Support and Services

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Navigation: General Information ➔ Support and Services

General Information Features Applications Solver Mode and
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Latest SysCAD Version: 31 May 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.35544

Related Links: Frequently Asked Questions, Training


Online Documentation

This SysCAD Wiki contains continually-updated, comprehensive searchable online documentation for self-support. Key starting pages include:

Email Support

The SysCAD team is spread across the globe (Australia, South Africa, USA, Canada & Europe), covering different time zones. This allows rapid, personalised response to your support queries.



We offer formal and informal SysCAD training courses on an as-needed basis. The different types of training offered and course content are detailed on the Training page.
It is strongly recommended that new users budget for SysCAD training, as it has proven the most time- and cost-effective method of learning to use the software effectively.


Our SysCAD team of process and software engineers have a range of experience in different industries and are available for process modelling consulting, engineering services and related specialist services.