Solvent Extraction Using McCabe-Theil Method

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Navigation: Models ➔ Mass Separation Models ➔ Solvent Extraction Unit ➔ Solvent Extraction Using McCabe-Theil Method

The diagram below illustrates the graphical representation of the unit for a single Primary Metal and Isotherm using the McCabe-Theil method for a single Solvent Extraction stage. Primary Metal in the example is extracted to the Organic Phase.

McCabeThieleIsothermDiagram.png For example:

The following is used in example 1, based on 100% stage efficiency.

  1. Feed Cu(aq) = 1.7 g/L (green vertical line)
  2. Feed Cu(o) = 2.96 g/L (green horizontal line)
  3. The operating line's slope = feed stream volume ratio,
    the operation line y-intercept solved by SysCAD (blue line)
  4. To read the equilibrium values:
    • Start from feed Cu(aq), 1.7 g/L,
    • move vertically up to the operating line
    • then horizontally to the Equilibrium line (magenta Line).
    • exiting Aqueous stream: Cu(aq) = 0.40 g/L
    • exiting Organic stream: Cu(o) = 5.01 g/L

Note the answers obtained for the exiting aqueous and organic streams are the same as obtained using a simple mass balance approach as described in Model Theory.