SysCAD 137 Other Improvements

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Build 137 Release Notes (Summary)
New Models
and Add-On
Reaction Block
User Interface
Project Upgrade And
Changes that Affect Results

Latest SysCAD Version: 12 February 2025 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.37014

Related Links: Build 137 Revision History, Upgrading Projects

Stream Property Improvements

Various new fields for stream properties have been added to Material Flow Section:

  • New fields to show some Solution Impurities such as TDS and TSS under new "Solution Impurities" heading. Most of these fields will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the SolutionImpurities in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material flow section.
  • Expanded optional H2O Properties section to include separate water and steam display of IF97 properties as well as the H2O properties for the currently selected equations.
  • New fields in Material Flow Section for Volume fractions for Solid, Liquid and Vapour phases. Also new Solid and Liquid mass fractions in Slurry, shown under Mass Fractions heading.
  • New VapourFraction and SubCooling@P shown under Saturation Values.
  • New field in Acidity section shows pH calculated solely on amount of H+(aq) in stream. This is only shown if H+(aq) is a species in the project. See also Hydrogen Cation (H+) Species.

Solver Improvements

  • Functionality for Activating and Deactivating pages, including from PGMs has been improved and is more robust.
  • Project Networks Information - A new tab page has been added to the Plant Model access window called PrjNetworks. This tab page shows information on the independent flow networks in the project including number of nodes (units and links) and whether it is currently active. Users can also easily copy information on each network to the clipboard or use the find command to select all nodes in the network.
  • A new option (Execute.Optimisation) has been added to the Solver Setting - FS Solver page to allow the solver to optimise the solver evaluation sequence multi-threading either via the number of nodes or evaluation time.
  • Dynamic Tear recovery options have been improved. Refer to Solver Setting - GlobalTear for explanation of the new fields and options. These improvements mostly affect recovery of material and energy after the maximum iterations are reached in a previous time step.

Controller PGM (and MP) Improvements

  • Expanded PGM Matrix Class with a number of new methods, including functions for matrix algebra.
    For an example PGM file that uses the some of the new function calls, please see Maxtrix example.
  • Expanded PGM Array Class with a number of new methods, including functions for array algebra.
    For an example PGM file that uses the some of the new function calls, please see Array example.
  • Added new GetValues method to Tag Select Class that returns an Array of values for a specified field. Eliminates need to loop through TagSelect models, concatenate tags and retrieve individual tags.
    For an example PGM file that uses the GetValues function call, please see State Project Mass Balance example.
  • Implemented new keywords SetChangeTagOff and SetChangeTagOn which controls if MP or PGM files must be searched for any Change Tags.
    • By default this is off for Model Procedures (MP) and on for General Controller (PGM).
    • This impacts time taken for change tag, especially when multiple tag changes such as during merge project.
  • Added Inverse Trigonometric Functions: aSin, aCos and aTan.
  • Added Radians to/from Degrees conversion Functions: radians, degrees.

Additional Vapour Pressure Equation

An additional Vapour Pressure equation called VpAntBar has been added to the species database. This equation is for an Antoine equation where the resulting vapour pressure is measured in bars and the logarithm term is log to base 10.

The previously implemented Antoine equation (VpAnt), which can still be used, is for an Antoine equation where the resulting vapour pressure is measured in mmHg and the logarithm term is the natural log.

With bnth instances of the Antoine equation, SysCAD allows the user to specify a maximum limit and use the Lee-Kesler equation beyond that limit.

Refer to Species Table - Vapour Properties for more information.

"Under the Hood" Changes

  • Compiled with Microsoft C++ 2015 making use of new features in VS2015, Standard Libraries and ISO C++11.
  • Significantly enhanced SMDK (SysCAD Model Developers Kit). Expanded list of helper classes and new methods for existing classes.
  • Reduced memory use for projects allowing even larger projects with more species. New error messages when available memory is very low and prevent solve under these conditions.
  • Various general and solver speed improvements.
  • Some splitting and reorganisation of code and models in libraries (DLLs).
  • Various underlying code improvements, enhancements and modernisation.

Tutorial & Examples

  • Updated Tutorial documentation and videos. Please see Tutorial in the Help documentation.