Dynamic Tank - Optional Data Sections

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Tank Tank - Dynamic Mode Dynamic Tank - Optional Data Sections

Control Tab Page

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options

Level Control

This section is only visible if Level Control has been enabled. FlowLimits option is only available if Mixing.Model is set to Perfectly Mixed.

Type Level The setpoint of the controller will be the level of liquids and solids in the tank.
Mass The setpoint of the controller will be the mass of liquids and solids in the tank.
Volume The setpoint of the controller will be the volume of liquids and solids in the tank.
FlowLimits MassFlow The flow limits are input on a mass flow basis. (Forced if Mixing.Model is set to Layered.)
VolumeFlow The flow limits are input on a volume flow basis.
SetPoint.Level / Spt.Level Input Only visible if Level type is selected. This is the user specified setpoint for the level in the tank.
SetPoint.Mass / Spt.Mass Input Only visible if Mass type is selected. This is the user specified setpoint for the mass of liquids and solids in the tank.
SetPoint.Volume / Spt.Volume Input Only visible if Volume type is selected. This is the user specified setpoint for the volume of liquids and solids in the tank.
Stream List The user selects the tank outlet stream that will have its flow adjusted in order to achieve the user specified level/mass/volume in the tank.
StreamTag List Available from Build 139.33632. The user selects the tank outlet stream that will have its flow adjusted in order to achieve the user specified level/mass/volume in the tank. This is a string tag and can be set by PGM code, Excel inputs, etc.
MassFlowMin / QmMin OR
VolFlowMin / QvMin
Input The minimum mass or volume flow from the selected outlet stream. Mass or volume depends on selection of FlowLimits.
MassFlowMax / QmMax OR
VolFlowMax / QvMax
Input The maximum mass or volume flow from the selected outlet stream. Mass or volume depends on selection of FlowLimits.
QmMaxSlewUp / QmAdj.UpMax OR
QvMaxSlewUp / QvAdj.UpMax
Input The maximum increasing rate of change of the mass or volume flow in the controlled stream. If this is undefined then SysCAD makes the change as fast as required. Mass or volume depends on selection of FlowLimits.
QmMaxSlewDn / QmAdj.DownMax OR
QvMaxSlewDn / QvAdj.DownMax
Input The maximum decreasing rate of change of the mass or volume flow in the controlled stream. If this is undefined then SysCAD makes the change as fast as required. Mass or volume depends on selection of FlowLimits.
MassFlowReqd / QmReqd Calc The calculated mass flow in the controlled stream.
VolFlowReqd / QvReqd Calc The calculated volume flow in the controlled stream.

Vapour Control

This section is only visible if Vapour Control has been enabled.

Type None No vapour is retained in the Tank. However, if there is vapour in the feed to the Tank, this will be available for the EB and CEB sub-models.
FixedVolume A user defined fixed volume of vapours is retained. Note: This can be larger than the total volume of the tank.
AvailVolume The available volume of the tank for vapours is the total volume of the tank minus the volume occupied by liquids and solids.
FixedFracVol The available volume of the tank for vapours is a fixed fraction of the total volume of the tank.
VolumeReqd Input Only visible if FixedVolume type is selected. This is the user specified fixed volume of retained vapours in the tank.
VolumeFracReqd Input Only visible if FixedVolFrac type is selected. This is the user specified fixed volume fraction of the total tank volume that is available for retained vapours in the tank.
AvailVolume / AvailVol Calc The calculated tank volume that is available for retained vapours in the tank.
VapourVolume / VapVol Calc The actual volume of retained vapours in the tank.
VapourVolumeFrac / VapVolFrac Calc The actual volume of retained vapours in the tank divided by the calculated tank volume that is available for retained vapours in the tank.

Level Lookup (LL) Tab Page

This page is only visible if the Level Lookup option is chosen.


  1. The volume of material in the Tank is measured from the actual mass and density. This is the value used in the lookup tables to determine the corresponding Height, and hence Level, and if required the corresponding Surface Area.
Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Calculated Variables / Options
LL (Lookup Level)
Count Input The number of data points - this will determine the number of rows in the Lookup Table described below.
WithSurfArea Tick Box Allows user to also specify the Surface Area as a function of Volume in the Tank.
SortAndCheck Button Sorts data in ascending order by Volume. Corrects inconsistent data.
Volume Display The Volume of material in the Tank.
Level / Lvl Display The Level of the Tank based on the current volume in the Tank and the lookup tables.
Height Display The Height in the Tank based on the current volume in the Tank and the lookup tables.
Area Display The Surface Area of the Tank contents based on the current volume in the Tank and the lookup tables. This is only visible if WithSurfArea is enabled.
The Lookup table is displayed, with the number of rows as defined by Count.
Volume Column Heading The Volume in the Tank for data point X.
Height Column Heading The height of the slurry in the Tank corresponding to the volume in column 1.
Area Column Heading (only visible if the user has ticked WithSurfArea) The surface area of the Tank corresponding to the Volume in column 1.

Segments Tab Page

This page is only visible if the Layered_Flow or Layered Mixing Models are chosen.

  1. The first section of this tab, described in the table below, displays information about the each Segment in the Layered Tank. The user defines the number of segments on the Settings tab.
    • Please do be aware that each segment can consist of a number of underlying layers - each of these layers is evaluated using the plug flow model. Hence the segment is only used to display information, it is NOT an entity that is used in the plug flow calculations.
  2. The second section, Detail, is only visible if the user enables 'Show' for one of the segments or sets Segment.ShowIndex to a value >=0. This displays the details of the selected segment. For a description of the fields, please see Material Content Section.
Column Tag Input/ Display Description
Segment Display Seg[x] where x is the relevant segment in the Layered Tank.
Show Tickbox The user may select a single segment. The Details section will be shown below the table and will display the details of the selected segment. Only a single segment may be selected at a time.
Mass Display The mass of material in the segment.
Fill Display The level, or fraction of the segment that is filled by volume.
Density / Rho Display The density of the material in the segment.
SolidFrac / Sf Display The solid mass fraction of the material in the segment.
SolidVolF / SVlf Display The solid volume fraction of the material in the segment.
Temp / T Display The temperature of the material in the segment.
Layers Display The number of automatically generated layers in the segment.

PresetImg Tab Page

The PresetImg page contains a Copy to Clipboard button which copies the current temperature, pressure and composition of the Preset Image to the clipboard for pasting into external programs such as Excel.

The associated PSp page is used to set the required composition of the tank when it is Preset. This is identical in functionality to the DSp page used in Feeders.