Template:Common TPS Data - Environmental Heat Transfer 139

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{{{TPS}}} Environmental Heat Transfer / Environmental Heat Transfer {{{TPS}}}.HeatLossMethod
/ HeatLossMethod None No heat transfer between the unit and the environment. Fixed HeatFlow The user specifies a fixed heat loss between the unit and the environment. Ambient SysCAD calculates the overall heat loss based on user specified HTC and Area and the temperature difference between the Feed and environmental temperatures. The environmental temperature is assumed to remain constant. {{{TPS}}}.EHX.HeatLossReqd / EHX.HeatLossReqd Input Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Fixed HeatFlow. The required heat loss. {{{TPS}}}.EHX.HTC / EHX.HTC Input Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The Overall Heat Transfer coefficient. {{{TPS}}}.EHX.Area / EHX.Area Input Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The Heat Transfer area. {{{TPS}}}.EHX.AmbientT / EHX.AmbientT Display Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is specified in the Plant Model - Environment_Tab {{{TPS}}}.EHX.HeatLoss / EHX.HeatLoss Calc Visible when the HeatLossMethod = Ambient. The calculated heat flowrate.