Common Data Sections

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Navigation: Models ➔ Common Sections ➔ Info

Model Tab Optional Input Content Tabs Optional Material Content Tabs Optional Material Flow Tabs Common Tabs
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Common Data on Info Tab Page

This section is common to all model types.

Tag(Long/Short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options


EquipDescription / EqpDesc Input Description of the equipment. If not blank, this text will be displayed in the 'GenDesc' field on the first tab page of the unit.
EquipMemo / EqpMemo Input A description of the unit as a memo text field. This field is handled by SysCAD like a normal tag, therefore it can reported and set via Excel.
Link1/2 Hyperlinks Hyperlink to a web page or file. There are two fields available for Hyperlinks. If a valid link is entered, the globe icon lights up and becomes clickable.
Web pages should begin with http:// or https://, and files should begin with file://host/ (or simply file:/// for local files).
EquipIdString / EqpIdStr Input Equipment identifier that can be used for reporting.
EquipLocation / EqpLocation Input Equipment location identifier that can be used for reporting.
ReportMe Tick Box Useful flag to reference to include/exclude models or pipes in Excel TagSelect reports.
ReportKey Input Custom report key number - this may be used to select user defined keys for reporting.
GeneralDescription / GenDesc Display This is an automatically generated description for the unit. If the user has entered text in the 'EqpDesc' field above, this will be displayed here. If this field is blank, then:
  • For pipes, SysCAD will use the text in the 'ConnectDesc' field - this displays the Source and Destination tags of the pipe;
  • For Feeders/Cross Page Connectors, SysCAD will display the state of the unit, i.e. if it is a Feeder or a Sink, etc.;
  • For other units SysCAD will display the unit class ID.

System Info

UnitType Output The unique Type of the model. This will be identical to the title of the first tab page. Useful for selecting types of units/pipes in Excel TagSelect reports.
UnitGroup Output A group that this UnitType belongs to - Unit, Control, Stream or OtherLink. Useful for selecting groups of models in Excel TagSelect reports.
DllName Output Each SysCAD unit-model is stored and distributed in a "dynamic-link-library" (dll). The name of the dll where the unit-model is stored will be displayed here for user information.
SubTypeList Output List of all SubType sub models found in this model. There may be one or many of each SubType. These are primarily used in TagSelect for reporting and queries.
AddOnsReqdList Output Some SysCAD unit-models require specific add-ons to load the model. For example, the Flash Tank 2 unit-model requires the HeatBalance Addon to load. If user does not have the "HeatBalance" add-on license option, then the project will fail to load.
AddOnsUsedList Output Some SysCAD unit-models require specific add-ons to run the model. For example, the General Separator unit-model using Solids PSD Solids separation method requires the PSD Addon to run. If user does not have the "PSD" add-on license option, then the project will not solve using the PSD option.

Settings and Options

Mode:<Direct> or <InLine>, <Transfer Push> or <Transfer Pull> (Only available from Build 139 for selected models in Dynamic mode)
(This field may only
be set in Dynamic mode.)
Direct Only solution option for models which do not allow surge, e.g. Pipe, Tie, etc.
Inline Solution option for models with surge, e.g. Tank, Tailings Dam, etc.
The following 4 fields are only relevant for some models (such as pipes) in Dynamic mode. Please see Dynamic Transfer for more information on Transfer simulation modes.
FlowCalc Transfer Push In Transfer Push mode the pipes act as chutes where flow is instantaneously transferred from the source to the destination unit.
Transfer Pull In Transfer Pull mode simple networks are established, and this will determine the flow through the individual pipes.
FlowCalc.Apply FlowCalc Apply Button.png Available from Build 139.
FlowCalc.IterFwd Display
FlowCalc.IterRev Display
Procedures Tickbox The user may enable the Procedures functionality within certain units, e.g. Tanks, Ties, Pipes, etc. This allows users to embed control functionality within the unit. If enabled, a new tab page called MP will appear. Please see Model Procedures for further information.
Active Tickbox Activates or Deactivates the unit operation. This is normally set by SysCAD when the user Activates or Deactivates an entire flowsheet, see Active Pages and Manipulating Graphics and Trend Windows for methods of Activating and Deactivating flow sheets..
Hold Tickbox Puts the unit operation on Hold so the solver ignores it when building a solution.
SetState Blank No action required
Complete_Reset This option is effectively a combination of all the following SetState options.
Reset_Process This will empty a pipe and flow values when the run begins.
Reset_Control This will reset a controller back to 'Base' state, i.e. the same state as when the controller is first inserted into the project. This is mainly relevant for PID controllers.
Reset_Statistics Selecting this will Reset the Statistics.
Reset_EventsProfiles This will reset the Event or Profile back to start time.
Empty_Process This Empties the unit if it has surge, e.g. if it is a Tank.
Preset_Process This will preset the unit with the Preset data entered by the user.
Remove_Quals This will clear the qualities information from all models and streams in a project. Used to clear unwanted qualities build up in recycle streams. See Remove Qualities for more information.
Copy_to_Preset If the unit has surge, this will copy the current contents to the Preset image.
SetTimetoZero Reset the starting time to zero.
(The State Action may also be set using the
Options Button on the
first tab page of the unit.
Set Action Button.png Shown as button list, user can select any of the following actions (not all are available, depends on Solver Mode and Unit Type):
  • Complete Reset : This option is a combination of Reset Process through to Preset Process described below.
  • Reset Process : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. This will empty all pipes and flow values when the run begins.
  • Reset Control : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. This will reset all controllers back to 'Base' state, i.e. the same state as when the controller is first inserted into the project. This is mainly relevant for PID controllers.
  • Reset Statistics : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. Selecting this will Reset Statistical blocks when scenario is started (used for Dynamic models).
  • Reset EventsProfiles : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. This will reset Event or Profile models back to start time.
  • Empty Process : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. This Empties the unit if it has surge, e.g. if it is a Tank.
  • Preset Process : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. This will preset the unit with the Preset data entered by the user.
  • Empty or Preset : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. If unit has surge, will either be reset with PreSet values or emptied.
  • Remove Quals : This resets all qualities.
  • Copy to Preset : Only relevant for Dynamic projects. Copies existing composition of surge (if present) to the preset image.
InactiveOption None No action is taken when the model is placed in inactive mode.
Reset Only available in Steady-State (ProBal) projects. The process unit is reset when it is placed in inactive mode.
Empty Only available in Dynamic projects. The process unit is emptied when it is placed in inactive mode.
Preset Only available in Dynamic projects. Preset is used when it is placed in inactive mode.
Custom Only available in Dynamic projects. Only selected models will have the "Custom" option. For example, in dynamic project a user may want to force or change valve/pump positions, or manipulate tank level and temperature. The purpose is for Marshal or XRefs or reports to see "meaningful" values. If "Custom" is used then the inactive model is "executed" each iteration but only to manipulate a few basic "custom" inactive options.
NodeStats.Generate Tickbox Toggles the NodeStats option on/off. If this is selected, individual unit's solver related statistical information will be display on the unit model's NodeStats tab page in the access window.
Location.Count Output
Location.Graphic Output The flowsheet the unit model is located on.
Location.Area Output The area that the unit model is a part of.

Network Info

Network.Show Show Network Button.png Available from Build 139. Analyse and show network in Find Result dialog box.
Marked Tickbox
Network.ID Output The ID of the Network that the unit belongs to.
Network.EvalNet Output
Network.EvalOrder Output The Evaluation order of the unit set by the SysCAD Solver.
LocalNetwork.Set Set Local FlowCalc Button.png Only available in Dynamic projects.
LocalNetwork.Show Show Local Network Button.png Only available in Dynamic projects. Analyse and show summary of local network.
LocalNetwork.Analyse Analyse Local Nets Button.png Only available in Dynamic projects. Analyse local network.
LocalNetwork.Find Show Local Network Button.png Only available in Dynamic projects. Analyse and show local network in Find Result dialog box.
LocalNetwork.IDList Output Only available in Dynamic projects.
LocalNetwork.IDSeqList Output Only available in Dynamic projects.

Common Data on First Tab Page

This section is common to all model types.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options
Tag Display This name tag may be modified with the change tag option.
Condition Display OK if no errors/warnings, otherwise lists errors/warnings.
ConditionCount Display The current number of errors/warnings. If condition is OK, returns 0.
GeneralDescription / GenDesc Display This is an automatically generated description for the unit. If the user has entered text in the 'EqpDesc' field on the Info tab (see below), this will be displayed here.
If this field is blank, then SysCAD will display the UnitType or SubClass.