Sieve Series

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Edit ➔ Project Configuration (cfg File) ➔ Size Configuration ➔ Sieve Series

Edit Configuration Step 2 of 2 - Size Configuration
Size Configuration (Summary) Sieve Series Size Distribution Measurements

Related Links: Size Distribution (PSD), Size Distribution Definition

Sieve Series

Distribution Button Small 1.png Each Size Distribution has its own sieve series. If more than one Size Distribution is available, click on this list box to choose the correct size distribution for sieve series definition.
Sieve Series
Units: Button Small 2.png You may change the default engineering units for the sieve series by using the Units list box.
Q Button Small 3.png Creates a series from the minimum and encompassing the maximum values based where the ratio between series is based on the following formulae:
[math]\displaystyle{ d_{i+1} = d_i \times R }[/math] where [math]\displaystyle{ R = 2^{1/3Q} }[/math].
  • Volumes are thus in the ratio [math]\displaystyle{ 2^{1/Q} }[/math], and if [math]\displaystyle{ Q=1 }[/math], each consecutive particle volume (or mass) is double the previous one.
  • Q is the number of bins per doubling of particle mass.
  • If MidPt is selected then the start value is [math]\displaystyle{ Minimum/(1+0.5(R-1)) }[/math] else the start value is Minimum.
  • If the user is planning to use the Alumina Precipitator 3 with PSD , then use the Q option, with Q = 1.0.
Sqrt(2) Each interval is √2 times previous interval.
Ratio Each interval is Ratio times previous interval.
Arithmetic Linear intervals separated by 'A'.
Tyler Mesh The full Tyler Mesh series. The user may truncate the series by adjusting the minimum and maximum values.
US Mesh The full US Mesh series. The user may truncate the series by adjusting the minimum and maximum values.
To Manual By clicking on this button the user transfers the series data to Manual and changes the specification type to Manual.
  • This allows the user to select one of the other methods of size series specification and then modify it as required.
Minimum The minimum value for the Sieve Series. NOTE: This is the upper value of the smallest size interval. The absolute smallest size possible (lower value of the smallest size interval) is "Bottom Size" defined on the Size Distribution tab page. The Bottom Size must be less than the Minimum value for the distribution. If the Minimum is set to a value equal to or lower than the Bottom Size, then the Bottom Size will be adjusted to half of the Minimum.
Maximum The maximum value used when determining the Sieve Series. Depending on the method, this may not be the upper value of the largest size interval.
Number of Points Displays number of Intervals.
Decimals For non-manual types you can specify 0-8 decimal places.
Manual Button Small 4.png Allows the user to manually enter size intervals.
  • The user may add or remove sizes from the series by clicking on the 'Add' or 'Remove' buttons. Button Small 6.png
  • The user may also change a size by double clicking on the value in the Size series and then entering the required value.
Copy to Clipboard This button copies the current sieve series onto the Windows clipboard, allowing it to be pasted into external programs such as Excel.
Paste from Clipboard Button Small 5.png This button is only available if Manual is selected. It allows the user to copy a sieve series from an external program such as Excel and paste it into the sieve series box.


  1. For the smallest size interval the upper value is the smallest value in the sieve series and the lower value is not zero, it is defined by the user as "Bottom Size" on the Size Distribution tab page.
  2. When using size separation units, such as Screens and Hydrocyclones, the calculated efficiency curve is dependent on the user defined sieve series. Because efficiency curves are usually steep, it is recommended that the user defines as many size fractions around the cut-sizes of interest as possible.
  3. If the user wishes to use more than one sieve series in a project, then it is recommended that all of the sieve series have the same number of size intervals. This makes reporting and setting values simpler.
  4. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V will not work in the sieve series box, use the Copy to Clipboard and Paste from Clipboard buttons instead.