Template:MSz Tab Page Data Section

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Tag (Long/Short) Calc Descriptions
Size Passes Fraction
P80: Calc Size passing fraction = 80%. Fraction set in the configuration file.
P50: Calc Size passing fraction = 50%. Fraction set in the configuration file.
Fraction Passing Size
m100: Calc Fraction passing 100 microns. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file.
m10000: Calc Fraction passing 10000 microns (10 mm). The size interval definition is set in the configuration file.
Fraction Retained Size
r1000: Calc Cumulative retained fraction at specified size of 1000 microns (1mm). The size interval definition is set in the configuration file.
PPG: Calc Total Particle Count per Mass.
SAM: Calc Surface Area Mass basis (per Gram).
SAL: Calc Surface Area per Liter
APD Calc Average particle diameter based on Fraction Passing and Geometric mean size of each size interval
Mass Passing Size
Qm100 Calc Cumulative passing mass at specified size. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file.
Mass Retained Size
QmR100 Calc Cumulative retained mass at specified size. The size interval definition is set in the configuration file.
Spread and Range
QuartileSpread Calc Difference in sizes at two specified cumulative passing fractions: 75.0% - 25.0%. Range definition is set in the configuration file.
mRange10_1000 Calc Mass flow between two different size ranges: 0.010mm to 1.000mm. Range definition is set in the configuration file.
fRange1_10000 Calc Mass Fraction between two different size ranges: 0.001mm to 10.000mm. Range definition is set in the configuration file.

Please see MSz Data Sections for more information and explanation of the above fields.