PGM Examples - PGM Class to Set Species Splits

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Example User Defined Classes
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Bayer Liquor
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Related Links: Defining a Class, SplitFlow

PGM Class to Set Species Splits

The following Class Example PGM file - Class_Species.pgm (given under the table) allows the user to set the species split in a Split - Species Mass Frac based on any of the following requirements:

Purpose Description Example function call using the SpeciesClass Defined in the Class_Species.pgm
Set Mass Fraction Split based on One (1) given Element Set the split Mass Fraction of all species containing a given element in a user defined phase, i.e. the user can send 80% of all of the Copper in the solid phase to a required stream.
Init("Cu", "s")                           ;call initialisation function   
IonSplit("Splitter.GM.IOs.[P_002]", 80)   ;call the split function
Set Mass Fraction Split based on Two (2) given Elements Set the split Mass Fraction of all species containing two given elements in a user defined phase, i.e. the user can send 75% of all species that contain both Copper and Sulphur in the solid phase to a required stream.
This method selects CuS(s), Cu2FeS4(s), etc., but not Cu(s) or NiS(s) - the species must contain BOTH elements.
Init2("Cu", "S", "s")                     ;call initialisation function   
IonSplit("Splitter.GM.IOs.[P_002]", 75)   ;call the split function
Set Mass Fraction Split based on One (1) given Individual Phase Set the split of all species in an Individual Phase to a stream, i.e. send 2% of all (aq) species to a stream.
IndPhaseSplit("Splitter.GM.IOs.[P_002]", 2, "aq")
Set Mass Fraction Split based on One (1) given Phase Set the split of all species in a Phase to a stream, i.e. send 5% of all liquid species to a stream.
PhaseSplit("Splitter.GM.IOs.[P_002]",  5, "l")
Set Mass Fraction Split based on Density Set the split of all species in a Phase to a stream based on density separation, i.e. send 100% of all solids with density > 3000 kg/m3 to a stream.
DensitySplit("Density_Splitter_001.GM.IOs.[P_HeavySolids]", 3000, "s")
PGM FILE: Class_Species.pgm
;--- SysCAD General Controller  - Species Splitter class ---
long SpeciesCount
; Find the total number of species in the project
SpeciesCount = SDB.SpeciesCount()

Class SpeciesClass
 Long   ReqPhase, isp, SplitPhase, NumIonSpecies
 Array  IonIndex
 ; Initialisation function to set up an array with all of the species in the 
 ; required phase (GPhase) that contain the user defined element (Ion)
 Function Init(String Ion, String GPhase)
   NumIonSpecies = 0
   long Cmp1, SpPhase, ReqdPhase, j
   ; Find the index of the required phase
   ReqPhase = SDB.FindPhase(GPhase)
   isp = 0
   j = 0
   ; Scroll through all the species in the required phase in the project to find 
   ; ones that contain the required element
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
     SpPhase = SDB.SpIPhaseNo(isp)
     if (SpPhase == ReqPhase)
       Cmp1 = SDB.SpElemMoles(isp, Ion) 
       if (Cmp1 > 0)
         j = j + 1
     isp = isp + 1
   NumIonSpecies = j
   return 0

 ; Initialisation function to set up an array with all of the species in the 
 ; required phase (GPhase) that contain both user defined elements (Ion1 and Ion2)
 Function Init2(String Ion1, String Ion2, String GPhase)
   NumIonSpecies = 0
   long Cmp1, Cmp2, SpPhase, ReqdPhase, j
   ; Find the index of the required phase
   ReqdPhase = SDB.FindPhase(GPhase)
   isp = 0
   j = 0
   ; Scroll through all the species in the required phase in the project to find 
   ; ones that contain both the required elements
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
     SpPhase = SDB.SpIPhaseNo(isp)
     if (SpPhase == ReqdPhase)
       Cmp1 = SDB.SpElemMoles(isp, Ion1) 
       Cmp2 = SDB.SpElemMoles(isp, Ion2) 
       if ((Cmp1 > 0) AND (Cmp2 > 0))
         j = j + 1
     isp = isp + 1
   NumIonSpecies = j
   return 0

 ; Function to split a single required species to a stream at a user defined value 
 Function SpeciesSplit(String SplitTag, Real ReqValue, String ReqdSpecies)
   String tempsplit
     tempsplit = Concatenate(SplitTag, ".Splt.", ReqdSpecies ," (%)")
     [tempsplit] = ReqValue
   return 0
 ; Function to split a single species with a required index to a stream at a user defined value 
 Function SpeciesIndexSplit(String SplitTag, Real ReqValue, long SpeciesIndex)
   String tempsplit, RequiredSpecies
     RequiredSpecies = SDB.SpSymbol(SpeciesIndex)
     tempsplit = Concatenate(SplitTag, ".Splt.", RequiredSpecies ," (%)")
     [tempsplit] = ReqValue
   return 0
 ; Function to split all species containing a required element(s) to a stream at a user defined value
 ; Must have initialised the array first using Init or Init2
 Function IonSplit(String SplitUnit, Real SplitValue)
   String TempSp
   long js
   js = 0
   while (js < NumIonSpecies)
     isp = IonIndex.GetAt(js)
     TempSp = SDB.SpSymbol(isp)
     SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, SplitValue, TempSp)
     js = js + 1
   return 0
 ; Function to split all species in a required individual phase to a stream at a user defined value 
 Function IndPhaseSplit(String SplitUnit, Real SplitValue, String ReqdIPhase)
   String TempSp
   long SpPhase    
   SplitPhase = SDB.FindIPhase(ReqdIPhase)
   isp = 0
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
     SpPhase = SDB.SpIPhaseNo(isp)
     if (SpPhase == SplitPhase)
       TempSp = SDB.SpSymbol(isp)
       SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, SplitValue, TempSp)
     isp = isp + 1
   return 0
 ; Function to split all species in a required phase to a stream at a user defined value 
 Function PhaseSplit(String SplitUnit, Real SplitValue, String ReqdPhase)
   String TempSp
   long SpPhase    
   SplitPhase = SDB.FindPhase(ReqdPhase)
   isp = 0
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
     SpPhase = SDB.SpPhaseNo(isp)
     if (SpPhase == SplitPhase)
       TempSp = SDB.SpSymbol(isp)
       SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, SplitValue, TempSp)
     isp = isp + 1
   return 0

; Function to split all species in a stream at a user defined value, useful for initialising values after priority change.
 Function SetAll(String SplitUnit, Real SplitValue)
  String TempSp
  isp = 0
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
      TempSp = SDB.SpSymbol(isp)
      SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, SplitValue, TempSp)
    isp = isp + 1
   return 0

 ; Function to split all species in a required phase based on Density to a stream at a user defined value 
 Function DensitySplit(String SplitUnit, Real DensitySplitValue, String ReqdPhase)
   String TempSp
   long SpPhase    
   SplitPhase = SDB.FindPhase(ReqdPhase)
   isp = 0
   while (isp < SpeciesCount)
     SpPhase = SDB.SpPhaseNo(isp)
     if (SpPhase == SplitPhase)
         TempSp = SDB.SpSymbol(isp)
         if SDB.SpDensity(isp,298.15,101.325) > DensitySplitValue
            SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, 100, TempSp)
            SpeciesSplit(SplitUnit, 0, TempSp)
     isp = isp + 1
   return 0

One of the advantages of using this class when doing species splits, is that if the user adds species to the project, this class will automatically include it in the split.

For an example PGM that uses this class, see below.

Example PGM file including the Species Class

The following is an example of a PGM file that uses the above splitter class:

;--- SysCAD General Controller for a Generic Splitter ---

>> Class_Species.pgm

;--- variable declarations ---
PageLabel "Species Split" 
TextLabel , "Liquid Species Recoveries" 
    Real    LiquidRecovery*("Frac","%")
TextLabel , "Elemental Recoveries" 
    Real    CuRecovery*("Frac","%")
    Real    NiRecovery*("Frac","%")
    Real    prevNi, prevCu, prevLiquid
; Define the Class instances 
    SpeciesClass NiSplit, CuSplit
Sub InitialiseSolution()
 ;Initialise the functions in the class for elemental splits
  NiSplit.Init("Ni", "s")
  CuSplit.Init("Cu", "s")
  prevNi = 0
  prevCu = 0
  prevLiquid = 0

 ; Split based on elements.  Only call the function when the required recovery changes.
  if (NiRecovery != prevNi)
     NiSplit.IonSplit("Split_Unit.GM.IOs.[P_002]", NiRecovery)
     prevNi = NiRecovery
  if (CuRecovery != prevCu)
     CuSplit.IonSplit("Split_Unit.GM.IOs.[P_002]", CuRecovery)
     prevCu = CuRecovery

  if (LiquidRecovery != prevLiquid)
     NiSplit.PhaseSplit("Split_Unit.GM.IOs.[P_002]", LiquidRecovery, "l")
     prevLiquid = LiquidRecovery
$ ; --- end of file ---