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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Species Properties ($SDB) ➔ FS SDB Tab

FS SDB Tab H2O Tab Thermo1 Tab Thermo2 Tab Vapours Tab Liquids Tab Solids Tab Definition Tab Properties Tab Other Tab Elements Tab Components Tab


This tab page shows numbers of different types of species:

  • Total number of species.
  • Number of species in the three different phase occurrences (solid, liquid, vapour).
  • Number of aqueous species.
  • Number of charged species.
  • Number of cationic (positively charged) species.
  • Number of anionic (negatively charged) species.
  • Number of volatile liquid species, liquid species with corresponding vapour species which has vapour pressure data. (Available from Build 139.)
  • Number of condensable vapour species, vapour species vapour pressure data and corresponding liquid species. (Available from Build 139.)
  • Number of species with heat of dilution data.
  • Number of solvent species affected by density correction.
  • Number of solute species with density correction data.
  • Number of solute species with density correction factors (polynomial or table).
  • Number of solute species with Laliberté density data.
  • Number of species with BPE data.
  • Number of species with solubility data.
  • Number of species with Phase Change at Temperature data.
  • Number of species with Phase Change at Mass Fraction data.
  • It also shows the number of elements and components in the project.
  • It also shows the number of ions in the Ion Database, as well as number of cations and anions.

SDB FS SDB139.png

  • SpeciesConfbutton.png: Pressing the CopytoClipboard button will add selected Properties Data onto the clipboard.
  • SpeciesPropertiesbutton.png: The Reports button allows the user to copy selected data onto the clipboard.