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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Windows (Getting Around SysCAD)

Application Window Message Window Graphics Window Access Window Explorer Window Trend Window Controls Window TagList Window Project Window

Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

SysCAD Application Window

A SysCAD project will contain a number of documents with windows or views representing this information. The key representation of the model is the Graphics Window which is typically used to construct a model in a project. Other windows are used to display information or assist in the process of solving a model, reporting information, navigating a model, etc.

The picture below shows the various window for an example project, please note that user can re-arrange the layouts of any of these windows at anytime. User can also minimise any of these windows if not in use such as the trend window.

(The image shown below is an interactive image, clicking on the image sections will jumps to the help page with more information.)

1. Message Window - for various user and model condition messages.2. Graphics Window - for graphical representation of the SysCAD model as flowsheet(s).3. Access Window - for individual unit model information (configuration and results).4. Explorer Window - for selecting windows and finding model tags.5. Title Bar, menu and hotjumps.6. Tool Bars - for quick access to some commonly used menu commands.7. Status Bar - active window name, solver status and other information.GettingAroundSysCAD139.png
About this image

Some of the main windows in SysCAD are:

Application Window Message Window Graphics Window Access Window Explorer Window Result Viewing Document Windows
Title bar, status bar and application background options. Button Small 1.png
For various user and model condition messages.
Button Small 2.png
For graphical representation of the model as flowsheet(s).
Button Small 3.png
For individual unit model information (configuration and results).
Button Small 4.png
For selecting windows and finding model tags.
These are optional Windows for viewing results in SysCAD, these include: Trend Window, Controls Window and TagList Window.

Title Bar, Menu and Hot Jumps

Button Small 5.png The SysCAD application Title Bar, Menu and Hot Jumps are shown below:

Hot Jump icons 139.png
  • The SysCAD project name, Operation Mode and SysCAD Build number is displayed at the top left hand corner of the main SysCAD Window.
    • In the example above, the project currently opened is called Demo Nickel Copper Project(.spf) and it is running in the ProBal simulation mode.
  • The Recent Graphics Window RecentGraphics.png and Recent Trend Window RecentTrend.png buttons bring the most recently accessed Graphics/Trend Window into focus.
  • From Build 139, a new optional document type TagList is available, clicking on the Recent TagList Window RecentTagList.png button brings the most recently accessed TagList Window into focus.
  • From Build 139, subsequent clicks of the RecentGraphics.png, RecentTrend.png or RecentTagList.png buttons will scroll through the graphics/trend/taglist windows in the order shown in the Explorer Window, which is usually sorted by name. Holding down Alt will scroll through them in reverse order.

Tool Bar

Button Small 6.png Toolbars manages and organises commonly used commands in SysCAD in logical ways so that you can find and use them quickly. See General Options Toolbars

Status Bar

Button Small 7.png At the bottom of the SysCAD application window there is a Status Bar .

Application Window Background Pop-up Options

Right clicking on the SysCAD background (the grey areas on the main application window) will bring up a pop-up list of short-cut commands. There are three sets of commands available to the user, depending on the state of the SysCAD project. The short-cut commands available from Build 139.33457 are:

1) This set of short-cut commands are visible when SysCAD is in the Start mode, (SysCAD project is not opened).

BackgroundShortCut noprj.png
  • Up to 8 most recently opened projects will be listed here for quick access.

  • Exit: Exits SysCAD.

2) This set of short-cut commands are visible when SysCAD project is opened, and SysCAD is in the Edit mode.

BackgroundShortCut EditMode.png
  • New Graphics Window: Creates a New Graphic Window.
  • New Document...: Creates a New Document.
  • Save Project : Saves the project by saving all project files.
  • Close Project : Closes the project.
  • Zip Project : Creates a copy of the project in the zipped format.
  • Save Project Layout : Saves the project layout by updating the project file Options.WindowArrangement.ini.

  • Explorer: Brings up the Explorer Window.
  • Messages: Brings up the Message Window.
  • Plant Model: Brings up the Plant Model Access Window, where user can view global settings for the project.
  • Solver Settings: Brings up the Solver Settings Access Window, where user can set / view settings for the solver.
  • View Species Properties: This opens the Species Properties window.
  • General Options: Brings up the General Options Dialog box.
  • Reports: Brings up the Reports Dialog box.

  • Reset: Resets the project by clearing the various parameters.
  • Run: Starts SysCAD Simulation.
  • Stop: Stops SysCAD Simulation.
  • Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation.
  • Step or Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation if Stopped or Busy; OR solves one Step if the Simulation is Paused.
  • MultiStep or Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation if Stopped or Busy; OR solves Multiple Steps if the Simulation is Paused.

  • Open Containing Folder: Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the current project folder.
  • Exit SysCAD: Exits SysCAD.

3) This set of short-cut commands are visible when SysCAD project is opened, and SysCAD is in the Solve mode.

BackgroundShortCut SolveMode.png
  • Explorer: Brings up the Explorer Window.
  • Messages: Brings up the Message Window.
  • Plant Model: Brings up the Plant Model Access Window, where user can view global settings for the project.
  • Solver Settings: Brings up the Solver Settings Access Window, where user can set / view settings for the solver.
  • View Species Properties: This opens the Species Properties window.
  • General Options: Brings up the General Options Dialog box.

  • Run: Starts SysCAD Simulation.
  • Stop: Stops SysCAD Simulation.
  • Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation.
  • Step or Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation if Stopped or Busy; OR solves one Step if the Simulation is Paused.
  • MultiStep or Idle: Pauses SysCAD Simulation if Stopped or Busy; OR solves Multiple Steps if the Simulation is Paused.

  • Open Containing Folder: Opens the Project folder in Microsoft File Explorer.