TCE Configuration

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Edit ➔ Project Configuration (cfg File) ➔ TCE Configuration

Project Configuration
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Latest SysCAD Version: 26 September 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36389

Available from Build 139.


The configuration file options for the Thermodynamic Calculation Engine (TCE) Add-On can be edited via the Configuration editor in Build 139.29706 or later.

  • The following TCE Add-On options are currently available in SysCAD. Please see Thermodynamic Calculation Engines for more information.
  • The TCE configuration tab will only be available if one or more of these options is in use (DLL has been selected during Step 1: Model Selection).
  • NOTE: If upgrading from earlier builds to Build 139.29706, an auto-update of TCE configuration settings is attempted. Please review database folder location and file selections.

Editing TCE Configuration Settings

Configfile TCE2.png

There are several configuration settings to modify how a particular TCE behaves within a project. These include:

Number Setting/Selection Description
Button Small 1.png TCE Add-On Edit the relevant TCE section based on your project requirements. TCE add-ons available are: AQSol, ChemApp, OLI and PHREEQC. In the example screenshot above, PHREEQC is used.
Button Small 2.png TCE License Option User can specify whether the licensed or demonstration version of the TCE interface should be used.
  • The demonstration version can be used without a purchased TCE license, and is intended for evaluation purposes.
  • This does not apply to the OLI interface. OLI requires fully licensed interface.
Button Small 3.png Number of Engines The SysCAD implementation of TCE supports multithreading, you can choose how many engines to load.
  • The maximum number of engines is limited by the number of cores, i.e. Max = 2 x number of cores.
  • Caution: Care should be taken to ensure that you don't run out of heap space.
  • In Build 139 or later, if the number of engines is not specified in the cfg file then SysCAD will assume 3 engines.
Button Small 4.png Minimum Water Content This specifies the minimum total water content in the feed solution required for the specified TCE to solve.
  • This does not apply to ChemApp.
Use Ion Mapping If checked, ion mapping algorithms will be available for use within ChemApp. This is only needed if using an aqueous database with ChemApp.
Button Small 5.png TCE Database Folder

Required for Build 139. You must specify the database file(s) you wish to load into the project in the cfg file.

  • All databases used by the project must be stored in the same folder, selected via the "Browse..." button.
  • The recommended folder location is at the same folder level as the CfgFiles folder, see image to the right. It is not recommended to store database folder/files within the project folder (.spf). Folder path is saved relative to the CfgFiles folder.
  • In the example shown, there are two databases available in the "Databases_for_PHREEQC" folder, user can select both databases for use in the project.
  • Database files shown in grey were expected by existing cfg settings, but not found in the selected folder. These will be removed from the cfg on "OK".
Button Small 6.png TCE Database File(s)
Button Small 7.png IonList The ion list can be viewed / edited using the "Edit Ion List" button. This will open the ion list stored in the project CfgFiles folder for editing (via the default text editor).
  • A warning is given if no IonList.txt file is found. A default copy will be created on project load.
  • NOTE: Currently the IonList is required for the AQSol and PHREEQC models.
Button Small 8.png Use Registry to locate OLI For OLI only. It is recommended to select this option as the registry entry corresponds to the most recently installed version of the OLI Engine.
Button Small 9.png OLI Dll Path This is used if the Use Registry to locate OLI option is not checked. This option is only required if multiple versions of OLI Engines are installed on the machine, and the user wishes to use a specific engine file to run the SysCAD model. Caution: If this option is used, other users may not be able to open the project as is, because their OLI engine path may be different. For others to use the project, they may need to edit the OLI DLL path to point to the correct OLI Engine location.
Button Small 10.png AQSol Database Folder This refers to the installation folder of AQSol. Use the ‘Browse’ button to locate the installation folder. Typically, this is found at C:\Program Files (x86)\AQSolxxx\.
Button Small 11.png Edit IPhaseMap File This button enables the user to create or edit the IPhaseMap File. See Defining IPhaseMap for more information.