Plant Model - States - Full Detail

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Related Links: Plant Model - States


This page describes the extension of the States tab page which gives more detailed information on the time that the solver spends in different sub-states while solving or paused. It only appears if the AppState.Solve.ShowBreakdown option on the States tab page has been enabled.

Tag (Long/Short) ID Description
AppState Display Options
AppState.ClearTimers Button Reset the application state timers.
AppState.Solve.ShowBreakdown Tickbox Displays more detailed information (Full Detail), on a new tab page immediately after the States tab page.
Breakdown of Elapsed Time spent within various Solve States during the current RUN
For each row (sub-state) in the table below, the following items (where relevant) are displayed:
  • Count (Run.Count) - the number of times/iterations/steps the solver has been in this sub-state in the current run
  • Run (Run.Time) - the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the current run
  • Iter (Each.Time) - only shown in steady-state projects, the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the previous iteration
  • Step (Each.Time) - only shown in dynamic projects, the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the previous step
  • Average (Each.Avg) - the average time the solver spent in this sub-state per iteration/step (Run.Time/Run.Count)
  • Run (Run.Frac) - the fraction of the total solving time spent in this sub-state (X.Run.Time/Total.Run.Time)
  • Iter (Each.Frac) - only shown in steady-state projects, the fraction of the total iteration time spent in this sub-state (X.Each.Time/Total.Each.Time)
  • Step (Each.Frac) - only shown in dynamic projects, the fraction of the total step time spent in this sub-state (X.Each.Time/Total.Each.Time)
Solve Detail
Start (A1) Application sub-state Start.
Start.Init (A2) Application sub-state Start.Init.
Start.Query (A3) Application sub-state Start.Query.
Start.BuildIO (A4) Application sub-state Start.BuildIO.
Start.ReadAll (A5) Application sub-state Start.ReadAll.
Start.WriteAll (A6) Application sub-state Start.WriteAll.
Start.Read (A7) Application sub-state Start.Read.
Start.Write (A8) Application sub-state Start.Write.
Start.SubTotal (=Sum(A1:A8)) Sum of all Start sub-states.
Solve (B1) Application sub-state Solve.
Solve.BuildIO (B2) Application sub-state Solve.BuildIO.
Solve.ReadAll (B3) Application sub-state Solve.ReadAll.
Solve.WriteAll (B4) Application sub-state Solve.WriteAll.
Solve.Read (B5) Application sub-state Solve.Read.
Solve.Write (B6) Application sub-state Solve.Write.
Solve.Process (B7) Application sub-state Solve.Process.
Solve.Control (B8) Application sub-state Solve.Control.
Solve.Idle (B9) Only relevant for Real Time dynamic projects. Application sub-state Solve.Idle.
Solve.SubTotal (=Sum(B1:B9)) Sum of all Solve sub-states.
Stop (C1) Application sub-state Stop.
Stop.BuildIO (C2) Application sub-state Stop.BuildIO.
Stop.ReadAll (C3) Application sub-state Stop.ReadAll.
Stop.WriteAll (C4) Application sub-state Stop.WriteAll.
Stop.Read (C5) Application sub-state Stop.Read.
Stop.Write (C6) Application sub-state Stop.Write.
Stop.SubTotal (=Sum(C1:C6)) Sum of all Stop sub-states.
Total Sum of all sub-states.
Breakdown of Elapsed Time spent within various Paused States during the current RUN
For each row (sub-state) in the table below, the following items (where relevant) are displayed:
  • Count (Run.Count) - the number of times the solver has been in this sub-state in the current run
  • Run (Run.Time) - the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the current run
  • Iter (Each.Time) - only shown in steady-state projects, the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the previous iteration
  • Step (Each.Time) - only shown in dynamic projects, the time the solver spent in this sub-state in the previous step
  • Average (Each.Avg) - the average time the solver spent in this sub-state per iteration/step (Run.Time/Run.Count)
  • Run (Run.Frac) - the fraction of the total pause time spent in this sub-state (X.Run.Time/Total.Run.Time)
  • Iter (Each.Frac) - only shown in steady-state projects, the fraction of the total iteration time spent in this sub-state (X.Each.Time/Total.Each.Time)
  • Step (Each.Frac) - only shown in dynamic projects, the fraction of the total step time spent in this sub-state (X.Each.Time/Total.Each.Time)
Pause Detail
Paused (P1) Application sub-state Paused.
Paused.Test (P2) Application sub-state Paused.Test.
Paused.BuildIO (P3) Application sub-state Paused.BuildIO.
Paused.ReadAll (P4) Application sub-state Paused.ReadAll.
Paused.WriteAll (P5) Application sub-state Paused.WriteAll.
Paused.Read (P6) Application sub-state Paused.Read.
Paused.Write (P7) Application sub-state Paused.Write.
Total (=Sum(P1:P7)) Sum of all Paused sub-states.