Template:TPSConfig Tab Page

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This tab is used to map the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}} to the SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}}.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
SpeciesName SpeciesLongButton.png
The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names.
Map {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}} to SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}}
Map / MapByElements Try Map Species.png This will try to map the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}} to the SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}} based on their Elemental definition.
CheckMap / CheckMapByElements Check Mapping Button.png This will check the mapping of the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}} to the SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}} based on their Elemental definition. Any unexpected results in the current mappings will be displayed as warnings in the Messages Window.
MissingIons AddtoIonListButton.png This adds the missing ions to the IonList.txt file. The project must be reloaded before the added ions can be mapped. This button will be disabled if all required ions already exist in the IonList.txt file. In this case, pressing Try Map Species.png will map all ions.
MaximumMWDiff / MaxMWDiff Input This is the maximum allowed difference between molecular weights of mapped species without generating a warning.
MaximumChargeDiff / MaxChargeDiff Input This is the maximum allowed charge difference between mapped species without generating a warning.
SpDBCount Display The number of {{{speciestypes}}}s defined in the {{{TPS}}} database.
SpUsedCount Display The number of {{{speciestypes}}} in the {{{TPS}}} database that are used in the project.
SpMappedCount Display The number of {{{speciestypes}}} in the {{{TPS}}} database that have been mapped to equivalent SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}}.
SpCFECount Display The number of {{{speciestypes}}} in the {{{TPS}}} database that can be used with CFE (constrained free energy).
DetailedGridView Tickbox Global selection. If enabled, more fields will be shown in grid views (tables) including the tables on this page.
CopyToClipboard Copy Mapping Button.png Adds a table of data to the clipboard making it available to be pasted into other applications. Columns include SysCAD species, {{{TPS}}} species, SysCAD molecular weight, {{{TPS}}} molecular weight, mapping type and saturation index.
Filter View
Filter Button - Filter On.png
Button - Filter Off.png
This button will enable or disable the species filter options.
(Only visible if Filter is enabled)
Tickbox When enabled, all species will be displayed. When disabled, only species that are mapped to a SysCAD species will be shown.
(Only visible if Filter is enabled)
All No filtering of species based on phase.
Solids Only show solid phase species, hide other species.
Liquids Only show liquid phase species, hide other species.
Vapours Only show vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species.
Solids & Liquids Only show solid and liquid phase species, hide other species.
Solids & Vapours Only show solid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species.
Liquids & Vapours Only show liquid and vapour (gaseous) phase species, hide other species.
IPhase Only show "IPhase" individual phase species, hide other species. The individual phases shown will depend on the {{{TPS}}} database chosen.
Filters Display Always set to 'Content'.
(Only visible if Filter is enabled)
All No filtering of species based on element or name.
Contains Any Element This will display all species that contain any of the elements entered in their elemental definition.
Contains All Elements This will display only species that contain ALL of the elements entered in their elemental definition.
Starts with ... This will display species that start with the text entered based on the short or long species tag depending on the current SpeciesTag selection.
Contains any ... This will display species that contain the text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag.
Contains All ... This will display species that contain ALL the separate text entered in the currently displayed short or long species tag.
Select Input Only visible if Filter is enabled and Content is NOT set to All. The user specified Elements or text to filter the species list. Refer to Species Filter for more information and examples.
(The following tables (one per phase) display the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}} from the selected database and the mapped SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}}. The user can choose, or change, the mapped SysCAD {{{speciestypes}}} using the dropdown list.)
(Each table has the following columns (one row per {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}}):)
MoleWt Display The Molecular Weight of the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}}.
ElemDefn Display The Elemental Definition of the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}}.
Charge Display Only shown if DetailedGridView has been enabled. The electrical charge of the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}}.
Index Display Only shown if DetailedGridView has been enabled. The index of the {{{TPS}}} {{{speciestypes}}}.
MappedSpecies List The user may select the most appropriate SysCAD species from a dropdown list to map to the {{{TPS}}} species.
MapSpByEl Button Only shown if DetailedGridView has been enabled. If pressed, SysCAD will try to find the most appropriate SysCAD species to map to this {{{TPS}}} species by matching elemental compositions.