Plant Model - PrjNetworks

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ View ➔ Plant Model ➔ Project Networks

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This tab page on the Plant Model Access Window shows information on the independent flow networks in the project.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description
Project Network Connectivity Analysis
PN (Project Networks)...
FeederConnections Tickbox If ticked, cross-page connections will be included, allowing a single network to span multiple graphics pages. This may lead to there being a smaller number of networks in the project.
Network.Count Display The number of independent flow networks in the project.
(There will be one row in the table below for each network in the project. Each unit belongs to a network. This is shown by the Network.ID field on the Info Page of the unit.)
Network Active Nodes Units Links Starts Ends MakeUps Recycles Copy Find
Network Number If ticked, network is active. The number of nodes (units and links) in the network. The number of units in the network. The number of links in the network. The number of starting units in the network (includes makeups). The number of end units in the network. The number of makeups in the network. Tickbox will be enabled (or result=1) if there is at least one recycle in the network. Press button to copy list of tags and other information on all nodes in network to the clipboard. Press button to find all nodes in this network.
(There will be one row in the table below for Active nodes and one row for InActive nodes)
Nodes Display The number of isolated nodes (not belonging to any network).
Copy Button Press button to copy list of tags and other information on all isolated nodes to the clipboard.
Find Button Press button to find all isolated nodes in the project.