TagList Window

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Application Window Message Window Graphics Window Access Window Explorer Window Trend Window Controls Window TagList Window Project Window

Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389

Related Links: TagList Commands, General Options TagList


Introduced in Build 139, the TagList Window is for results viewing and comparison. It is an optional document. Deleting a TagList window will not affect SysCAD project results.

A TagList Window is an extremely useful tool as it allows the user to:

  • Have the Key Performance Indicators for a project visible in one window;
  • Keep track of different variables from any flow sheet in a project;
  • Compare two sets of results (current and reference).

Open a New Tag List Window

The Tag List window is an optional result viewing window. To add a Tag List Window to the project, use one of the following commands:

  • If the 'Tag List' menu is active (click on any Tag List window), click on Tag List - New Tag List Window.
  • Right click on 'Tag List' in the Explorer Window (if this is not already open, click on View - Explorer) and select 'New Tag List Window'.
  • With a project open, use one of the following commands:

Each of these methods will open a new Tag List Window 'TagList_x.lst.'


  1. This command is only available in Build139 or later.
  2. This command is only available if a SysCAD project is open.
  3. This command is not available if SysCAD is solving or running.
  4. When the project is saved, TagList windows will be saved to the \DocsTagList folder.

Using a TagList Window

  • Tags can be added to the TagList Window:
    • From the Access Window: select the required variable(s) and press <Ctrl+T>, then paste into TagList Window.
    • From the Access Window: right click on the required variable and select "Copy Full Tag" from the pop up, then paste into TagList Window.
    • From the Access Window: right click on the required variable and select "Send to Topmost TagList" from the pop up. Tags will be automatically pasted into the most recently accessed Taglist, using the first available empty line.
    • From other Tag List Windows, using copy and paste
    • From other Trend Windows, using copy and paste
  • The Tag List window includes an option to display a Reference value and show the difference to the current Value. Button Small 4.png
    • Depending on the selection Copy Values to Reference on Run in General Options - Tag List, the Reference column may be input or result fields.

Right click on TagList Window variables

Right click Pop Up Menus for the TagList Window may look like the following, the pop up list changes depends on the location, more or less options may be shown.

Right click on Button Small 1.png (grey background area) User RightClickTaglist1.png
  • Refresh Values - Refreshes the values on the TagList window to show the latest values, this is the same as pressing on the refresh icon on the TagList Window Button Small 2.png
  • Copy All Values to Reference - Copies the current values to the Reference column, this is the same as pressing the Copy to Reference icon on the TagList Window Button Small 3.png
  • Clear All Reference Values - Clears all values from the Reference column.
  • Reset Column Widths - User can manually size the column widths. Selecting this will reset them to default widths.
  • Options... - This opens the "Tag List Options" tab on General Options dialog box. Reference, Diff and Diff(%) columns Button Small 4.png can be shown or hidden from here.
Right Click on a row with data.User RightClickTaglist2.png
  • Conversions: Internally SysCAD stores all data in SI units but you can change the engineering units for the data as they are displayed on screen or reported elsewhere, please see Changing Conversion units for a Data Field.
  • Format: The number format of the value displayed can be changed to a Fixed or Floating format.
    • Note: If a value in the Relative Difference (e.g. Diff (%)) column is selected, the conversion and format apply this column rather than the row. Button Small 6.png

  • Other: The options are similar to the right click from grey background areas listed above.

  • Clear: This allows you to clear the currently selected line(s).
  • Delete: This allows you to remove the currently selected line(s). Only available when SysCAD is not solving.
  • Insert: This allows you to insert blank line(s) at the currently selected line(s). Only available when SysCAD is not solving.

  • Insert Break: Inserts a line above the currently selected line, will appear as grey background, used to break tags into sections, as shown by Button Small 5.png
  • Insert Break with Text ... - Inserts a line above the currently selected line, will appear as grey background, user can add some text to this, can be used as section headings
  • Edit Break Text... - Allows user to add text to a "Insert Break" line or edit the text added using "Insert Break with text"

  • Copy Value(s) to Reference: Copies the selected value(s) from the Value column to the Reference column. (Only available if selecting values in the Value column.)
  • Copy: This copies the selected tags or values. Same as <Ctrl+C>. See Copy and Paste.
  • Paste: This pastes the copied information. Same as <Ctrl+V>. See Copy and Paste.

  • Access... - If current tag is valid, it allows you to switch to the Access Window of that particular unit.
  • Find... - If current tag is valid, it allows you to find the graphics of the unit on the Graphics Window.