Plant Model - System

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This tab page on the Plant Model Access Window lists the SysCAD version and Project information, useful for reporting.

To Access the SysCAD version or build number in PGM or Model Procedure (MP) files, please see Plant Model Class.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description / Calculated Variables / Options

SysCAD Version Information

VersionOnly Display Displays the current SysCAD version and build.
Version Display Displays the current SysCAD version and build and also the Build Date.
MajorBuildNo Display Displays the current major build number.
BuildNo Display Displays the current minor build number.
BuildDate Display Displays the build date only.
Copyright Display Displays the copyright notice.

License Information

Folder Display Displays the folder where the SysCAD License (used) is stored.
Description / Desc Display Displays the License information
AddOns Display Displays the available SysCAD addOns
Extra Display Displays the available extra dlls, usually client based.


NOTE: The following has been updated to reflect SysCAD 9.3 Build138.24395. Earlier build has different layout.

PrjName Display Displays the Project name only.
PrjFolder Display Displays the Project folder path.
PrjFile Display Displays the project file path.
CfgFile Display Displays the Configuration files path.
OrigPrjFileVer Display Internal version number of the version of SysCAD that was used to create the project.
PrjFileVer Display Internal version number of the version of SysCAD that the project was last saved in.


NOTE: The following has been updated to reflect SysCAD 9.3 Build138.24395. Earlier builds have a different layout and less tags.

Information Copy to Clipboard Button The following will be copied to the clipboard:
SysCAD Version:SysCAD 9.3 Build:xxx.yyyy
CrypKey Version:8.0   NGN Build:8058
Current License:ProBal and Dynamic OK
License Info:Stand Alone License - xxxxxxx
License Location: Lists the SysCAD license location, as per the "Folder" field.
License Description: Lists the SysCAD license solver mode, as per the "Description/Desc" field.
License Add-ons: Lists the SysCAD Add-ons you may have, as per "AddOns" field.
Extra Add-ons: Lists the SysCAD Add-ons you may have, as per "Extra" Field.
Date:03/10/19 NOTE that this is using date format (DD/MM/YY)
DateAndTime Display Current Time and Date. (Date format as specified in Options - General - General Tab, for example DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss) NOTE: This field may not display correctly when reported to Excel. Recommend using FullDateAndTime or FullDate when reporting to Excel.
FullDateAndTime Display Current Time and Date. This uses the long date format, for example DD-MMM-YY hh:mm:ss.Recommend using this or FullDate when reporting to Excel.
Date Display Current Date. (Date format as specified in Options - General - General Tab, for example DD/MM/YY) NOTE: This field may not display correctly when reported to Excel. Recommend using FullDateAndTime or FullDate when reporting to Excel.
FullDate Display Current Date. This uses the long date format, for example DD-MMM-YY. Recommend using this or FullDateAndTime when reporting to Excel.
Time1970 Display Time in seconds with starting time being 1/1/1970.