SysCAD Structure

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Navigation: General Information ➔ SysCAD Structure

General Information Features Applications Solver Mode and
Add-On Options
License Options Support and Services

Latest SysCAD Version: 25 February 2025 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.37016


This page provides detailed descriptions of the SysCAD solver and add-ons that are available when you purchase a SysCAD license.

Please contact Kenwalt for a pricing document for the SysCAD licenses and add-ons.

Solver Modes

SysCAD is offered in two main solver modes and with a number of optional add-ons. This structure allows clients the flexibility to purchase only the SysCAD features that they need for their requirements.

When purchasing or leasing a license one or both of the solver modes must be selected. The two main solver mode options are Steady State (ProBal) and Dynamic.

The solver modes include a number of standard models as described in the sections below. Both SysCAD solver modes will perform mass balance calculations. However to include any energy calculations the Energy Balance add-on is required.

Steady State (ProBal - Process Balance)

This mode is used to simulate a plant model under steady state conditions in order to produce a plant mass balance, or mass and energy balance with Energy Balance add-on. There are many and varied applications for steady state modelling throughout a project’s lifecycle. Examples include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Assessing flowsheet options
  • Optimisation studies
  • Data evaluation
  • Operations tool
  • Training
  • Planning and development of a process knowledge base


This mode is used to simulate a plant model under dynamic operating conditions. It is used to represent unsteady state conditions with more complex operating and control processes. The dynamic mode will include simulation of material inventory and surge, as well as interaction of discrete events and scheduling. Pipes are usually modelled as transfer links, where fixed flow rates or flow rate capacities are specified directly. It is well suited for the following applications:

  • Material handling processes
  • Surge and availability studies
  • Production planning forecasts
  • Design verification
  • Plant equipment sizing
  • Supporting process control strategy development
  • Metallurgical accounting
  • Process understanding, studies, optimisation
  • Control system (e.g. PLC) testing
  • Operator training

Solver Mode Functionality Add-Ons

There is currently one solver mode functionality add-on.

Energy Balance Add-On

This add-on is required to perform energy balances and/or heat transfer calculations in the solver for a project. If this add-on is not included only mass balances are performed.

Integrated Libraries (SMDK Runtime) Add-On

The Integrated Libraries add-on (formerly called SMDK Runtime add-on) is required for software integration of:

  1. Any client specific property calculation or unit operation models delivered as a client specific add-on developed by Kenwalt, client or a third party.
  2. Any property or unit operation models developed by a client for their own use using a Developer License. This development typically makes use of the "SysCAD Model Developers Kit" (SMDK) technology.
  3. Any use of commercial or 3rd party software integrated into SysCAD as a SysCAD add-on. For example the TCE and Met Dynamics add-on.

Note: The Integrated Libraries add-on does NOT provide the functionality for the users to develop their own models. Contact Kenwalt for information on Developer License for this functionality.

SysCAD Marshal (OPC) Add-On

This add-on is for Dynamic solver mode only. SysCAD can be configured as an OPC DA Server and/or as an OPC DA Client. The SysCAD OPC Client runs in a separate window and is called “SysCAD Marshal”. OPC is an industry standard and is used in dynamic projects to connect SysCAD to other OPC DA Clients or OPC DA Servers such as software (e.g. Scada, HMI, etc.) and hardware (e.g. PLC, DCS). The main applications for OPC in SysCAD are control system testing and operator training.

Model Library Add-Ons

Both Steady State and Dynamic solver modes include a substantial set of standard models. Extra model add-ons are available to provide access to additional models that may be required depending on the process to be simulated.

Not all models operate in all of the simulation modes. All the models are described in the online SysCAD Model documentation.

Standard Model Set

The standard model set is included with both the Steady State (ProBal) and Dynamic solver modes and includes the basic building blocks, such material source/sink, pipe, tank, tie (mixer/splitter), controllers, reactions and the standard species properties model. Additional unit models such as pumps, valves and various separation units (thickener, washers, filters, etc.) are also included.

A number of standard models are only functional if the Energy Balance add-on is included. Examples include heat-exchangers, flash tanks, contact heaters, barometric condensers and the environmental heat exchange option.

The dynamic solver mode includes additional unit models such as a conveyor belt model and some extra “controller” models (profile, events, statistics, etc.).

Alumina Add-On

This add-on is used for modelling alumina refineries. It allows Bayer Properties models to be used and also includes a precipitation unit model. Refer to Alumina Models for more details.


  • Energy Balance add-on

Potash Add-On

This add-on is used for modelling potash processes. It allows KCl-NaCl or KCl-NaCl-MgCl2 Properties and solubility models to be used and also includes an evaporator unit model. Refer to Potash Models for more information.


  • Energy Balance add-on

Sugar Add-On

This add-on is used for modelling sugar factories. It allows Sugar Properties models to be used and also includes various sugar factory specific models such as a vacuum pan filter unit model. Refer to Sugar Models for more information.


  • Energy Balance add-on

Size Distribution Add-On

This is used for modelling processes that require Particle Size Data (PSD) entry, tracking and manipulation. This add-on includes unit operations such as the crusher, screen and hydrocyclone. Refer to Size Distribution Models for more information.

Met Dynamics Add-On

Available from Build 139.35544.

This is used for modelling processes that require Particle Size Data (PSD) entry, tracking and manipulation. This add-on includes an extensive library of specialised unit operations developed by Met Dynamics ( such as the Met Dynamics crusher, HPGR, mill, screen and flotation cell. Refer to Met Dynamics Models for more information.

An appropriate "Met Dynamics in SysCAD" license is required which is provided on an annual subscription basis. It can be purchased directly from Met Dynamics or from SysCAD.


  • Size Distribution add-on
  • Integrated Libraries add-on

TCE (Thermodynamic Calculation Engines) Add-On

SysCAD can be integrated with various third-party Thermodynamic Calculation Engines and databases.

From August 2022: ALL TCE Options are now included under a single TCE license add-on without the requirement to purchase separate SysCAD add-ons for OLI / PHREEQC / ChemApp or AQSol. Customers with an existing OLI add-on, PHREEQC add-on, ChemApp add-on or AQSol add-on will be entitled to use any of these options in Build 139 from September 2022.


  • Energy Balance add-on
  • Integrated Libraries add-on

The Thermodynamic Calculation Engines (TCE) Add-on allows any number of the following options to be used in SysCAD:

  • AQSol TCE Option: This is used for including AQSol thermodynamic calculations in SysCAD. An appropriate AQSol License is required from Aqueous Solutions ApS, Denmark.
  • ChemApp TCE Option: This is used for including ChemApp in SysCAD. The ChemApp Add-On can use database files (CST files) generated using the FactSage family of products, as well as other sources. An appropriate ChemApp License is required from GTT-Technologies.
  • OLI TCE Option: This is used for including OLI Systems Electrolyte thermodynamic calculations and aqueous chemistry in SysCAD. An appropriate OLI Engine License is required from OLI Systems.
  • PHREEQC TCE Option:This is used for including PHREEQC thermodynamic calculations and aqueous chemistry in SysCAD. PHREEQC, developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS), is publicly available.