Plant Model - States

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ View ➔ Plant Model ➔ States

FlwSolve Tab Settings Tab Audit Tab Project Tab RC Tab Species Tab Views Tab Soluble Tab WaterQuality Tab Qualities Tab
Environment Tab System Tab ModelList Tab Flowsheets Tab PrjNetworks Tab Status Tab Statistics Tab States Tab EvalSeq Tab Globals Tab

Related Links: Plant Model - States - Full Detail


The States tab page gives information on the time that the application or solver spends in different states, e.g. ready, solving, stopping, paused.

Tag (Long/Short) ID Description
Application and Solver State
AppState No Project Current application state is No Project (no project is open).
Ready Current application state is Ready (project is open but not running).
Solving Current application state is Solving.
Paused Current application state is Paused.
Busy Current application state is Busy.
App Busy Only available in Build 139 or later. Current application state is Busy but with no project open. Likely in the process of starting up or shutting down.
AppState.Detail No Project Current application state detail is No Project (no project is open).
Ready Current application state detail is Ready (project is open but not running).
Starting Current application state detail is Starting.
Solving Current application state detail is Solving.
Stopping Current application state detail is Stopping.
Paused Current application state detail is Paused.
Creating Project Current application state detail is Creating Project.
Loading Project Current application state detail is Loading Project.
Saving Project Current application state detail is Saving Project.
Closing Project Current application state detail is Closing Project.
Loading Scenario Current application state detail is Loading Scenario.
Saving Scenario Current application state detail is Saving Scenario.
Loading Archive Current application state detail is Loading Archive. Only relevant for Dynamic projects.
Edit Current application state detail is Edit.
Configuration Current application state detail is Configuration.
Automation Current application state detail is Automation. Project is being driven by an automated process.
Startup Busy Only available in Build 139 or later. Current application state detail is Startup Busy, meaning there is no project open but application is in the process of starting up.
Shutdown Busy Only available in Build 139 or later. Current application state detail is Shutdown Busy, meaning there is no project open but application is in the process of shutting down.
AppState.FullDetail No Project Current application state full detail is No Project (no project is open).
Ready Current application state full detail is Ready (project is open but not running).
Starting Current application state full detail is Starting.
Start:Initial Current application state full detail is Start:Initial.
Start:Query Current application state full detail is Start:Query.
Start:BuildIO Current application state full detail is Start:BuildIO.
Start:ReadAll Current application state full detail is Start:ReadAll.
Start:WriteAll Current application state full detail is Start:WriteAll.
Start:Read Current application state full detail is Start:Read.
Start:Write Current application state full detail is Start:Write.
Solving Current application state full detail is Solving.
Solve:BuildIO Current application state full detail is Solve:BuildIO.
Solve:ReadAll Current application state full detail is Solve:ReadAll.
Solve:WriteAll Current application state full detail is Solve:WriteAll.
Solve:Read Current application state full detail is Solve:Read.
Solve:Write Current application state full detail is Solve:Write.
Solve:Process Current application state full detail is Solve:Process.
Solve:Control Current application state full detail is Solve:Control.
Solve:Idle Current application state full detail is Solve:Idle.
Stopping Current application state full detail is Stopping.
Stop:BuildIO Current application state full detail is Stop:BuildIO.
Stop:Read Current application state full detail is Stop:Read.
Stop:Write Current application state full detail is Stop:Write.
Stop:ReadAll Current application state full detail is Stop:ReadAll.
Stop:WriteAll Current application state full detail is Stop:WriteAll.
Paused Current application state full detail is Paused.
Pause:Test Current application state full detail is Pause:Test.
Pause:BuildIO Current application state full detail is Pause:BuildIO.
Pause:Read Current application state full detail is Pause:Read.
Pause:Write Current application state full detail is Pause:Write.
Pause:ReadAll Current application state full detail is Pause:ReadAll.
Pause:WriteAll Current application state full detail is Pause:WriteAll.
Creating Project Current application state full detail is Creating Project.
Loading Project Current application state full detail is Loading Project.
Saving Project Current application state full detail is Saving Project.
Closing Project Current application state full detail is Closing Project.
Loading Scenario Current application state full detail is Loading Scenario.
Saving Scenario Current application state full detail is Saving Scenario.
Loading Archive Current application state full detail is Loading Archive. Only relevant for Dynamic projects.
Edit Current application state full detail is Edit.
Configuration Current application state full detail is Configuration.
AppState Display Options
AppState.ClearTimers Button Reset the application state timers.
AppState.Solve.ShowBreakdown Tickbox Displays more detailed information (Full Detail), on a new tab page immediately after the States tab page. Refer to Plant Model - States - Full Detail.
Time spent within States during the current SESSION
Application SessionTime Frac
NoProject Session time that the application state was No Project. Fraction of session time that the application state was No Project.
Ready Session time that the application state was Ready. Fraction of session time that the application state was Ready.
Solving (=Sum(S1:S3)) Session time that the application state was Solving. Fraction of session time that the application state was Solving.
Paused Session time that the application state was Paused. Fraction of session time that the application state was Paused.
Busy (=Sum(B1:B10)) Session time that the application state was Busy. Fraction of session time that the application state was Busy.
AppBusy (=Sum(A1:A2)) Only available in Build 139 or later.
Session time that the application state was AppBusy.
Only available in Build 139 or later.
Fraction of session time that the application state was AppBusy.
Total Total session time. Total fraction of session time.
Detail SessionTime Frac
NoProject Session time that the application state detail was No Project. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was No Project.
Ready Session time that the application state detail was Ready. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Ready.
Starting (S1) Session time that the application state detail was Starting. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Starting.
Solving (S2) Session time that the application state detail was Solving. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Solving.
Stopping (S3) Session time that the application state detail was Stopping. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Stopping.
Paused Session time that the application state detail was Paused. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Paused.
CreatingPrj (B1) Session time that the application state detail was Creating Project. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Creating Project.
LoadingPrj (B2) Session time that the application state detail was Loading Project. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Loading Project.
SavingPrj (B3) Session time that the application state detail was Saving Project. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Saving Project.
ClosingPrj (B4) Session time that the application state detail was Closing Project. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Closing Project.
LoadingScn (B5) Session time that the application state detail was Loading Scenario. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Loading Scenario.
SavingScn (B6) Session time that the application state detail was Saving Scenario. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Saving Scenario.
LoadingArchive (B7) Session time that the application state detail was Loading Archive. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Loading Archive.
Edit (B8) Session time that the application state detail was Edit. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Edit.
Config (B9) Session time that the application state detail was Configuration. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Configuration.
Automation (B10) Session time that the application state detail was Automation. Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Automation.
Startup (A1) Only available in Build 139 or later.
Session time that the application state detail was Startup.
Only available in Build 139 or later.
Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Startup.
Shutdown (A2) Only available in Build 139 or later.
Session time that the application state detail was Shutdown.
Only available in Build 139 or later.
Fraction of session time that the application state detail was Shutdown.
Total Total session time. Total fraction of session time.