ChemApp Reactor
Navigation: Models ➔ TCE Models ➔ ChemApp ➔ ChemApp Reactor
ChemApp Overview | ChemApp Database Utility | ChemApp Model Configuration | ChemApp Direct Calc | ChemApp Side Calc | ChemApp Reactor | ChemApp Feeder | ChemApp Tank (Dynamic) |
Latest SysCAD Version: 12 February 2025 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.37014
Related Links: ChemApp SysCAD Project Workflow
Formally released as part of Build 139 (first available as BETA version in Build 138). The ChemApp SysCAD TCE option and models documentation is for the latest version of SysCAD.
General Description
The ChemApp Reactor model allows the user to 'call' the ChemApp solver to determine the state of a SysCAD stream. The composition, temperature and pressure of the 'Feed' stream are based on the feed to the unit. The unit will then determine the equilibrium conditions of the resulting stream.
The results can be applied to the product stream or just performed as a side calculation (similar to use of the ChemApp Side Calc Model).
- The user MUST have added and configured a ChemApp Model Configuration unit in the SysCAD project before this unit can function.
- The user MUST have installed a version of ChemApp on their computer to make use of the ChemApp functionality in SysCAD. Please see for more information.
The diagram shows a drawing of the ChemApp Reactor unit, with Feed, Product and Vent streams. When the user inserts the ChemApp Reactor unit into a flowsheet, a different graphics symbol can be selected from a pull down menu. The streams may be connected to any area of the drawing without affecting the actual connection point as SysCAD ignores the physical position of the connection. For reactors with multiple incoming streams, the combined stream pressure will be set to the lowest pressure of the incoming streams that contain a flow.
Inputs and Outputs
Label | Required / Optional |
Input / Output |
Number of Connections | Description | |
Min | Max | ||||
Feed | 1 Required | Input | 1 | 10 | Feed stream/s. |
Product | Required | Output | 1 | 1 | Product stream. |
Vent | Optional | Output | 0 | 1 | Vent Stream (Vapour Only). |
The ChemApp Reactor can be incorporated into a SysCAD flowsheet, it can be connected with SysCAD inlet and outlet streams.
Model Theory
The ChemApp Reactor Model uses the ChemApp algorithms and data to determine the status of the equilibrium solution.
Mapping of the SysCAD to ChemApp streams is done via Species Mapping.
The ChemApp Reactor can be incorporated into a SysCAD flowsheet, it can be connected with SysCAD inlet and outlet streams.
- User connects the ChemApp Reactor with SysCAD input streams,
- The SysCAD feed stream(s) using SysCAD species is converted into ChemApp "Input" using ChemApp Species. The species mapping is defined in the corresponding ChemApp Model Configuration unit model.
- The ChemApp Reactor calls the ChemApp algorithms to determine the status of the mixture using the converted ChemApp "input" data.
- The ChemApp results are displayed in the "output" tab using ChemApp species.
- If the ChemApp Reactor is in Side Calc mode, the results are NOT converted into SysCAD species. (SysCAD stream outlet = sum of SysCAD inlet streams, no change will occur)
- If the ChemApp Reactor is in Reactor mode, then the results are converted back into SysCAD species. Please see Species Mapping for more information.
- The Input, Output and Diff tab pages are displayed using ChemApp species, as defined in the database (.dat or .cst) specified in the corresponding ChemApp Model Configuration unit model.
- The species used in the SysCAD project are shown on the optional Sp pages, shown as part of the QFeed, QBypass, QUnmapped, QRxnProdBypass and QProd pages.
- The calculations performed are similar to using ChemApp directly, except the contents of the SysCAD stream are mapped to equivalent ChemApp species using the settings defined in the ChemApp Model Configuration unit model.
The suggested workflow for configuring the model is:
- Make sure the project contains at least one of the ChemApp Model Configuration model, and the model is loaded with the correct ChemApp database you would like to use for the ChemApp Reactor.
- On the ChemAppReactor tab page, set the operating pressure and Vent.SolidsMethod (and any other sub-models).
- On the TCE tab page, select the correct ChemModel (to match step 1) (Note: In older builds, this selection was made on the ChemAppReactor tab page).
- Select the Model type and other options (Bypass, VLE, CFE).
- Choose the Target Calculation OpMode and fill in the required information based on the operation mode selection.
- Perform an equilibrium calculation by pressing Solve in SysCAD.
- The Results are displayed in the ChemAppResults and Output tabs.
- Check and fix any species mapping issues. (ChemApp resulting species may change if the operating conditions change, so it is likely a change of temperature or feed composition will result in different ChemApp species.)
Data Sections
The tabs and variable names are described in detail in the following tables.
- ChemAppReactor tab - This first tab allows the user to set some general options.
- MU - Optional tab, or multiple tabs if more than 1 Makeup is selected. Only visible if one of more Makeups are enabled in the Evaluation Block.
- TCE tab - This tab allows the user to choose the corresponding ChemApp Model Configuration unit and set other TCE options including to choice of model (Reactor or Side Calc).
- QFeed - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQFeed is enabled on the first tab page.
- QTCEFeed - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQTCEFeed is enabled on the first tab page.
- CFE - Optional tab, only visible if the UseCFE option is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- Bypass - Optional tab, only visible if the WithBypass option is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- RxnBypass - Optional tab, only visible if the WithBypass option is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- ChemAppResults tab - This tab displays the key results of the calculations.
- Input tab - This tab displays a summary of the mapped Input stream as ChemApp species.
- Output tab - This tab displays the Output stream results including the amounts of each ChemApp species present in the final mixture.
- Diff tab - Optional tab, only visible if the ShowRxnDiff option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This tab displays the amounts of each species which are formed or reacted as part of the calculations.
- ElemBal tab - This tab displays an elemental balance between the Input and Output streams.
- PhDeport tab - Optional tab, only visible if the PhaseElemDeportment option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This tab shows the movement of elements for the Solid, Liquid and Gas phases.
- IPhDeport tab - Optional tab, only visible if the IPhaseElemDeportment option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This tab shows the movement of elements for individual ChemApp phases.
- Plotter tab - Optional tab, only visible if the ShowPlotter option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This tab allows the user to generate sets of data.
- SpForPlot tab - Optional tab, only visible if the SelectSp option is enabled on the Plotter tab. This tab allows the user to select which species to be reported in the sets of data to be generated.
- QUnmapped - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQUnmapped is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- QRxnUnmapped - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQRxnUnmapped is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- QBypass - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQBypass is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- QRxnBypass - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQRxnBypass is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- QProd - Optional tab, only visible if ShowQProd is enabled on the first tab page.
- Info tab - contains general settings for the unit and allows the user to include documentation about the unit and create Hyperlinks to external documents.
- Links tab, contains a summary table for all the input and output streams.
- Audit tab - contains summary information required for Mass and Energy balance. See Model Examples for enthalpy calculation Examples.
ChemAppReactor tab page
Unit Type: ChemAppReactor - The first tab page in the access window will have this name.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Tag | Display | This name tag may be modified with the change tag option. |
Condition | Display | OK if no errors/warnings, otherwise lists errors/warnings. |
ConditionCount | Display | The current number of errors/warnings. If condition is OK, returns 0. |
GeneralDescription / GenDesc | Display | This is an automatically generated description for the unit. If the user has entered text in the 'EqpDesc' field on the Info tab (see below), this will be displayed here. If this field is blank, then SysCAD will display the UnitType or SubClass. |
Requirements | ||
On | Tickbox | This allows the user to disable the ChemApp calculations, and the unit becomes a simple conduit with no calculations. |
Vent.SolidsMethod | None | No solids will be sent to the Vent stream. |
Solids to Vent | The user can specify a fraction of the solids in the product to be sent to the Vent stream (if connected). | |
Vent Solids Fraction | The user can specify the fraction of solids in the Vent stream (if connected). | |
SolidsToVent | Input | Only visible if Vent.SolidsMethod = Solids to Vent. The fraction of the solids in the product to be sent to the Vent stream (if connected). |
Vent.SolidFracReqd | Input | Only visible if Vent.SolidsMethod = Vent Solids Fraction. The fraction of solids in the Vent stream (if connected). |
OperatingP - NOTE: this pressure is applied to the (combined) feed, before sub-models (if any). | ||
Method | AutoDetect | If there are any liquids AND no vapours present in the feed, outlet streams will take the highest pressure of the feeds. Else (e.g. some vapours present) outlet streams will take the lowest pressure of the feeds. |
LowestFeed | Outlet streams will take the lowest pressure of the feeds. | |
HighestFeed | Outlet streams will take the highest pressure of the feeds. | |
Atmospheric | Outlet streams will be at Atmospheric Pressure. The atmospheric pressure is calculated by SysCAD based on the user defined elevation (default elevation is at sea level = 101.325 kPa). The elevation can be changed on the Environment tab page of the Plant Model. | |
RequiredP | Outlet streams will be at the user specified pressure. | |
IgnoreLowMassFlow / IgnoreLowQm | Tick Box | This option is only visible if the AutoDetect, LowestFeed or HighestFeed methods are chosen. When calculating the outlet pressure and temperature of the tank, SysCAD will ignore the low flow feed streams should this option be selected. The low flow limit is set in the field below. |
LowMassFlowFrac / LowQmFrac | Input | This field is only visible if the IgnoreLowQm option is selected. This is the amount any stream contributes to the total flow. For example, if the total feed to the tank is 10 kg/s, and this field is set to 1%. Then any feed streams with less than 0.1 kg/s will be ignored in the pressure calculations. |
PressureReqd / P_Reqd | Input | This field is only visible if the RequiredP method is chosen. This is user specified pressure. |
Result | Calc | The actual pressure used for the sum of the feeds which will also be the outlet pressure (unless further model options change the pressure). |
EB (Evaluation Block) ... | ||
EvalSequence | Calc | The sequence in which the sub models (which are part of the evaluation blocks) will be calculated. The sequence is determined by the priority selection for the individual sub-models. Note: If the user chooses On-AutoSequence then SysCAD will determine the sequence of the sub-models. The sequence followed will be MU1, MU2, etc., RB. |
Makeups | Input | The number of makeup blocks required. Extra dropdown options Makeup1, Makeup2, etc. will be added to allow these to be switched on. |
MakeupX | List | This can be used to switch the Makeup Block (MU) on or off and prioritise it in relation to the other sub-models. If this is 'On' then the associated page, MUX becomes visible and may be configured. Note: This field is only visible if the entry for 'Makeups' is greater than 0. If there is one makeup then X=1. If there are two makeups, then X=1 and X=2, etc. |
Options | ||
ShowQFeed | Tickbox | Allows the user to view the QFeed and associated tab pages, showing the properties of the combined feed stream. See Material Flow Section. This will be prior to any sub-model (e.g. reactions) actions or ChemApp calculations. |
ShowQTCEFeed | Tickbox | Allows the user to view the QTCEFeed and associated tab pages, showing the properties of the combined feed stream before ChemApp calculations. See Material Flow Section. This will be after the actions of any sub-models (e.g. reactions). |
ShowQProd | Tickbox | Only visible if Model = Reactor on the TEC tab page. Allows the user to view the QProd and associated tab pages, showing the properties of the products. See Material Flow Section. This will be after the actions of any sub-models and ChemApp calculations. |
TCE tab page
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
This program contains ChemApp Copyright GTT-Technologies, Germany | ||
Chemistry Model | ||
ChemModel... | ||
UnitTag | List | The tag of the relevant ChemApp Model Configuration unit model- this may be chosen from the drop down list of all ChemApp Model Configuration unit models available in the project. |
ModelCfgTagUsed/ModelCfgTag | Display | The tag of the relevant ChemApp Model Configuration unit model. |
Check | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, SysCAD will check that the UnitTag is a valid ChemApp Model Configuration unit model. |
ConnOK | Tickbox | If SysCAD finds a valid ChemApp Model Configuration unit model, then this field will be enabled. |
Status | OK | The specified chemistry model (ChemApp Model Configuration) has been initialised correctly and the database file has been found and loaded correctly. |
ChemModel Tag not Specified | No tag has been specified for the Chemistry Model. Specify the desired Chemistry Model (ChemApp Model Configuration) in the UnitTag field. | |
Valid ChemModel Tag Required | The tag specified for the Chemistry Model in the UnitTag field is invalid and needs to be corrected. | |
Init Required | The specified Chemistry Model (ChemApp Model Configuration) needs to be initialised. | |
ChemModel Load Required | The database of the specified Chemistry Model (ChemApp Model Configuration) needs to be loaded. | |
DLL or Version Error | There is a problem with the ChemApp DLL or version. | |
Init Failed | Initialisation of the specified Chemistry Model (ChemApp Model Configuration) has been attempted but failed. | |
Select actions if species unmapped | ||
FwdSpMap.UnmappedAction | Stop Solver | Any unmapped SysCAD species will cause the solver to stop, user will need to fix the species mapping before solving again. |
Bypass | Any unmapped SysCAD species will be bypassed, i.e. will not be present in the ChemApp input | |
RevSpMap.UnmappedAction | Make Inactive | Any unmapped SysCAD species will cause the model to be inactive. |
Stop Solver | Any unmapped SysCAD species will cause the solver to stop, user will need to fix the species mapping before solving again. | |
Allow Solve | Any unmapped SysCAD species will be ignored. Model will solve but will have a mass balance error. | |
ActionOnError | Continue | The model will continue solving if the ChemApp calculation fails. |
Pause | The model will pause solving if the ChemApp calculation fails. | |
Stop | The model will stop solving if the ChemApp calculation fails. | |
Requirements | ||
Model | None (Off) | No calculations will be performed and input=output. |
Side Calc | The results from the ChemApp calculation will be displayed but will not be applied to the output stream (input composition = output composition). This is similar to using the ChemApp Side Calc Model. | |
Reactor | The results from the ChemApp calculation will be applied to the output stream, potentially affecting the composition and temperature/enthalpy of the stream. | |
VLEModel | Display | Displays the VLE model used. |
UseCFE | Tickbox | If this is ticked, then the CFE (Constrained Free Energy) tab page will appear.
WithBypass | Tickbox | If this is ticked, then the Bypass tab page will appear. |
Select dependent variable and target value | ||
OpMode... | ||
OpMode | Temperature | The target variable is the Temperature of the final solution. |
FeedT | The target variable is the Temperature of the feed solution. | |
Enthalpy CHEMAPP | The target variable is the Enthalpy of the final solution. ChemApp Enthalpy is maintained. | |
PhaseFormation | Available in full ChemApp only. The target variable is the amount of a particular phase present in the final solution. | |
PhasePrecipitation | Available in full ChemApp only. The target variable is the point of precipitation of a second phase from a single phase. For example, if you have a stream which is entirely gas phase, you can calculate the temperature at which a second phase starts to appear. | |
TemperatureReqd / T_Reqd | Input | Only visible if OpMode = Temperature. The user specified target temperature for the final solution. |
dEnth.Reqd / dH.Reqd | Input | Only visible if OpMode = Enthalpy CHEMAPP. The user specified target duty. |
CalcEnthalpy | Tickbox | Visible when OpMode ≠ Enthalpy CHEMAPP. If the calculation requires a heat balance, then this option should be selected. If heat balance is not required, untick this option to save on computation time. Note: unticking this option will also remove the enthalpy display from the Input and Output tabs. |
SelPhase... (only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation or PhasePrecipitation) | ||
Filter | Input | Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation or PhasePrecipitation. Allows user to optionally shorten the Phase Selection list (Phase) by entering in some letters from the desired phase. |
Phase | List | Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation or PhasePrecipitation. The user can select one phase from the list of all phases in the ChemApp database. The list will not show all phases if user has entered some letters in the Filter field above. |
MoleBasis | Tickbox | Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation. Selecting this tickbox allows user to specify the target mole flow. If this is not selected, then mass flow is used. |
Phase.MassFlowReqd / Phase.QmReqd | Input | Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation and MoleBasis = unticked. The user specified mass flow of the chosen phase/species that is to be formed. |
Phase.MoleFlowReqd / Phase.QMlReqd | Input | Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation and MoleBasis = ticked. The user specified moles of the chosen phase/species that is to be formed. |
Target calculation details (only displayed if OpMode ≠ Temperature or FeedT) | ||
TargCalc... | ||
UseRelaxation | Tickbox | |
RelaxationFactor | Input | The RelaxationFactor, used when UseRelaxation is ticked. Values limits: 0.001 < RelaxationFactor < 5. |
Settings | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, the all the target solver settings will be reset to their default values. |
SpMoleFlow / QMl | Display | Only shown if AdjustVar.Method = AdjustQMl. The actual mole flow used of the adjusted species. |
SpMoleFlow / Qm | Display | Only shown if AdjustVar.Method = AdjustQMl. The actual mass flow used of the adjusted species. |
ChemApp Environmental Heat Transfer | ||
ChemApp.HeatLossMethod | None | No heat transfer between the unit and the environment. |
Fixed HeatFlow | The user specifies a fixed heat loss between the unit and the environment. | |
Ambient | SysCAD calculates the overall heat loss based on user specified HTC and Area and the temperature difference between the Feed and environmental temperatures. The environmental temperature is assumed to remain constant. | |
ChemApp.EHX.HeatLossReqd | Input | Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Fixed HeatFlow. The required heat loss. |
ChemApp.EHX.HTC | Input | Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The Overall Heat Transfer coefficient. |
ChemApp.EHX.Area | Input | Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The Heat Transfer area. |
ChemApp.EHX.AmbientT | Display | Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is specified in the Plant Model - Environment_Tab |
ChemApp.EHX.HeatLoss | Calc | Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The calculated heat flowrate. |
Options | ||
ShowQUnmapped | Tickbox | Allows the user to view the QUnmapped and associated tab pages. See Material Flow Section. This is the SysCAD species flows which are not mapped to ChemApp species, and therefore are not taken into account in the ChemApp calculation. |
ShowQRxnUnmapped | Tickbox | Allows the user to view the QRExnUnmapped and associated tab pages. See Material Flow Section. |
ShowQBypass | Tickbox | Only visible when WithBypass is ticked. Allows the user to view the QBypass and associated tab pages. See Material Flow Section. This is the SysCAD species flows which bypass the ChemApp calculation. |
ShowQRxnBypass | Tickbox | Only visible when WithBypass is ticked. Allows the user to view the QRxnBypass and associated tab pages. See Material Flow Section. |
ShowRxnDiff | Tickbox | Allows the user to view the Diff tab page. This shows the difference between the mapped input stream seen by ChemApp and the ChemApp calculation results. |
PhaseElemDeportment | Tickbox | If this is ticked, then the PhDeport tab page will appear. This tab shows the mass movement of elements for the Solid, Liquid and Gas phases. |
IPhaseElemDeportment | Tickbox | If this is ticked, then the IPhDeport tab page will appear. This shows how the elements move between phases due to the ChemApp calculation results. |
ShowPlotter | Tickbox | This option is only visible if this model has been successfully run. Allows the user to perform a parameter sweep using the product stream of the side calculator. If this is ticked, then the ParamSweep tab page will appear. |
DebugMode | Tickbox | Allows the user to using the debug mode of ChemApp. When this mode is enabled, a log file will be written to showing the stream inputs seen by ChemApp and calculation results generated by ChemApp. All results in log file are in a per second time basis, i.e. kJ = kW, MJ = MW, etc. |
DebugErrorFile | ![]() | Only visible when DebugMode is ticked. Opens the error debug file that was just written to by the unit operation. |
DebugMessageFile | ![]() | Only visible when DebugMode is ticked. Opens the message debug file that was just written to by the unit operation. |
CFE tab page
This tab is only visible if the UseCFE option is enabled on the TCE tab page.
- This option allows a portion of a species to be locked up and not allowed to react.
- Applying CFE can have a significant effect on the final composition, use of this feature requires detailed knowledge of the process chemistry.
- This feature is unavailable if using SysCAD VLE with ChemApp.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Constrained Free Energy (CFE) Configuration | ||
CFE... | ||
SpeciesName | ![]() ![]() |
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. |
Filter View | ||
Filter | ![]() ![]() | This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
ShowUnmapped (Only visible if Filter is enabled) | Tickbox | When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the ChemApp database chosen. | |
Filters | Display | Always set to 'Content'. |
Content (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Filter is enabled and Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
(The following tables (one per phase) display the ChemApp species from the selected database. The user can set the Inert Fraction for each species. Note that liquid ions are not shown on this page as the Inert Fractions cannot be set for them.) (Each table has the following column (one row per ChemApp species):) | ||
InertFrac | Input | The user specified fraction of the species that is considered inert, i.e. cannot react to form other species/ions. The presence of the inert fraction is still taken into account when calculating stream properties. This is only available as an input for molecular species (not ions). |
Bypass tab page
This tab is only visible if the WithBypass option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This will allow some or all of the SysCAD species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Specify Bypass of Feed | ||
BypassMode | Species | A bypass fraction can be set for each species in the project. |
Phases | A bypass fraction can be set for each phase (Solid, Liquid or Vapour) in the project. | |
BypassUnmapped | ![]() | If this button is pressed then the bypass fraction for all Unmapped Species will be set to 100%. This is only relevant if BypassMode = Species. NOTE: There is no automatic undo for this function. It is recommended to bypass all species in the SysCAD model which are not present in the ChemApp model you are using. |
ShowUnmappedSpecies | Tickbox | If ticked, all the unmapped species will be displayed in a list immediately under this field. |
BypassSpCount | Calc | The number of species to be bypassed. |
PhaseBypass... (only displayed if BypassMode = Phases) | ||
PhaseBypass.Solid.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD solid species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD solid species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
PhaseBypass.Liquid.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD liquid species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD liquid species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
PhaseBypass.Vapour.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD vapour species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD vapour species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
The remaining fields are only displayed if BypassMode = Species) | ||
On | ![]() ![]() | This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the ChemApp database chosen. | |
Filters | Display | Always set to 'Content'. |
Content (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Filter is enabled and Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
GroupValue | Input | The user specified bypass value that will be used for all species displayed when the Set to GroupValue button is pressed. |
SetVisible | ![]() |
When pressed, this button will set the bypass parameter for all species currently displayed (based on Filter settings) equal to the GroupValue. |
SysCAD Feed Stream Bypass | ||
(The following table displays all the SysCAD species in the project (unless restricted by the Filter settings). The table has the following column (one row per SysCAD species):) | ||
Bypass.XXX | Input | The user specified Bypass fraction for SysCAD species XXX. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
RxnBypass tab page
This tab is only visible if the WithBypass option is enabled on the TCE tab page. This will allow some or all of the SysCAD species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Specify Bypass during Solver Solution | ||
RxnBypass... | ||
BypassMode | Species | A bypass fraction can be set for each species in the project. |
Phases | A bypass fraction can be set for each phase (Solid, Liquid or Vapour) in the project. | |
BypassUnmapped | ![]() | If this button is pressed then the bypass fraction for all Unmapped Species will be set to 100%. This is only relevant if BypassMode = Species. NOTE: There is no automatic undo for this function. It is recommended to bypass all species in the SysCAD model which are not present in the ChemApp model you are using. |
ShowUnmappedSpecies | Tickbox | If ticked, all the unmapped species will be displayed in a list immediately under this field. |
BypassSpCount | Calc | The number of species to be bypassed. |
PhaseBypass... (only displayed if BypassMode = Phases) | ||
PhaseBypass.Solid.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD solid species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD solid species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
PhaseBypass.Liquid.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD liquid species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD liquid species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
PhaseBypass.Vapour.MF | Input | Only displayed if BypassMode = Phases. The user specified Bypass fraction for all SysCAD vapour species. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD vapour species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
The remaining fields are only displayed if BypassMode = Species) | ||
On | ![]() ![]() | This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the ChemApp database chosen. | |
Filters | Display | Always set to 'Content'. |
Content (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Filter is enabled and Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
GroupValue | Input | The user specified bypass value that will be used for all species displayed when the Set to GroupValue button is pressed. |
SetVisible | ![]() |
When pressed, this button will set the bypass parameter for all species currently displayed (based on Filter settings) equal to the GroupValue. |
SysCAD Feed Stream Bypass | ||
(The following table displays all the SysCAD species in the project (unless restricted by the Filter settings). The table has the following column (one row per SysCAD species):) | ||
Bypass.XXX | Input | The user specified Bypass fraction for SysCAD species XXX. A non-zero value will allow some or all (100%) of the SysCAD species to bypass the thermodynamic engine calculations. |
ChemAppResults tab page
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
ChemApp Calculation Results Summary | ||
Feed Massflow Summary | ||
Bypass.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material in the feed which bypasses the calculation due to user selection of bypass species. Use show ShowQBypass to view full stream. |
Unmapped.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material in the feed which is not forward mapped to a species and therefore bypasses the calculation. Use show ShowQUnmapped to view full stream. |
ChemApp.Feed.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material in the feed to the ChemApp calculation. Same value as tag Feed.Qm. |
TotalFeed.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The total feed mass to the ChemApp model block. Sum of bypasses and feed to ChemApp calculation. |
Product Massflow Summary | ||
ChemApp.Prod.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material in the product of the ChemApp calculation. Same value as tag Prod.Qm. |
RxnBypass.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material for |
RxnUnmapped.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of material in the prod which is not reverse mapped to SysCAD species. |
TotalProd.MassFlow / Qm | Display | The total product mass for the ChemApp model block. Sum of bypasses and product of ChemApp calculation. |
Solids Yield | ||
Solids.Precip | Display | The change in solids flow, feed-product. A positive value indicates precipitation has occurred. A negative value indicates dissolution has occurred. |
Stream Properties Summary | ||
Prod... | ||
Temperature / T | Display | The Temperature of the final solution. |
Pressure / P | Display | The Pressure of the final solution. |
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The Mass flow of the final solution. |
Hf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the final solution per unit mass. |
Enthalpy / totHf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the final solution. |
Entropy | Display | The entropy of the final solution. |
FreeEnergy / Gf@T | Display | The Free Energy of the final solution. |
Zeros | ![]() ![]() |
If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all phases/species that have NO mass flow will be hidden. If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all phases/species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow. Note this setting applies to the subsequent pages as well. |
Feed... | ||
Feed Phase Flowrate Summary | ||
(The following table displays a summary of results for the different phases. The table has the following columns (one row per phase)): | ||
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of the relevant phase in the feed. |
MassFrac / Mf | Display | The mass fraction of the relevant phase in the feed. |
MoleFlow / QMl | Display | The mole flow of the relevant phase in the feed. |
MoleFrac / Mlf | Display | The mole fraction of the relevant phase in the feed. |
Prod... | ||
Prod Phase Flowrate Summary | ||
(The following table displays a summary of results for the different phases. The table has the following columns (one row per phase)): | ||
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The mass flow of the relevant phase in the final solution. |
MassFrac / Mf | Display | The mass fraction of the relevant phase in the final solution. |
MoleFlow / QMl | Display | The mole flow of the relevant phase in the final solution. |
MoleFrac / Mlf | Display | The mole fraction of the relevant phase in the final solution. |
ChemApp Energy Balance (only shown if CalcEnthalpy is enabled on TCE tab page) | ||
ChemApp.HeatFlow | Display | Difference in enthalpy between the product and feed of the ChemApp reactions calculated by ChemApp. |
Bypass.HeatFlow | Display | The heat required to adjust the temperature and pressure of the bypass stream to exit conditions. |
RX.HeatFlow | Display | The heat generated or consumed by reactions defined in the reaction block (separate and in addition to ChemApp reactions). |
HeatLoss | Display | The environmental heat loss. |
HeatFlow | Display | The heat flow required to achieve the product conditions relative to the feed conditions. Includes environmental heat loss if applicable. This is calculated by ChemApp and accounts for bypass and heat loss. Note that Bypass heat is calculated by SysCAD. |
Forward Mapping Summary | ||
FwdMap.ScdFeed | Display | This displays mass and SysCAD enthalpy of the feed stream to ChemApp before mapping and after bypass and unmapped are removed. |
FwdMap | Display | This displays mass and ChemApp enthalpy of the Input stream to ChemApp after forward mapping. The enthalpy of the FwdMap stream and the FwdMap.ScdFeed stream are likely to be different. Some reasons for differences include differences in enthalpy values for pure species and the incorporation of additional solution thermodynamics terms. |
FwdMap.Diff | Display | This displays the difference in mass and enthalpy between the feed stream and Input stream. There should never be differences in mass. Small enthalpy differences are expected but large differences may indicate issues with SysCAD database enthalpy data. |
FwdMap.RelDiff | Display | This displays the relative difference in mass and enthalpy between the feed stream and Input stream. There should never be differences in mass. Small enthalpy differences are expected but large differences may indicate issues with SysCAD database enthalpy data. |
Reverse Mapping Summary | ||
RevMap.TCEProd | Display | This displays mass and ChemApp enthalpy of the Output stream from ChemApp. The enthalpy of the RevMap.TCEProd stream and the RevMap stream are likely to be different. Some reasons for differences include differences in enthalpy values for pure species and the incorporation of additional solution thermodynamics terms. |
RevMap | Display | This displays mass and SysCAD enthalpy of the Prod stream after reverse mapping. |
RevMap.Diff | Display | This displays the difference in mass and enthalpy between the Output stream and Prod stream. There should never be differences in mass. Small enthalpy differences are expected but large differences may indicate issues with SysCAD database enthalpy data. |
RevMap.RelDiff | Display | This displays the relative difference in mass and enthalpy between the Output stream and Prod stream. There should never be differences in mass. Small enthalpy differences are expected but large differences may indicate issues with SysCAD database enthalpy data. |
Copy Reverse Mapping Reactions to Clipboard | ||
RevMap.IonRxns | ![]() | Pushing this button copies to the clipboard a list of reactions that were executed to perform the reverse mapping. These can then be pasted into Excel to generate a table. |
Calculation Summary | ||
Summary... | ||
LastCalcType | Display | This displays the type of calculation (OpMode) used for the last calculation. |
Remove | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, SysCAD will remove duplicate error messages received. |
ErrorCount | Display | The total number of errors encountered in the last calculation. |
ErrorXX | Display | If there are error messages associated with the last calculation, they will be displayed here. |
ConvergenceError | Display | The largest numerical convergence error. This is often zero when the solution converges with no errors. |
Stats (Statistics for TCE Use) ... Available from Build 139.37012. The engine statistical information is displayed for the current iteration (Iter) and the total number of iterations in the same solve session (Total). Stats are reset each time a new solve starts. These statistics are similar to the information displayed on the Engine tab page. While the stats on the Engine tab page cover the entire project across all TCE models, the statistics below pertain specifically to the current unit operation. | ||
CalcCount | Display | The number of calculations that have been performed by the ChemApp software. This is cumulative and may include multiple iterations. It is reset to zero at the beginning of a run. |
CalcTime | Display | The cumulative amount of time that ChemApp engine/s have been performing calculations. This is cumulative and may include multiple runs. It may include calculations done for mixing as well for calculation of output streams. |
AverageCalcTime | Display | The average amount of time required for ChemApp calculations. AverageCalcTime = CalcTime/CalcCount. |
MixingCount | Display | The number of times that mixing is done by SysCAD. Mixing involves calculations performed by the ChemApp software to determine the properties of incoming streams to the unit. |
MixingTime | Display | The total time used to calculate the properties of incoming streams to unit models by ChemApp. This includes time for ChemApp equilibrium calculations for each of the incoming streams to a unit operation. |
AverageMixingTime | Display | The average amount of time used to calculate the properties of incoming streams to unit models by ChemApp. This includes time for ChemApp equilibrium calculations for each of the incoming streams to a unit operation. |
WaitTime | Display | The amount of time spent waiting for an available Engine to perform the ChemApp calculations. |
FailedCalcCount | Display | The number of calculations performed by the ChemApp software that did not yield a solution. |
Input tab page
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Stream Properties Summary | ||
Feed... | ||
Temperature / T | Display | The Temperature of the feed solution. This is calculated using the SysCAD enthalpy context. |
Pressure / P | Display | The Pressure of the feed solution. |
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The Mass Flow of the feed solution. |
Hf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the feed solution per unit mass. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Enthalpy / totHf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the feed solution. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Entropy | Display | The entropy of the feed solution. |
FreeEnergy / Gf@T | Display | The Free Energy of the feed solution. |
Feed... | ||
SpeciesName | ![]() ![]() |
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. |
Zeros | ![]() ![]() |
If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all species that have NO mass flow will be hidden. If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow. |
StreamView | ![]() ![]() |
If the Mass button is clicked, the species will be shown in mass flow view. If the Mole button is clicked, the species will be shown in mole flow view. |
Stream ![]() |
Mass | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. |
Mole | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. | |
Unmapped Mass | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Unmapped Mole | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Filter View | ||
Filter | ![]() ![]() |
This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
ShowUnmapped (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
Tickbox | When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the {{{TPS}}} database chosen. | |
Filters (Only visible if Filter is enabled) | Content | All species which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed. |
Content & MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase and Content criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
Content & MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content & MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content (Only visible when one of the Content Filter options is selected) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
MassFrac.Limit | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Limit or MassFrac Limit. The user specified MassFrac Limit, the maximum mass fraction to be displayed. |
MassFrac.Count | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Largest, Content & MassFrac Smallest, MassFrac Largest or MassFrac Smallest. The user specified Mass Frac Count, the maximum number of species to be displayed. |
(The following tables display the mass/mole flow, mass/mole fraction of the individual species.) (Each table (one for each phase) has the following columns (one row for each species). ) | ||
MassFlow / Qm | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass flow of the species in the feed stream. |
MassFrac / Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass fraction of the species in the feed stream. |
PhaseMassFrac / IPh:Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass fraction of the species in the displayed phase. |
MoleFlow / QMl | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole flow of the species in the feed stream. |
MoleFrac / Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole fraction of the species in the feed stream. |
PhaseMoleFrac / IPh:Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole fraction of the species in the displayed phase.
Output tab page
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Stream Properties Summary | ||
Prod... | ||
Temperature / T | Display | The Temperature of the product solution. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Pressure / P | Display | The Pressure of the product solution. |
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The Mass Flow of the product solution. |
Hf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the product solution per unit mass. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Enthalpy / totHf@T | Display | The Enthalpy of the product solution. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Entropy | Display | The entropy of the product solution. |
FreeEnergy / Gf@T | Display | The Free Energy of the product solution. |
Prod... | ||
SpeciesName | ![]() ![]() |
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. |
Zeros | ![]() ![]() |
If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all species that have NO mass flow will be hidden. If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow. |
StreamView | ![]() ![]() |
If the Mass button is clicked, the species will be shown in mass flow view. If the Mole button is clicked, the species will be shown in mole flow view. |
Stream ![]() |
Mass | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. |
Mole | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. | |
Unmapped Mass | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Unmapped Mole | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Filter View | ||
Filter | ![]() ![]() |
This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
ShowUnmapped (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
Tickbox | When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the {{{TPS}}} database chosen. | |
Filters (Only visible if Filter is enabled) | Content | All species which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed. |
Content & MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase and Content criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
Content & MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content & MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content (Only visible when one of the Content Filter options is selected) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
MassFrac.Limit | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Limit or MassFrac Limit. The user specified MassFrac Limit, the maximum mass fraction to be displayed. |
MassFrac.Count | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Largest, Content & MassFrac Smallest, MassFrac Largest or MassFrac Smallest. The user specified Mass Frac Count, the maximum number of species to be displayed. |
(The following tables display the mass/mole flow, mass/mole fraction of the individual species.) (Each table (one for each phase) has the following columns (one row for each species). Totals for fractions/flows and maximum values for SatIdx are on the last row of each phase section.) | ||
MassFlow / Qm | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass flow of the species in the product stream. |
MassFrac / Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass fraction of the species in the product stream. |
PhaseMassFrac / IPh:Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The mass fraction of the species in the displayed phase. |
MoleFlow / QMl | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole flow of the species in the product stream. |
MoleFrac / Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole fraction of the species in the product stream. |
PhaseMoleFrac / IPh:Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The mole fraction of the species in the displayed phase. |
Activity | Display | Only shown for non-gaseous species. The activity of the species. |
Fugacity | Display | Only shown for gaseous species. The fugacity of the species. |
Diff tab page
This tab is only visible if ShowRxnDiff is ticked. The displayed results are the difference between input and output streams.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Stream Properties Summary | ||
Diff... | ||
Temperature / T | Display | The Temperature difference between the feed and product solutions. |
Pressure / P | Display | The Pressure difference between the feed and product solutions. |
MassFlow / Qm | Display | The Mass Flow difference between the feed and product solutions. |
Hf@T | Display | The Enthalpy difference between the feed and product solutions per unit mass. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Enthalpy / totHf@T | Display | The Enthalpy difference between the feed and product solutions. This is calculated by ChemApp. |
Entropy | Display | The entropy difference between the feed and product solutions. |
FreeEnergy / Gf@T | Display | The Free Energy difference between the feed and product solutions. |
Diff... | ||
SpeciesName | ![]() ![]() |
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. |
Zeros | ![]() ![]() |
If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all species that have NO mass flow will be hidden. If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow. |
StreamView | ![]() ![]() |
If the Mass button is clicked, the species will be shown in mass flow view. If the Mole button is clicked, the species will be shown in mole flow view. |
Stream ![]() |
Mass | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. |
Mole | Copy stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. | |
Unmapped Mass | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Unmapped Mole | Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream. | |
Filter View | ||
Filter | ![]() ![]() |
This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
ShowUnmapped (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
Tickbox | When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the {{{TPS}}} database chosen. | |
Filters (Only visible if Filter is enabled) | Content | All species which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed. |
Content & MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase and Content criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
Content & MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content & MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase and Content criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Limit | Only species which meet the Phase criteria AND have a mass fraction greater than or equal to the user specified MassFrac.Limit will be displayed. | |
MassFrac Largest | Only the top N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
MassFrac Smallest | Only the bottom N species (based on Mass Fraction) which meet the Phase criteria will be displayed, where N = the user specified MassFrac.Count. | |
Content (Only visible when one of the Content Filter options is selected) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
MassFrac.Limit | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Limit or MassFrac Limit. The user specified MassFrac Limit, the maximum mass fraction to be displayed. |
MassFrac.Count | Input | Only visible if Filters = Content & MassFrac Largest, Content & MassFrac Smallest, MassFrac Largest or MassFrac Smallest. The user specified Mass Frac Count, the maximum number of species to be displayed. |
(The following tables display the mass/mole flow, mass/mole fraction of the individual species.) (Each table (one for each phase) has the following columns (one row for each species). ) | ||
MassFlow / Qm | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The difference in mass flow of the species. |
MassFrac / Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The difference in mass fraction of the species. |
PhaseMassFrac / IPh:Mf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mass. The difference in mass fraction of the species in the displayed phase. |
MoleFlow / QMl | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The difference in mole flow of the species. |
MoleFrac / Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The difference in mole fraction of the species. |
PhaseMoleFrac / IPh:Mlf | Display | Visible when StreamView = Mole. The difference in mole fraction of the species in the displayed phase.
ElemBal tab page
This tab performs an element balance between the ChemApp Input and Output streams and separately, between the SysCAD Input and Output streams.
PhDeport tab page
This tab is only visible if PhaseElemDeportment is ticked. This tab shows the mass movement of elements for the Liquid, Solid and Gas phases.
IPhDeport tab page
This tab is only visible if IPhaseElemDeportment is ticked. This tab shows the mass movement of elements for each ChemApp phase.
Plotter tab page
This tab is only visible if ShowPlotter is ticked and the model has been successfully run.
This tab allows the user to perform multiple calculations to generate a set of data. The data can be copied and pasted into external programs such as Excel to allow the data to be plotted and analysed.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
Use tools on this page to generate tabular data on clipboard from parameter sweep | ||
ParamSweep... | ||
Method | AdjustT | The chosen independent variable is Temperature. |
AdjustQMl | The chosen independent variable is flow of an individual species. | |
MinTemperature / MinT | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustT. The minimum temperature of the final solution in the data set. |
MaxTemperature / MaxT | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustT. The maximum temperature of the final solution in the data set. |
SelPhase... (only visible if Method = AdjustQMl) | ||
Filter | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl. Allows user to optionally shorten the Phase Selection list (SelPhase) by entering in some letters from the desired phase. |
PhaseFilter | List | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl. List of available phases to choose from. The list will not show all phases if user has entered some letters in the Filter field above. |
SelSp... (only visible if Method = AdjustQMl) | ||
Filter | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl. Allows user to optionally shorten the Species Selection list (TargetSpAdjust) by entering in some letters from the desired species. |
TargSpAdjust | List | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl. The user can select a single species from the list of all species in the ChemApp database to have its flow varied. The list will be limited to those in the selected phase (SelPhase) and will not show all species if user has entered some letters in the Filter field above. |
MoleBasis | Tickbox | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl. If this box is ticked, user specifies the minimum and maximum mole flow of selected species. If this is not ticked, user can specify these flows in terms of mass flow. |
MinSpMassFlow / QmMin | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl and MoleBasis is not ticked. The minimum mass flow of the selected species in the final solution. |
MaxSpMassFlow / QmMax | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl and MoleBasis is not ticked. The maximum mass flow of the selected species in the final solution. |
MinSpMoleFlow / QMlMin | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl and MoleBasis is ticked. The minimum mole flow of the selected species in the final solution. |
MaxSpMoleFlow / QMlMax | Input | Only visible if Method = AdjustQMl and MoleBasis is ticked. The maximum mole flow of the selected species in the final solution. |
Prod.T | Input | The required temperature of the product stream. |
Prod.P | Input | The required pressure of the product stream. |
StepSize | Input | The step size between each data point. If the user changes this value, then SysCAD will automatically adjust DataPoints (Below). (=(Max-Min)/(DataPoints-1)) |
DataPoints | Input | The number of calculations to perform/rows of data to generate. If the user changes this value, then SysCAD will automatically adjust StepSize (Above). (=(Max-Min)/StepSize + 1) |
IndVarRanges | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, the inputs for the independent variable limits will be reset to their default values. (Applied to the temperature option only). |
PlotDataCreate | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, SysCAD will perform the requested calculations based on the chosen parameters, to generate the required data. |
PlotDataTable | ![]() |
If the user clicks on this button, SysCAD will perform the requested calculations based on the chosen parameters, to generate the required data. SysCAD will also copy the generated data to the clipboard, allowing it to be pasted into an external program such as MS Excel. |
Select Dependent Variables for Output | ||
SelectSpecies / SelectSp | Tickbox | Allows the user to select species to be reported. If this option is enabled, the SpForPlot tab will appear. |
ShowActCoeff / ShowAC | Tickbox | Only visible if the SelectSp option is enabled. If this option is enabled, the activity coefficients of the species selected on the SpForPlot tab will be reported. |
HideZeros | Tickbox | Only visible if the SelectSp option is enabled. If this option is enabled, the outputted table will be filtered so that only species which have a non-zero value in any of the calculations in the sweep will be shown in the table. |
ResultsType | (only visible if the SelectSp option is enabled) | |
Flow | The results generated will include the flows of the selected species in the final product stream. | |
Frac | The results generated will include the overall fractions of the selected species in the final product stream. | |
PhaseFrac | The results generated will include the phase fractions of the selected species in the final product stream. | |
SelectedSpCount | Display | Only visible if the SelectSp option is available. The number of species selected on the SpForPlot tab. |
Select Properties For Output | ||
PropertiesCount / PropsCount | Input | The number of properties to be included in the reported data set. |
PropX | List | The property to be reported from the list of available properties. Note: This field is only visible if the entry for NumPropsForOutput is greater then 0. If there is one property then X=1. If there are two properties, then X=1 and X=2, etc. |
SpForPlot tab page
This tab is only visible if the SelectSp option is enabled on the Plotter tab. It allows the user to select which species to be reported in the sets of data to be generated.
Tag (Long/Short) | Input / Calc | Description/Calculated Variables / Options |
SpForPlot... | ||
SpeciesName | ![]() ![]() |
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names. |
SelectVisible | ![]() | User can select all the species which are currently visible in the access window. The ones that are visible may be limited by use of the Filter (see options below). |
UnselectVisible | ![]() | User can unselect all the species which are currently visible in the access window. The ones that are visible may be limited by use of the Filter (see options below). |
Filter View | ||
Filter | ![]() ![]() | This button will enable or disable the species filter options. |
ShowUnmapped (Only visible if Filter is enabled) | Tickbox | When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown. |
Phases (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on phase. |
Solids | Only show solid phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids | Only show liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Vapours | Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Liquids | Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species. | |
Solids & Vapours | Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
Liquids & Vapours | Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species. | |
IPhase | Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the ChemApp database chosen. | |
Filters | Display | Always set to 'Content'. |
Content (Only visible if Filter is enabled) |
All | No filtering of species based on element or name. |
Contains Any Element | This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Contains All Elements | This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition. | |
Starts with ... | This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection. | |
Contains any ... | This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Contains All ... | This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag. | |
Select | Input | Only visible if Filter is enabled and Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples. |
(The following tables (one per phase) display the ChemApp species from the selected database. The user can select any number of species.) (Each table has the following column (one row per ChemApp species):) | ||
Select | Tickbox | The properties (selected on the ParamSweep tab) of the selected species will be reported when the Generate function (ParamSweep tab) is used. |
SetAll...(displayed at the end of each phase) | ||
SelectAll | ![]() | User can select all the species in the relevant phase. |
UnselectAll | ![]() | User can unselect all the species in the relevant phase. |
Adding this Model to a Project
Insert into Configuration file
Sort either by DLL or Group.
DLL: |
ScdChemApp.dll |
→ |
Units/Links |
→ |
TCE ChemApp: ChemApp Reactor |
or |
Group: |
Energy Transfer |
→ |
Units/Links |
→ |
TCE ChemApp: ChemApp Reactor |
See Model Selection for more information on adding models to the configuration file.
Insert into Project
Insert Unit |
→ |
TCE ChemApp |
→ |
ChemApp Reactor |
See Insert Unit for general information on inserting units.