;--- Example of a SysCAD General Controller ---
; This example does a number of calculations:
; 1. It adds or removes ore to the stream from the mine going to a milling and flotation plant.
; 2. It calculates the water usage in the plant.
; 3. It calculates the recoveries of copper, iron and sulphur across the plant.
;---- Define Variables ------------------------
PageLabel "Feed & Recovery"
TextLabel ,"Plant Feed"
real ReqdPlantFeed*("Qm", "t/h")
real OreFromMine@("Qm", "t/h")
real OreFromStockPile@("Qm", "t/h")
TextLabel ,"Water Usage"
real WaterUsage@("Qv", "m^3/h")
TextLabel ,"Recoveries"
real CopperRecovery@("Frac", "%")
real IronRecovery@("Frac", "%")
real SulphurRecovery@("Frac", "%")
;----- Local variables (not displayed in access window)
real water1, water2, water3, water4
real CuIn, CuInConc
real Fein, FeInConc
real SulphurIn, SulphurInConc
OreFromMine = ["P_001.Qo.SQm (t/h)"]
; Check if the required plant feed is greater than the ore from the mine.
if (ReqdPlantFeed >= OreFromMine) ; If less than required, import balance of ore from the stockpile.
OreFromStockPile = Max(ReqdPlantFeed - OreFromMine, 0)
["Ore_from_Stockpile.QmReqd (t/h)"] = OreFromStockPile
else ; If the required plant feed is less than the ore from the mine, send some ore to the stockpile.
["Ore_from_Stockpile.QmReqd (t/h)"] = 0
["X_001.GM.IOs.[P_002].Flow (t/h)"] = ReqdPlantFeed
;--- Calculate Water used in Plant
;Water in to repulping and launder water
water1 = ["Mill.MU1.Makeup.Qv (m^3/h)"]
water2 = ["Flot_Launder.MU1.Makeup.Qv (m^3/h)"]
;Water returned to water tank in thickener overflows
water3 = ["P_015.Qo.LQv (m^3/h)"]
water4 = ["P_021.Qo.LQv (m^3/h)"]
WaterUsage = (water1 + water2) - (water3 + water4)
;--- Do calculations to find Recoveries
; Measure the mass flow of the element in the feed to the plant (in stream P_2)
; Measure the mass flow of the element in the concentrate from the plant (P_32)
; Calculate the recovery = (Mass in conc)/(Mass in Feed) * 100
CuIn = ["P_002.Qo.QEl:SPh.Cu (kg/h)"]
CuInConc = ["P_032.Qo.QEl:SPh.Cu (kg/h)"]
CopperRecovery = iif(CuIn > 0.1, CuinConc/Cuin * 100, 0)
; The iif function has the form: iif(expression, true part, False part)
; Do calculations to find iron Recovery
Fein = ["P_002.Qo.QEl:SPh.Fe (kg/h)"]
FeInConc = ["P_032.Qo.QEl:SPh.Fe (kg/h)"]
IronRecovery = iif(Fein > 0.1, FeInConc/Fein * 100, 0)
; Do calculations to find sulphur Recovery
SulphurIn = ["P_002.Qo.QEl:SPh.S (kg/h)"]
SulphurInConc = ["P_032.Qo.QEl:SPh.S (kg/h)"]
SulphurRecovery = iif(SulphurIn > 0.1, SulphurInConc/SulphurIn * 100, 0)
$ ; --- end of file ---