SysCAD 137 Model Improvements

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ SysCAD Version History ➔ Build 137 Release Notes ➔ Model Improvements

Build 137 Release Notes (Summary)
New Models
and Add-On
Reaction Block
User Interface
Project Upgrade And
Changes that Affect Results

Latest SysCAD Version: 25 February 2025 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.37016

Related Links: Build 137 Revision History, Upgrading Projects

New Makeup Block Modes

  • New makeup modes have been added to the Makeup Block:
    1. Product Density - A Makeup stream is added to achieve a user specified product density.
    2. pH - A Makeup stream is added to achieve a user specified product pH. Please note that the pH calculated in SysCAD is an estimate.
    3. User Calculation - A Makeup stream is added to achieve a user specified setpoint for a user selected User Calculation.
    4. Species Calculation - A Makeup stream is added to achieve a user specified setpoint for a user selected Species Calculation.
    5. Species Model Property - A Makeup stream is added to achieve a user specified setpoint for a user selected Species Model and Property.
  • Improved method of selecting Makeup Source and error reporting when Makeup Source is not specified or found.

Example: For the distributed Zinc Hydrometallurgical Project, the pH control using the Makeup block is used as a safety feature to ensure that the required pH is maintained at all times in the different sections of the plant. The Makeup Block is added to the links exiting the different leach tanks and concentrated acid is added to adjust the pH, if it is not at the required set-point of the PID controllers. When the project is converged, no additional acid is required via these Makeup blocks. This ensures stability of the project convergence.


New VLEquilibrium Options in Feeder

Two new VLEquilibrium options have been added to the Feeder and Makeup Source models:

  • SuperHeat_Vap(dT,P) - allows the user to specify the pressure and degrees of superheat for a superheated vapour stream.
  • SubCooled_Liq(dT,P) - allows the user to specify the pressure and degrees of subcooling for a subcooled liquid stream.

Refer to Feeder model - Temperature & Pressure Requirements for more information.

PSD Interpolation Methods

Tank (Dynamic)

  • New Content EHX - An Environmental Heat Exchanger (EHX) sub-model can be enabled on the content of a Dynamic Tank. Methods available in a CEHX include
    1. Product Temperature
    2. Loss to Ambient (types 2 and 3) and
    3. Fixed Heat Flow.
  • New Static Head Pressure - The static head (height of material above the outlet) and static head pressure are now shown on the Connect page of the Dynamic Tank.
  • There is also an option on the Settings page for this pressure to be added to the tank pressure when determining the outlet pressure.

Random Number Generators

The Noise Controller model has additional random number generator methods available including

NOTE:Random number generator now uses the C++ standard library. This could affect results when using the Noise Controller.

PID Controller

  • The Output Value can now be set by the user when the model is stopped. Ideal for setting initial values when in Auto mode.
    PID outputval.png
  • The user may enter a description of the PID controller as text. This field is handled by SysCAD like a normal tag, therefore it can be reported and set via Excel.
  • New result fields Index and CfgState for improved reporting.
    Example: New Report Template - 04DetailedReport.xlsx - worksheet PID_Detailed uses these new fields for reporting.
    PID Report.png

General Controller

  • New UnitTags Find button on the TagRefs tab page to open the Find dialog with all the referenced unit models selected.
  • Various improvements to PGM load, error reporting, PGM Classes and language functionality. See Controller PGM (and_MP) Improvements.

Free Energy Minimisation (FEM)

  • The Free Energy Minimisation (FEM) model now works with ionic (charged) species, and can for example determine ionic strength and pH in aqueous solutions.
    If hydrogen cations (H+(aq)) are present in a stream or contents, an estimate of the pH is displayed in the Results Tab under the group heading of "Ionic Species Information".
    FEM IonicSpecies.png
    The user may modify activity coefficients based on the calculated ionic strength.
  • The user can also filter the species view on the FEM tab, selecting either species or interest, or the temperature range of interest. This is very useful for projects containing many species.
    FEM Species Filter2.png


  • A new Steam Specification method has been added which allows the user to specify the desired steam based on pressure and degrees of superheat.
  • A new Steam Demand method allows the user to specify the required amount of steam within the model and this is passed back through the feed streams using Demand logic.

Simple Heater

  • A new method has been added to heat or cool the feed to the saturation temperature of a selected component (e.g. H2O).
  • If evaporation or condensation is required, then use the new Simple Evaporator or Simple Condenser models (which also have this method as an option).

Flotation Cell

  • A new recovery method called Mass Pull & Recovery has been added which allows the user to specify both the overall recovery of the chosen solid species or element AND the mass pull of the solid species to the concentrate stream.
  • The Overall recovery method has been renamed Grade & Recovery to better reflect what it allows the user to set.
  • For all recovery methods, the mass pull (fraction of solid species in the feed which report to the concentrate stream) is now calculated and reported.


  • Removed limit on number of ores with PSD that can be included.
  • Various display and input data validation improvements.


  • Corrections to implementation of Nageswararao method and new options for selecting Hindered Settling Factor.
  • For all methods various display, reset and input data validation improvements. Includes some renaming of tags.

Other Model Improvements and Changes

  • Improve pass through of correct SpModel in many unit models, where projects have multiple SpModels available.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to Sugar species and unit models.
  • For PSD partition curve Whiten Beta Method improved iterative calculation of BetaStar to achieve a higher acuracy (tolerance).
    NOTE: This may affect Screen2 or General Separator solids PSD separation results if they are using the Whiten Beta method.
  • Improved display when vapours in OF for Thickener, Classifier, Washer and Counter Current Washer.
  • Some additional Environment fields (Latitude, EvaporationRate and RainfallRate) have been added to Plant Model - Environment. These variables are accessible from PGM Plant Model Class.
  • Control models that have multiple models with a Summary table on the first tab page, now have an option to show one model per page. The affected controller models are Signal Waveform Controller, Noise Controller, General Statistics and Flow Statistics.
  • Some improvements in short and long tag naming and consistency in different models.
  • Added Demand.SpecifyTotal option to the Split Flow Sub Model - Demand Mass Flow method. This allows user to specify the total demand, while leaving one or more streams unspecified.
GM Demand137.png Please see Demand - Split Flow Sub model.

Evaluation blocks added to unit operations

The following items were implemented in build137.21979

  • Evaluation blocks have been added to the Combined Feed stream of the Batch Centrifuge model. New sub model include solubility, makeup and evaporation.
  • Evaluation blocks have been added to the Combined Feed stream of the Disk Centrifuge model. New sub model include solubility, makeup and evaporation.
  • Evaluation blocks have been added to the Combined Feed stream of the Drum Filter model. New sub model include solubility, makeup, reactions, environment heat exchanger and evaporation.