Material Content Section - Track

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Navigation: Models ➔ Common Sections ➔ Material Content Section ➔ Track

Material (Content) Content Tab Include Properties Species (Sp) Optional Tabs
Basic Information Energy
Density Correction
Heating Values
Solution Impurity
H2O Properties
Water Quality Sp Tab
EC Tab

Related Links: Common Content Section

This option is used to 'track' one or more species in a project. e.g. if the user has different feed sources to a plant, they can track these sources and SysCAD will then show how much of each product is attributable to each source of material.

DTrack Tab Page

  • This tab is only visible if Material Tracking has been included in the Configuration file AND Material Tracking has been enabled on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab AND MatTrack.Action has been set to 'Create' or 'Modify' in the Content tab.
  • This tab page is for configuring the Material Tracking.
Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Material Tracking Set Options
SetMethod None (Hide) This method is only available if 'Modify' is chosen on the Qi or Content page. This will hide the configurable fields.
Single Material This method is used if all species are the same material. Select the Material from the drop down list.
Material Fractions This method is used if all species have the same mix of materials. Enter the fractions for each material. The fractions must add to 1. If the specified percentages add to less than 1 then the leftover is assumed to be 'Other' material. When 'Modify' is being used, a '*' may be entered to allow the feed fraction to be used (i.e. not modified).
All Fractions This method allows each species with material tracking to have a different mix of materials. As with the Material Fractions method, the user must enter the fractions for each material, but now for each species with material tracking in a table. The fractions for each species must add to 1. If the specified fractions add to less than 1 then the leftover is assumed to be 'Other' material. When 'Modify' is being used, a '*' may be entered to allow the feed fraction to be used (i.e. not modified).
Redistribute Other (All) This method is only available if 'Modify' is chosen on the Qi or Content page. This will redistribute the fraction of 'Other' material to the other fractions in line with their current fractions for all species.
Redistribute Other This method is only available if 'Modify' is chosen on the Qi or Content page. For each species selected, the fraction of 'Other' material will be redistributed to the other fractions in line with their current fractions. For example, if a species had 50% Red, 25% Green and 40% Other, this will be changed to 67% Red, 33% Green and 0% Other. If the species is 100% Other, then this will remain as Other.
SetWhen This method is only available if 'Modify' is chosen on the Qi or Content page, or if 'Modify Content' is chosen on the Content page of a surge unit.
Off This option allows the user to keep their configuration while not actually modifying the quality.
AtStart This option is only available if 'Modify Content' is chosen. The modify will only be applied at the start of a run.
Always The modify will always be applied.
SetNow Button This button is only available if 'Modify Content' is chosen. This allows the Modify to be applied when pressed manually or when set via a General Controller (PGM).
Material List Only visible if SetMethod 'Single Material' is chosen. A list of all Materials as defined on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab.
Mat001.Rqd Input Only visible if SetMethod 'Material Fractions' is chosen. The required fraction of this material. There will be one of these fields for each material as defined on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab.
Other.Rqd Calc Only visible if SetMethod 'Material Fractions' is chosen. The fraction which is assumed to be 'Other' material. This will be 1-(sum of all defined material required fractions).
SpecieName Tickbox Only visible if SetMethod 'Redistribute Other' is chosen. This option determines whether the 'Other' material will be redistributed to the other materials for this species. There will be one of these fields for each species for which material tracking is enabled on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab.
AllowDirectSet Tickbox This allows the fractions on the Track tab page to be directly set for all species, similar to the way the mass of the contents may be directly changed on the 'M' (Mass) content tab page.

Please see Material Tracking - DTrack Data Sections for an explanation of the fields.

Track Tab Page

  • This tab is only visible if Material Tracking has been included in the Configuration file AND Material Tracking has been enabled on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab AND Material Tracking has been 'Created', either in the current unit content tab or in an upstream unit (Feeder, Qi or another content). Note that this tab will only be shown if the project has been solved with Tracking present (non-zero).
Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Material Tracking Results
View.Selection Hide Hides the display.
Totals (Frac) Shows the total fraction of each material for all species.
Totals (Mass) Shows the total mass/mass flow of each material for all species. This option is not available when a create is being used.
Totals (Frac and Mass) Shows the total fraction and total mass/mass flow of each material for all species in a two column table. This option is not available when a create is being used.
All Frac For each species, the total mass/mass flow and fraction of each material is shown in a table.
All Mass For each species, the total mass/mass flow and mass/mass flow of each material is shown in a table. This option is not available when a create is being used.
View.ByMaterial Tickbox This tickbox is only available if the 'All Frac' or 'All Mass' selections options are chosen. The default option is to have this ticked in which case the species will be in rows and the materials will be in columns. Unticking this option will see the table arranged with materials in rows and species in columns.
Show/Hide_Zeros Button This button is only available if the 'All Frac' or 'All Mass' selections options are chosen. If 'Hide_Zeros' is pressed, then all rows/columns of species with zero mass/mass flow will be hidden from the table.
Show/Hide_MatZeros Button This button is available for all selections options except 'Hide'. If 'Hide_MatZeros' is pressed, then all materials with zero mass/mass flow/mass fraction will be hidden from the table/list.
Mat001.MF Calc Only visible if View.Selection is 'Totals (Frac)'. The fraction of this material in the total stream/content. There will be one of these fields for each material as defined on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab.
Other.MF Calc Only visible if View.Selection is 'Totals (Frac)'. The fraction which is assumed to be 'Other' material. This will be 1-(sum of all defined material fractions).
Mat001.Mt Calc Only visible if View.Selection is 'Totals (Mass)'. The mass of this material in the total content. There will be one of these fields for each material as defined on the Plant Model - Qualities Tab.
Other.Mt Calc Only visible if View.Selection is 'Totals (Mass)'. The mass which is assumed to be 'Other' material. This will be Total.Mt - (sum of all defined material masses).
Total.Mt Calc Only visible if View.Selection is 'Totals (Frac)', 'Totals (Mass)' or 'Totals (Frac and Mass)'. This is the total mass in the content of all tracked species. Note: this may be less than the total content if not all species have tracking enabled.

Please see Material Tracking - Track Data Sections for an explanation of the fields.