List

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ View ➔ Plant Model ➔ Model List

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The purpose of this page is to display the different unit models and pipes used in the project. This is arranged and grouped in different formats including usage by DLL and licensed add-on. Usage of species model (SpModel) is not included.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description / Calculated Variables / Options
Model AddOn Use
The following tags are shown in a Table format. There is a row for each addon with the following columns:
Reqd Display The number of unit models in the project which require the relevant addon.
Used Display The number of unit models in the project which use the relevant addon. For example, a unit model which may use the PSD addon only for some selected methods.
Total Display The total number of unit models in the project which require or use the relevant addon.
Total.Count Display The total number of unit models in the project.
NOTE: Individual unit model type count is under UnitTypes (bottom of the page).
DLL and UnitType Use
Count Display The total number of dlls required for the project.
Used Display The names of the dlls required for the project.
UnitTypes (Overall)...
Count Display The total number of Unit Types used in the project.
Used Display The names of the Unit Types used in the project.
UnitTypes (Grouped by DLL)...
The following tags are shown for each dll required by the project:
XXX.Count Display The total number of Unit Types used in the project from DLL XXX.
XXX.Used Display The names of the Unit Types used in the project from DLL XXX.
UnitTypes (Count of each UnitType)...:
(Available in Build 139.30270 and later)
ModelTypeXXX.Count Display Each unit type used in the project will be counted and displayed in a table.