Solver Setting - Spills

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FS_Solver ProBal Dynamic Method Scenario Spills Vents SS Monitor SS Finder Convergence GlobalTear Tears TearTags Tolerances Analysis Changes

Available from Build 139.32299. For dynamic simulation only.

The Spills and its associated optional tab pages provide information related to spills. The following tab pages maybe visible based on user selections:

  • QSpills: visible when WithStream is enabled. This and subsequent tab pages, (QSpills & Sp), shows the properties of the combined spill stream in the current step. (Flow variables are shown as per unit time)
  • Spilt: visible when WithContent is enabled. This and subsequent tab pages, (Spilt & Sp), shows the properties of the spillage container containing the total amount of material spilt.


  1. The spillage counter and material in the split container can accumulate over multiple simulation runs. The spillage information can be cleared by pressing "Reset Spills" or by selecting any of the following Start Options: process, empty or preset.
  2. The Nodes (Units & Links) with Spills table is for display on screen only, it is built during solve, it is not saved with project save thus it cannot be recovered on project load.
  3. Direct links are created for spills automatically; user can switch on the graphics display for the direct links via Graphics Window - Shift + Left Click on the graphics symbol.
Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description
Overall Spills
TotalMass / Mt Display Total mass accumulated in the Spilt container. (Total since last spills reset, see Note 1 above)
Steps Display Counter for steps taken so far (Since last spills reset, see Note 1 above)
Steps.Loss Display Counter for steps taken so far with spillage occurring. (Total since last spills reset, see Note 1 above)
Occurred Display Returns the spillage status for the simulation run. If spillage occurred at any time, this would return (1) for spill occurred.
Current Step Spills
MassFlow / Qm Display The combined spills for the current step.
Count Display The number of unit/pipes with spills in the current step.
Occurring Display Returns the spillage status for the current step. If spillage is occurring at the current step, this would return (1) for Currently spilling.
Reset Reset Spills Button Resets all spill information to 0.
WithStream Tickbox Adds QSpills tab if checked. This and subsequent tab pages, (QSpills and Sp), shows the properties of the combined spill stream(s) in the current step. (Flow variables are shown per unit time)
WithContent Tickbox Adds Spilt tab if checked. This and subsequent tab pages, (Spilt and Sp), shows the properties of the spillage container containing the total amount of material spilt. (Total since last spills reset, see Note 1 above)
CollectAreas Tickbox Adds summary table for "Spills by Area" when checked.
CollectNodes Tickbox Adds summary table for "Nodes (Units & Links) with Spills" when checked.
Spills by Area
The row and column headings are listed below:
AreaName Row heading Each area with spillage will be listed here.
MassFlow column heading The combined area spill per unit time for the current step.
TotalMass column heading The accumulated spills for the area (since last spills reset, see Note 1 above)
Nodes (Units & Links) with Spills (See note 2 above)
NodeCount Display The number of unit/pipes with spills.
SortNodes Tickbox If checked, the table will be sorted in alphabetical order.
The row and column headings are listed below:
Lossx Row heading each node (unit or pipes) with spillage will be listed here. The list can be sorted by checking the "SortNodes" tickbox.
NodeTag column heading The Tag name of the unit / pipe where spillage occurred
MassFlow column heading The spillage per unit time for the current step.
TotalMass column heading The accumulated spills for the node since last reset.
Loss column heading Counts the number of steps with spillage for the node. (See Note 1 above)
First column heading Displays the step number in which the spillage first occurred. (See Note 1 above)
Last column heading Displays the step number in which the most recent spillage has occurred. (See Note 1 above)