Template:Evaporator Results Tab

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The page contains the results and the user may enable the Heat Exchanger function and set the type of Heat Exchanger (Internal or External) and the flow to the Heat Exchanger.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Operating Conditions
TemperatureIn / Ti Calc The temperature of the combined Feed stream to the Evaporator.
PressureIn / Pi Calc The pressure of the combined Feed stream to the Evaporator.
VapFlashed.MassFlow / Qm Calc The quantity of flashed vapour.
LiqChange.MassFlow / Qm Calc
BPE Calc The Boiling Point Elevation used in the Flash calculations in the Evaporator.
FlashT Calc The final temperature (the Flash Temperature) in the Evaporator.
FlashP Calc The final pressure (the Flash Pressure) in the Evaporator.
Flash Train Macro Model
These extra fields are only visible if the unit is part of a Flash Train.
VapourMassFlow / VQm Calc The mass flow of flashed vapour.
PressureReqd / P_Reqd Calc The required flash pressure calculated by the Flash Train.
TotalPressChange / TotaldP Calc The total pressure change calculated by the Flash Train.
FeedSatP Calc The saturation pressure of the feed.
FlashTrain Display A unique tag assigned to the flash train by SysCAD. Each unit in the flash train will have the same tag in this block.
FlashTearBlock Display Displays the name of the tear block that is part of the Flash Train.
FlashTrainEqp List This contains a list of all of the equipment tags in this flash train. the list might be as follows:
PAdvBase Input Additional damping or acceleration for calculated pressure change (DP) for the iteration. DP = DP * PAdvBase when PAdvExtra=0.
PAdvExtra Input Additional damping or acceleration for calculated pressure change (DP) for the iteration. DP = DP * (PAdvBase + PAdvExtra*(VQmReqd-VQm)/Max(VQmReqd,VQm)).
Summary of input and output streams
The following tags are shown for Feed, Vapour, Overflow (OF) (if connected) and Product (Prod) streams:
Temperature / T Display The temperature of the stream.
MassFlow / Qm Display The Mass flowrate of the stream.
SolidMassFlow / SQm Display The solids Mass Flow of the stream.
SolidFrac / Sf Display The solids Mass fraction of the stream.
BFeed.Temperature / T Calc The temperature of the Feed to the Evaporator evaluation block.
BFeed.Pressure / P Calc The Pressure used in the calculations in the Evaporator evaluation block. If the user has ticked the 'UseFeedP' then this will be the feed pressure to the Evaporator.
BFeed.MassFlow / Qm Calc The mass flow of Feed to the Evaporator evaluation block.
BFeed.SolidMassFlow / SQm Calc The mass flow of solids in the Feed to the Evaporator evaluation block.
BFeed.SolidFrac / Sf Calc The mass fraction of solids in the Feed to the Evaporator evaluation block.
Body.SolidsYield Calc (Mass flow of solids in the Product) - (Mass flow of solids in the Feed)
SolidsYield Calc (Mass flow of solids in the Product) - (Mass flow of solids in the Feed)
Evaporator to External Heat Exchanger / Embedded Heater / Embedded Cooler
These extra fields are only visible if one of the Heat Exchanger options has been chosen on the first tab page.
HXOut.MassFlow / Qm Calc The mass flow to the specified Heat Exchanger.
HXOut.EachHeaterQm Calc Only visible if Embedded Heater or Embedded Cooler option is chosen. The mass flow to each Heater/Cooler.
HXOut.VolFlow / Qv Calc The volume flow to the specified Heat Exchanger.
HXOut.EachHeaterQv Calc Only visible if Embedded Heater or Embedded Cooler option is chosen. The volume flow to each Heater/Cooler.
HXOut.SolidFrac / Sf Calc The mass fraction of solids in the Feed to the specified Heat Exchanger.
HXOut.Temperature / T Calc The temperature of the stream to the specified Heat Exchanger.
Embedded Heater Recycle Loop convergence
These extra fields are only visible if one of the Embedded Heat Exchanger options has been chosen on the first tab page.
RecycleConvergeMethod FullStream User can select to solve the recycle loop using Full stream data (loop has to solve and converge all mass and energy terms.)
Stream Mass Only User can select to solve the recycle loop using mass only. Loop will be solved when mass is converged, ignoring energy.
Duty User can select to solve the recycle loop using energy only. Duty from "shell" side of heat exchanger is added directly to the feed (recycle mass flow is not actually added). Loop will be solved when duty is matched, ignoring mass balance.
MaxIterations / MaxIter (Global) Input The maximum number of iterations allowed within the recycle solver loop. Only shown for Stream Recycle Converge Methods.
IterSteps Calc The number of iteration used in the current step to solve the recycle loop. Only shown for Stream Recycle Converge Methods.
IterLastStep Calc The number of iteration used in the last step to solve the recycle loop. Only shown for Stream Recycle Converge Methods.
IterMaxInAStep Calc The maximum number of iterations (in a step) used to solve the recycle loop. Only shown for Stream Recycle Converge Methods.
IterTotal Calc The total number of iterations used to solve the recycle loop. Only shown for Stream Recycle Converge Methods.
FeedMaxDuty Calc The maximum amount of Duty that can be added to feed before temperature exceeds water critical temperature. Only shown for Duty Recycle Converge Method.
IterDuty Calc The number of iterations to apply duty and flash. When this is greater then 1 then the Duty from the condensing steam is applied in iterations, the values displayed on the VLE page reflect this. Only shown for Duty Recycle Converge Method.