Define Species (DSp) Section

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Navigation: Models ➔ Common Sections ➔ Define Species (DSp) Section

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DSp Data Section

  • This Tab will contain a list of all of the species that are specified in the Project configuration file. If a species exists in more than one phase, it will be shown in each phase, e.g. H2O(l) and H2O(g).
  • This Tab allows the user to specify the relative amount of each species delivered by the unit, either a Feeder or a Makeup Source.
  • If this is part of the Preset Image tab, then this defines the material used to fill the unit when the Preset action is enabled.
  • If this Tab is not configured, the default value will be 100% water. Therefore, if a project contains only water, the cause may be that the Feeder species requirements have not been configured.
  • The manner in which you can specify the relative amount of the species depends on which View and SpBasis you have selected. The options, and their consequences, are described in the tables below.
Tag (Long/Short) Option Description
Content (Tag Display and Flow Basis)
SpeciesTag SpeciesLongButton.png SpeciesShortButton.png The Species Long / short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. See Species Long/short Example for more information.
SpBasis All The total mass or moles of the stream will be used when calculating fractional values.
Phase The mass or moles of each phase (solid, liquid or gas) will be used when calculating fractional values.
Individual Phase The mass or moles of each Individual phase (solid, liquid, aqueous, organic, gas, etc.) will be used when calculating fractional values.
Species View Options
Mass Flow Mass Flow Rate of the species, phase or total. This mode will overwrite the QmReqd configured on the first page. The total flow rate delivered by the feeder will be the sum of all the species flow rates.
Mass Frac Mass Fraction of the species or phase. The total flow rate delivered by the feeder will be based on the QmReqd configured on the first page. The total fractions will always add to 100%.
Mole Flow Mole Flow Rate of the species, phase or total. This mode will overwrite the QmReqd configured on the first page. The total flow rate delivered by the feeder will be the sum of all the species flow rates.
Mole Frac Mole Fraction of the species or phase. The total flow rate delivered by the feeder will be based on the QmReqd configured on the first page. The total fractions will always add to 100%.
============== Totals
Total Calculated [c] The total value for the chosen view. For fraction views, the total fractions will always add to 100%.
Solids Input or Calculated [c] This is the total for the solid phase occurrence. For the FeederSink unit, if the Feeder Operation Selection allows solids, then this field may be set by the user or default to 100%.
Liquids Input or Calculated [c] This is the total for the liquid phase occurrence. For the FeederSink unit, if the Feeder Operation Selection allows liquids, then this field maybe set by the user or default to 100%.
Vapours Input or Calculated [c] This is the total for the vapour phase occurrence. For the FeederSink unit, if the Feeder Operation Selection allows vapours, then this field maybe set by the user or default to 100%.
Individual phase X Input or Calculated [c] If the Individual Phase basis is chosen, then additional fields will appear for the flow or fraction of each individual phase total. The individual phase is defined in the SysCAD database, see Species Definition
============== Phase / Individual Phase (Species layout is set in the cfg file.)
Species X Input User can enter the composition of each species for the chosen view.
Species Calculation X Calculated [c] Any user defined Species Calculations maybe visible here.

We are given an ore analysis on a dry mass basis with a moisture content of 5% by mass.

  1. Use the MassFrac with SpBasis set to Phase.
  2. First enter 5% in the Liquids % field and 100%Liq for H2O(l), this is the input for the liquid phase.
  3. Now enter 95% in the Solids % field for the solids fraction. Then we enter the ore analysis; say 90%Sol for CaCO3(s) and 10%Sol for MgCO3(s).
Global Material View Options
ImageColumnCount The default number of columns displayed on the DSp (Define Species Flow) tab is 2. However, the user may change the number of columns displayed by changing this value, the maximum is 4. This can also be changed on the Views Tab of the Plant Model, hot jump is provided by the next variable below.
ViewOptions Use the magnifying glass hot jump to go to the Views Tab
FixUpStrategy Only relevant if the Mass Frac or Mole Frac View options are chosen. Allows SysCAD to 'fix' the stream make up to 100% if the sum of the numbers entered is less than or greater than 100%.
Largest SysCAD will increase or decrease the fraction of the species with the largest unmodified fraction.
  • If one of the phase options is chosen for the Basis, then the species adjusted will be the largest in that phase.
  • If there is a tie for largest, then the bottom (last) in-use species in the list is selected.
  • Exception: If all species in use are specified (i.e. all others are zero), then all species are scaled up proportionally.
  • Note: If the fraction exceeds 100%, then several species may need to be adjusted from the largest down until the total adds to 100%.
BottomUp SysCAD will increase or decrease the fraction of the species which is at the bottom (last) of the list of species.
  • If one of the phase options is chosen for the Basis, then the species adjusted will be the last in that phase.
  • Note: If the fraction exceeds 100%, then several species may need to be adjusted from the bottom up until the total adds to 100%.


  1. The fields can either be calculated (e.g. sum of all species in the phase) or specified. The phase total will be the sum of individual species specified.
  2. If the Phase flows are adjusted, SysCAD will adjust all the individual species flow to meet the specified total phase flow.
  3. Similarly, if the Phase fraction is adjusted, the individual species fractions on a phase basis will be preserved.

Hint: Only adjust either the total phase flow(s) or the individual species flow(s) at any one time to avoid over specifying.