Common Content Section

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Model Tab Optional Input Content Tabs Optional Material Content Tabs Optional Material Flow Tabs Common Tabs
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Content Section

This section mainly has read only variables, except for the first section, Model.

  • Model determines which species model the feeder uses. The options available to the user will depend on the species model used by the project. Please refer to the species model for a description of this page, if a species model is chosen. The default, 'Standard', will be described here.
Tag (Long/short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options


The SpModel.Reqd field is only shown if more than one Species Model is available in the project (e.g. Standard and Bayer3). On a Content page, it is an input field. If SpModel.Reqd is set to Inherit, then the species model used with the be the default method as selected in the configuration file.

SpModel.Reqd Inherit Upstream configuration will be used.
Standard All the variables are calculated using the Mass Weighted Mean of the species.
Species Model Use an alternative species model, such as 'Bayer3' or 'Potash'.
SpModel.Used Standard The Standard species model is being used.
Species Model An alternative species model is being used.
SpModelType Display This field displays the Species Model type (or Name) used.

Content Properties

Temperature / T Calc The temperature of the incoming material.
Pressure / P Calc The pressure of the incoming material.
Density See the section on Density for further information.
Density / Rho Calc Calculated Density of the material
SolidDensity / SRho Calc Density of the solids phase
LiquidDensity / LRho Calc Density of the liquid phase
VapourDensity / VRho Calc Density of the vapour phase
SlurryDensity / SLRho Calc Density of the Slurry (Liquid and Solid phase)
SolidConc Calc The solids concentration at stream temperature.
Density Correction
H2O(l).State Data This will be OK if all of the species with density correction functions in the content conditions are within their mass fraction limits. Any species that has exceeded its mass fraction limit will be shown in this field.
For example, if the user has a density correction function for NiSO4(aq) that is valid up to a mass fraction of 10% NiSO4 and the stream contains 15% NiSO4(aq), this field will contain: Limit:NiSO4(aq).
H2O(l).Rho Calc The density of pure water at the temperature and pressure of the content.
H2O(l).CorrFactor Calc The calculated density correction factor using all the correction factors of aqueous species in the content for which density correction factors have been defined. Please see Density Correction Function.
H2O(l).AppRho Calc The calculated density of the liquor with only water and the components that have density correction functions.

Note: This value may be lower or higher than the actual liquid density if there are other liquid components in the content that do not have density correction functions.

If the Additional Density Correction option is selected in the Plant Model - Species tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section, then the following fields will also be shown:
H2O(l).AppRho25 Calc The calculated density of the liquor with only water and the components that have density correction functions, at 25°C.
H2O(l).AppQm Calc The calculated mass flow of the liquor with only water and the components that have density correction functions.
H2O(l).AppQv Calc The calculated volume flow of the liquor with only water and the components that have density correction functions.
H2O(l).Fct.X(y) Calc The calculated density correction factor for species X(y).
Mass Fractions
SolidFrac / Sf Calc Solids mass fraction
LiquidFrac / Lf Calc Liquid mass fraction
VapourFrac / Vf Calc Vapour mass fraction
SlurryFrac / SLf Calc Available from Build 139.31388. Slurry (solids + liquids) mass fraction.
Slurry.SolidFrac / Slurry.Sf Calc Solids mass fraction on slurry basis (solids + liquids)
Slurry.LiquidFrac / Slurry.Lf Calc Liquid mass fraction on slurry basis (solids + liquids)
Volume Fractions
SolidVolFrac / Svf Calc Solids volume fraction
LiquidVolFrac / Lvf Calc Liquid volume fraction
VapourVolFrac / Vvf Calc Vapour volume fraction
SlurryVolFrac / SLvf Calc Available from Build 139.31388. Slurry (solids + liquids) volume fraction.
Slurry.SolidVolFrac / Slurry.Svf Calc Available from Build 139.31388. Solids volume fraction on slurry basis (solids + liquids)
Slurry.LiquidVolFrac / Slurry.Lvf Calc Available from Build 139.31388. Liquid volume fraction on slurry basis (solids + liquids)
Molar Fractions
MlSolidFrac / MlSf Calc Solids molar fraction
MlLiquidFrac / MlLf Calc Liquid molar fraction
MlVapourFrac / MlVf Calc Vapour molar fraction
MlSlurryFrac / MlSLf Calc Available from Build 139.31388. Slurry (solids + liquids) molar fraction.
MoleWt Calc The average molecular weight of all the species.
SolidMoleWt / SMoleWt Calc Available from Build 139. The average molecular weight of all solid species.
LiquidMoleWt / LMoleWt Calc Available from Build 139. The average molecular weight of all liquid species.
VapourMoleWt / VMoleWt Calc Available from Build 139. The average molecular weight of all vapour species.

Content Energy

These properties will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the Energy (Thermodynamic) Properties on the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

Specific Heat
Cp@0 Calc Cp of the total mixture in the content @ 0 °C.
Cp / Cp@T Calc Cp of the total mixture in the content @ temperature.
SmsCp@T Calc Solids Cp at the content temperature
LmsCp@T Calc Liquid Cp at the content temperature
VmsCp@T Calc Vapour Cp at the content temperature
SLmsCp@T Calc Slurry Cp at the content temperature
CpCv Calc The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to specific heat at constant volume at the content temperature.
Enthalpy - Sensible
Hs@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH, (excluding phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the total mixture.
SmsHs@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH, (excluding phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the solids.
LmsHs@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH, (excluding phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the Liquids.
VmsHs@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH, (excluding phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the vapours, or gases.
SLmsHs@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH, (excluding phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the combined solids and liquids.
Enthalpy - including Phase Change (Please see What is the difference between Hs and Hz?
Hz@T Calc The change in enthalpy, dH,(including phase change) from 0°C to content temperature for the total mixture.
Total Enthalpy (previously heading was Enthalpy of Formation) Total Enthalpy = Heat of Formation at 25 + [math]\displaystyle{ \int\limits_{25}^{T}Cp dT\, }[/math]
Hf@0 Calc Total Enthalpy for the mixture at 0°C and 101.325 kPa, per mass.
Hf@T Calc Total Enthalpy for the mixture at the content temperature and pressure, per mass.
Entropy and Free Energy
S@0 Calc Entropy for the total mixture at 0°C and 101.325 kPa.
S@T Calc Entropy for the total mixture at the content temperature and pressure.
G@0 Calc Gibbs Free Energy (mass basis) for the total mixture at 0°C and 101.325 kPa.
G@T Calc Gibbs Free Energy (mass basis) for the total mixture at the content temperature and pressure.
mlG@T Calc Gibbs Free Energy (mole basis) for the total mixture at the content temperature and pressure.

Values at User defined Temperature and Pressure

If the ValuesAtUserTandP option is selected in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section, then the following fields will also be shown:

UsrDefT Input User defined Temperature
UsrDefP Input User defined pressure. This will be the saturation pressure at the user defined temperature if * is entered for this field.
Density@U / Rho@U Calc Density of the total mixture at user defined temperature and pressure.
LiquidDensity@U / LRho@U Calc Density of the liquid phase at user defined temperature and pressure.
VapourDensity@U / VRho@U Calc Density of the vapour phase at user defined temperature and pressure.
SolidConc@U Calc The solids concentration at user defined temperature and pressure.
Cp@U Calc Heat capacity of the total mixture at user defined temperature and pressure.

Solubility Values

In this section only the fields that are relevant for the generic form of solubility, i.e. solubility equations entered in the Species Database, will be shown. For fields relating to Potash Solubility, please see Potash Solubility in Units.
Visible when Solubility data has been entered for one or more species. If Solubility is switched off, these fields are still shown, the heading changes to "Solubility (Off)".

SolubleSpecies1.Saturated / Sat Calc This will be the saturation mass fraction of the soluble species. The tag is based on the actual species, for example NaCl.Sat. When .Act equals .Sat the mixture is saturated.
SolubleSpecies1.Actual / Act Calc This will be the actual mass fraction of the soluble species. The tag is based on the actual species, for example NaCl.Act.

Saturation Values

These properties are related to the saturation temperature and pressure of solution. These fields are only visible if the Additional Properties option for Saturation values is selected in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

Component List Any component that has the correct Vp Equations defined in the species database maybe selected here. See VLE sub section for more information.
VapourFrac / Vf Calc Displays the vapour mass fraction.
TotalP Calc Displays the total pressure.
PartialP Calc Displays the partial pressure based on the component selected.
SatP@T Calc Saturated pressure at the mixture temperature.
SatT@PP Calc Saturated temperature at the mixture's partial pressure. Will be NAN (displayed as *) when no partial pressure.
SatT@P Calc Saturated temperature at the mixture pressure.
WaterSatT@P Calc Displays the Saturation Temperature at pressure based on pure water. This is used to calculate the Boiling point elevation. (Please see Water and Steam Properties for further information on this calculation)
BPE Calc
  1. Standard Species Model
  2. Other Species Models, e.g. Bayer
    • Streams containing other species models, such as the Alumina 3 Bayer Species Model, will always use the implemented BPE equation to calculate this value.
    • The boiling point elevation is calculated as StreamSatT@P - ComponentSatT@P.
    • The Solvent used for this calculation is water.

Note: User can change the BPE value limits in the Plant Model - species tab.

Temperature / T Calc Temperature of the content.
SuperHeat@PP Calc Super Heat at the mixture's partial pressure (T-SatT@PP). Will be NAN (displayed as *) when no partial pressure.
SuperHeat@P Calc Super Heat at the mixture's pressure (T-SatT@P).
Subcooling@P Calc The amount of Subcooling at the mixture's pressure (SatT@P-T).
LatHtVap Calc The Latent heat of vaporisation of the listed component at the temperature and partial pressure of the vaporising species at the local conditions. The latent heat is the difference in enthalpy between the vapour phase and the liquid phase of the species. This is calculated as Enthalpy(VapourPhase at local Temperature and Partial Pressure) - Enthalpy(Liquid Phase at T and Total Pressure). This is the enthalpy difference used in energy calculations. NB unless the partial pressure of the vaporising species is equal to the saturation pressure, the latent heat may not have exactly the same value as for saturation conditions since the vapour phase enthalpy depends on its partial pressure.
LatHtVap@SatP Calc The Latent heat of vaporisation of the listed component at the temperature and saturation pressure of the vaporising species corresponding to the local temperature. The latent heat is the difference in enthalpy between the vapour phase and the liquid phase of the species. This is calculated as Enthalpy(VapourPhase at Temperature, T and saturation pressure for that T, PSat(T)) - Enthalpy(Liquid Phase at T and Total Pressure). This is the latent heat that would be found in saturation tables for a given temperature.
RelHumidity Calc The relative humidity of the content. This is only useful if the content contains gases, such as O2, N2, Air, etc.

Relative Humidity = Partial Pressure of the Saturation Component (usually H2O) / Saturation Pressure of the Saturation Component at Stream Temperature * 100
Please see the YouTube link for a video presentation on setting up a feeder with the required Relative Humidity.

Acidity (pH)

These values are calculated based on the Ka and Kb values for acids and bases that are defined in the species database. It does not take buffering into account, and hence is, at best, an estimate of the pH.

SysCAD does have default Ka and Kb values defined for some acids and bases, and the user may enter values for other compounds. For a description of the method that SysCAD uses to calculate the acidity values see Acidity Calculations.

These values will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the pH_Estimate variables on the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

pH.State Calc Either OK - only acids or bases present, OR Acid and Base present, therefore the calculations will be inaccurate.
pH.negLogH Calc This is the negative of the log of the Hydrogen ion molar concentration at 25°C.
pH.AcidsPresent List This lists all of the acids present in the content that are used to calculate [H+] (molar concentration).
pH.BasesPresent List This lists all of the bases present in the content that are used to calculate [OH-] (molar concentration).
pH.H_Cation Calc Only displayed if the species list includes H+(aq). This is the negative of the log of the Hydrogen ion molar concentration at 25 °C, due only to the presence of the H+(aq) ion (all other acids and bases are ignored).


These values are calculated based on the species charges that are defined in the species database.

These values will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the Charge variables on the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

Charge.State Calc Either Neutral (charge is balanced), Positive (positively charged) or Negative (negatively charged).
Charge.Overall Calc The overall charge of the material in the content.
Charge.CationsPresent List This lists all of the positively charged species present in the content that contribute to the overall charge.
Charge.AnionsPresent List This lists all of the negatively charged species present in the content that contribute to the overall charge.

Transport Properties

These properties are related to the transport properties of the stream, e.g. viscosity, etc. These will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the Transport Properties on the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

VViscosity Calc (Dynamic) Viscosity of the vapour phase
LViscosity Calc (Dynamic) Viscosity of the liquid phase
VKinematicVisc Calc Kinematic Viscosity of the vapour phase = Dynamic Viscosity of vapour phase (VViscosity) / Density of vapour phase (VRho)
LKinematicVisc Calc Kinematic Viscosity of the liquid phase = Dynamic Viscosity of liquid phase (LViscosity) / Density of liquid phase (LRho)
VThermalCond Calc Thermal Conductivity of the vapour phase
LThermalCond Calc Thermal Conductivity of the liquid phase
VPrandtlNo Calc Prandtl’s number for the vapour phase = heat capacity (VmsCp@T) * dynamic viscosity (VViscosity) / thermal conductivity (VThermalCond)
LPrandtlNo Calc Prandtl’s number for the liquid phase = heat capacity (LmsCp@T) * dynamic viscosity (LViscosity) / thermal conductivity (LThermalCond)
LSurfaceTens Calc Surface Tension of the liquid phase.
WaterViscosity Calc The viscosity of pure water at the content temperature and pressure as calculated by IF97.
SteamViscosity Calc The viscosity of pure steam at the content temperature and pressure as calculated by IF97.

Heats of Combustion Properties

Only available in Build 139 or later. For Build 138 or earlier, refer to Heating Values. These will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the HeatsOfCombustion Properties on the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

The Heat of Combustion is the heat released (i.e. enthalpy change) if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and water. The higher heating value (HHV) (or Gross Calorific Value) is calculated by assuming that the water produced is liquid water. The lower heating value (LHV) (or Net Calorific Value) is calculated by assuming that the water is produced as steam.


  1. The Heat of Combustion is only calculated for components which contain only carbon (e.g. carbon solid), only hydrogen (e.g. hydrogen gas) or only carbon and hydrogen (i.e. a hydrocarbon, e.g. methane (CH4)).
  2. Components which contain only carbon and oxygen (e.g. carbon monoxide) and only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (e.g. ethanol) are also included.
  3. If oxygen gas and/or carbon dioxide gas are not included in the project then the following numbers will be assumed when calculating the heat values (all values are at 298K).
Species Heat of Formation (Hf) (kJ/mol) Heat Capacity (Cp) (J/K.mol)
Oxygen (O2(g)) 0 29.379
Carbon Dioxide (CO2(g)) -393.8 37.171
Reference:The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 4th Edition (Reid, Prausnitz and Poling)
HoC (Heats of Combustion)
HHV.M150 Calc Higher Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and liquid water at 150°C and 1 atmosphere pressure on a mass basis.
HHV.M25 Calc Higher Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and liquid water at 25°C and 1 atmosphere pressure on a mass basis.
HHV.Ml25 Calc As above except on a molar basis.
HHV.V25 Calc As above except on a volumetric basis. NB Gas mass per volume calculated at 25°C and content pressure.
HHV.M Calc Higher Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and liquid water at the content temperature and pressure on a mass basis.
HHV.Ml Calc As above except on a molar basis.
HHV.V Calc As above except on a volumetric basis. NB Gas mass per volume calculated at the content temperature and pressure.
LHV.M150 Calc Lower Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and steam at 150°C and 1 atmosphere pressure on a mass basis.
LHV.M25 Calc Lower Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and steam at 25°C and 1 atmosphere pressure on a mass basis.
LHV.Ml25 Calc As above except on a molar basis.
LHV.V25 Calc As above except on a volumetric basis. NB Gas mass per volume calculated at 25°C and content pressure.
LHV.M Calc Lower Heating Value - Heat released if the content components undergo complete combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and steam at the content temperature and pressure on a mass basis.
LHV.Ml Calc As above except on a molar basis.
LHV.V Calc As above except on a volumetric basis. NB Gas mass per volume calculated at the content temperature and pressure.

Solution Impurities

This section will show impurity values. Most of these fields will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the SolutionImpurities in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.

Solution Impurities
TotalSuspendedSolids / TSS Calc The Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is the sum of all solids species, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Liquid Impurity
Liquid.Impurity.Frac / Liq.Imp.Frac Calc The mass fraction of all liquid species excluding water, in the content.
TotalDissolvedSolids / TDS Calc The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the sum of all liquid species (not including water), reported as a liquid concentration.
Total.Impurity.Frac / Total.Imp.Frac Calc The mass fraction of all solid and liquid species excluding water, in the content.
Total.Impurity.Conc / Total.Imp.Conc Calc The sum of all solid and liquid species excluding water, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Impurity Breakdown
AqImpurity.Frac / AqImp.Frac Calc The mass fraction of all aqueous species excluding water, in the content.
AqImpurity.Conc / AqImp.Conc Calc The sum of all aqueous species excluding water, reported as a liquid concentration.

H2O Properties

This section will show water/steam entropy values. These will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the H2OProperties in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section.


  1. If the project is using IF97 for the properties of steam and water then:
    • The enthalpies will only be slightly different to the IF97 values shown here due to the slightly different reference temperature (0°C vs 0.01°C).
    • The entropies will be different to the IF97 values by a fixed amount due to the different reference temperatures (0 Kelvin vs 0.01°C).
    • The densities will be the same.
H2OProps (Water and Steam Properties) ...
Water.VapourT@P Calc Water vapour temperature (boiling point/saturation temperature) at the content pressure.
Water.State Calc SysCAD checks the stream properties with the steam tables and displays if under the content temperature and pressure, would all the H2O be liquid (water). If yes, it will display OK, if not it will display Invalid.
Water.Enthalpy / H Calc Water enthalpy (based on reference point of 0°C).
Water.IF97.Enthalpy / H Calc Water enthalpy calculated from IF97 (based on reference point of triple point of water (0.01°C)).
Water.Entropy / S Calc Water entropy (based on reference point of absolute zero (0K)).
Water.IF97.Entropy / S Calc Water entropy calculated from IF97 (based on reference point of triple point of water (0.01°C)).
Water.Density / Rho Calc Water density.
Water.IF97.Density / Rho Calc Water density calculated from IF97.
Steam.State Calc SysCAD checks the content properties with the steam tables and displays:
If under the current content temperature and pressure, would all the H2O be vapour (steam). If yes, it will display OK, if not it will display Invalid.
Steam.Enthalpy / H Calc Steam enthalpy (based on reference point of 0°C).
Steam.IF97.Enthalpy / H Calc Steam enthalpy calculated from IF97 (based on reference point of triple point of water (0.01°C)).
Steam.Entropy / S Calc Steam entropy (based on reference point of absolute zero (0K)).
Steam.IF97.Entropy / S Calc Steam entropy calculated from IF97 (based on reference point of triple point of water (0.01°C)).
Steam.Density / Rho Calc Steam density.
Steam.IF97.Density / Rho Calc Steam density calculated from IF97.

WQ Tab Page

This section will show water quality values. These will only be shown if the user has chosen to display the WaterQualities in the Plant Model - Views tab page or from the Include Properties dropdown list on the first page of the material Flow section. The values will appear on a new tab page called 'WQ'.

Note: As defined on the Plant Model - Water Quality Tab, some calculations require specific aqueous species (mostly ionic species) to be defined within the project. The required species for each calculation are defined in this section.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
WQ (Water Quality)
WaterMassFlow / WaterQm Calc The mass of pure water in the content.
LiquidMassFlow / LQm Calc The mass of liquids in the content.
LiquidVolFlow / LQv Calc The volume of liquids in the content.
Alkalinity (as CaCO3 equivalent)
Alkalinity.Total Calc The Total Alkalinity is defined as: [HCO3-(aq)] + 2*[CO32-(aq)] + [OH-(aq)] + [B(OH)4-(aq)] + 3*[PO43-(aq)] + 2*[HPO42-(aq)] + [H2PO4-(aq)] + [SiO(OH)3-(aq)] - [H+(aq)] - [HSO4-(aq)] - [F-(aq)]
and is reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration. Not all ions have to be present in the project.
The Total Alkalinity is sometimes referred to as M-Alk (Methyl-orange Alkalinity) as it represents the methyl-orange titration end-point at pH = 4.5.
Alkalinity.Carbonate / Carb Calc The Carbonate Alkalinity is equal to the concentration of the aqueous carbonate ion (CO32-(aq)), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Alkalinity.BiCarbonate / BiCarb Calc The Bicarbonate Alkalinity is equal to the concentration of the aqueous bicarbonate ion (HCO3-(aq)), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Alkalinity.Hydroxide / Hydrox Calc The Hydroxide Alkalinity is equal to the concentration of the aqueous hydroxide ion (OH-(aq)), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Alkalinity.P_Alk Calc P-Alk (Phenolphthalein Alkalinity) represents the phenolphthalein titration end-point at pH = 8.3. It is defined as: [OH-(aq)] + 0.5*[CO32-(aq)], reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
EquivalentMineralAcidity / EMA Calc The Equivalent Mineral Acidity (EMA) is defined as: [Cl-(aq)] + [SO42-(aq)] + [NO3-(aq)] + [PO43-(aq)] + [B(OH)4-(aq)] + [F-(aq)] + [Br-(aq)] + [ClO4-(aq)]
and is reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration. Not all ions have to be present in the project.
FreeMineralAcidity / FMA Calc The Free Mineral Acidity (FMA) is defined as the sum of the following liquid concentrations: [Cl-(aq)] + [SO42-(aq)] + [NO3-(aq)] + [PO43-(aq)] + [B(OH)4-(aq)] + [F-(aq)] + [Br-(aq)] + [ClO4-(aq)]
Not all ions have to be present in the project.
Hardness (as CaCO3 equivalent)
Hardness.Total Calc The Total Hardness (TH) is defined as the sum of all multivalent (charge >= 2) aqueous cations such as Al3+(aq), Ba2+(aq), Ca2+(aq), Fe2+(aq), Fe3+(aq) and Mg2+(aq), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Hardness.NonCarbonate / NonCarb Calc The Non-Carbonate Hardness is equal to Total Hardness - Total Alkalinity, reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Hardness.Carbonate / Carb Calc The Carbonate Hardness is equal to Total Hardness - Non-Carbonate Hardness = Total Alkalinity, reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Hardness.Calcium / Ca Calc The Calcium Hardness is equal to the concentration of the aqueous calcium ion (Ca2+(aq)), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
Hardness.Magnesium / Mg Calc The Magnesium Hardness is equal to the concentration of the aqueous magnesium ion (Mg2+(aq)), reported as CaCO3 equivalent liquid concentration.
TotalDissolvedSolids / TDS Calc The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the sum of all liquid species (not including water), reported as a liquid concentration. This is equivalent to performing a TDS analysis in the laboratory at 105°C.
TotalDissolvedSolids@180 / TDS@180 Calc The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) at 180 is equivalent to performing a TDS analysis in the laboratory at 180°C. At this temperature the bicarbonate breaks down as follows:
2HCO3-(aq) -> CO32-(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(g)
Thus TDS@180 is equal to the sum of all liquid species (not including water) except every mole of HCO3-(aq) is replaced with half of mole of CO32-(aq), and it is reported as a liquid concentration.
AqTotalDissolvedSolids / AqTDS Calc The Aqueous Total Dissolved Solids (AqTDS) is the sum of all aqueous species (not including water), reported as a liquid concentration.
TotalSuspendedSolids / TSS Calc The Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is the sum of all solids species, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Carbon (as C Concentration)
TotalCarbon / TC Calc The total concentration of carbon in the content (both solids and liquids), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration. All liquid and solids species which contain carbon will contribute to this value.
TotalOrganicCarbon / TOC Calc The concentration of organic carbon in the content based on the user selected organic carbon species on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
TotalInorganicCarbon / TIC Calc The Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) is simply the difference between the Total Carbon (TC) and the Total Organic Carbon (TOC), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids concentration). All liquid and solids species which contain carbon and have NOT been selected as organic carbon species on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model, will contribute to this value.
DissolvedOrganicCarbon / DOC Calc The concentration of organic carbon in the content based on the user selected liquid organic carbon species on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
SuspendedOrganicCarbon / SOC Calc The concentration of organic carbon in the content based on the user selected solid organic carbon species on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model, reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Oxygen and Oxygen Demand (as O2 Concentration)
DissolvedOxygen / DO Calc The liquid concentration of aqueous oxygen (O2(aq)).
ChemicalOxygenDemand / COD Calc The oxygen required for chemical oxidation of material in the content (such as by potassium dichromate), reported as a liquid concentration of aqueous oxygen (O2(aq)). This is calculated by multiplying the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by a user-defined factor which is set on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model.
UltimateBiochemicalOxygenDemand / UBOD Calc The ultimate amount of oxygen required by micro-organisms to break down organic material in the content, reported as a liquid concentration of aqueous oxygen (O2(aq)). This is calculated by multiplying the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by a user-defined factor which is set on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model.
BiochemicalOxygenDemand5 / BOD5 Calc The oxygen required by micro-organisms to break down organic material in the content in the first 5 days, reported as a liquid concentration of aqueous oxygen (O2(aq)). This is calculated by multiplying the Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (UBOD) by (1-10^(-5k)), where k is the user-defined rate constant (units /day), which is set on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model. This equation assumes that any oxidation is a first-order reaction.
Nitrogen (as N Concentration)
Nitrogen.Total Calc The total concentration of nitrogen in the content (both solids and liquids), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration. All liquid and solids species which contain nitrogen will contribute to this value.
Nitrogen.Organic Calc The concentration of organic nitrogen in the content based on the user selected organic nitrogen species on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model, reported as a liquid concentration.
Nitrogen.Ammonia / NH3 Calc The Ammonia Nitrogen is the concentration of nitrogen present in aqueous ammonia (NH3(aq)) and the aqueous ammonium ion (NH4+(aq)), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Nitrogen.Nitrite / NO2 Calc The Nitrite Nitrogen is the concentration of nitrogen present in the aqueous nitrite ion (NO2-(aq)), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Nitrogen.Nitrate / NO3 Calc The Nitrate Nitrogen is the concentration of nitrogen present in the aqueous nitrate ion (NO3-(aq)), reported as a slurry (liquids + solids) concentration.
Electrical Conductivity
Conductivity Calc The electrical conductivity of the content. This is calculated by multiplying the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) by a user-defined ratio which is set on the WaterQuality tab of the Plant Model.

Qualities Section

The Qualities section appears on the first tab page of the Feeder and Makeup Source models.

This relates to Qualities such as Size Distribution, Lockup, etc. Some of these options are only available as specified in the model's configuration file.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options
(These options are only available as specified in the model's configuration file.)
Lockup.Action Input The user may choose to Create the Lockup quality. The 'Lockup' values are set on the 'DLockup' tab. The field displays the actual state of the Lock Up function: If this has been enabled then this will display 'Lockup.Action(On)', otherwise it will display 'Lockup.Action'. Please see LockUp for more information.
Note: Lockup must first be enabled on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab before the user may create it here.
MatTrack.Action Input The user may choose to Create the Material Tracking quality. The 'Tracking' values are set on the 'DTrack' tab. The field displays the actual state of the Material Tracking function: If this has been enabled then this will display 'MatTrack.Action(On)', otherwise it will display 'MatTrack.Action'. Please see Material Tracking for more information.
Note: Material Tracking must first be configured on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab before the user may create it here.
SzDist.Action Input The user may choose to Create the Size Distribution quality. The 'Size Distribution' values are set on the 'DSz' tab. The field displays the actual state of the Size Distribution function: If this has been enabled then this will display 'SzDist.Action(On)', otherwise it will display 'SzDist.Action'. Please see Size Distribution (PSD) for more information.
SzSSA.Action Input The user may choose to Create the Specific Surface Area (SSA) quality. The 'SSA' values are set on the 'SSA' tab. The field displays the actual state of the SSA function: If this has been enabled then this will display 'SzSSA.Action(On)', otherwise it will display 'SzSSA.Action'. Please see Specific Surface Area (SSA) for more information.
Lockup.InUse Display Displays the state of the LockUp function: Yes or No.
MatTrack.InUse Display Displays the state of the Material Tracking function: Yes or No.
SzDist.InUse Display Displays the state of the Size Distribution (PSD) function: Yes or No.
SzSSA.InUse Display Displays the state of the Specific Surface Area (SSA) function: Yes or No.