General Options Access

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General Options-Access.png
Group Option Description
Button Small 1.png
Access Window
Excel Style Field Editing If this is ticked, Excel Style Editing is used in Access window, Trend window and TagList window. When typing a new value into a field, the old value is completely replaced, no matter where the text cursor is placed.
If this is not ticked, SysCAD Style Editing is used. New text overwrites (or inserts if <INS> is active) at the text cursor position. If the text cursor is in the white space, then the old value is completely replaced (same as Excel Style).
In both cases, double-clicking on the field enters Edit Mode where standard text editing rules apply.
Auto Save Changes If this is ticked, then any changes that a user makes in an access window will automatically be saved when the user accesses a new window, even if they did not click on the 'OK' button. Removed in Build 139.36522.
Compact Header Buttons CompactHeaderButtons139.png: Compact button view
AccessWindowButtons139.png: Non-Compact button view.
For information of the buttons, please see Access Window Buttons
Compact Tab Names (for Streams, etc.) CompactTabName1.png: Compact Tab Name - All continuation pages will be named ".."
CompactTabName2.png: Non-Compact Tab Name - Continuation pages will be prefixed with the first two letters of the tab page, followed by "..".
Removed in Build 139.36522.
Use 0/1 for result Checkboxes If this option is ticked, then the result checkboxes will be displayed as 0 for Off and 1 for On.
Allow Spacebar to toggle Checkboxes If this option is ticked, user can toggle checkbox (on/off) using the spacebar. (Click on or Tab to the checkbox, then spacebar to toggle)
Use Access.2 for Project Views If this option is ticked, then Access.2 window will be used when accessing pages such as PlantModel, Solver, $SDB etc. NOTE Access.2 window is normally opened by press Shift+Right click.
OK button shortcut Ctrl+Enter or Enter: Either of these will be the same as pressing the OK button.

Ctrl+Enter: pressing this will be the same as pressing the OK button.
please see Access Window Buttons for more information.

Field Indicators Options are Show Standard: and Show All:. These are status colours as described in Access Field Reference Tag Status Colour. If "Show All" is used, then tags that can only be changed while "stopped" will be shown in a different shade of grey.
Button Small 2.png
Access Window Field Tool Tips
Show Current Value If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a tooltip will appear showing the current value of the variable in the current display units.
Show Current SI Value If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a tooltip will appear showing the current value of the variable in SI units. Eg: AccessWindowButtons3.png
Refresh Method

Every Iteration/Every Step: Tooltip values will be updated every iteration/step.
Mouse move: Tooltip values will be updated after every mouse move.
User Iterations/User Steps: Tooltip values will be updated after every x iterations/steps, where x is the user specified Iteration/Step Count (see below)

Iteration Count - For Steady-State projects. Only displayed if User Iterations is chosen for the Refresh Method. The number of iterations before the tooltip values will be updated.
Step Count - For Dynamic projects. Only displayed if User Steps is chosen for the Refresh Method. The number of steps before the tooltip values will be updated.
Button Small 3.png
Help Database Options
Display Help in Header If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a line will be displayed at the top of the access window describing the variable.
Display Help in Footer If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a line will be displayed at the bottom of the access window describing the variable.
Display Short Help in Status Bar If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a single line of description will be displayed at the status bar at the bottom of the SysCAD application window.
Display Full Help in ToolTip If this option is ticked, when hovering over a SysCAD variable in the Access Window, a tooltip will appear describing the variable.
Button Small 4.png
Reset to Default Pressing this button will reset all Options on the current tab to default settings.