Template:TPS Results Tab

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Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
{{{TPS}}} Calculation Results Summary
Feed Massflow Summary
Bypass.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material in the feed which bypasses the calculation due to user selection of bypass species. Use show ShowQBypass to view full stream.
Unmapped.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material in the feed which is not forward mapped to a species and therefore bypasses the calculation. Use show ShowQUnmapped to view full stream.
{{{TPS}}}.Feed.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material in the feed to the {{{TPS}}} calculation. Same value as tag Feed.Qm.
TotalFeed.MassFlow / Qm Display The total feed mass to the {{{TPS}}} model block. Sum of bypasses and feed to {{{TPS}}} calculation.
Product Massflow Summary
{{{TPS}}}.Prod.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material in the product of the {{{TPS}}} calculation. Same value as tag Prod.Qm.
RxnBypass.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material for
RxnUnmapped.MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of material in the prod which is not reverse mapped to SysCAD species.
TotalProd.MassFlow / Qm Display The total product mass for the {{{TPS}}} model block. Sum of bypasses and product of {{{TPS}}} calculation.
Solids Yield
Solids.Yield Display The solids concentration in the product stream.
Solids.Precip Display The change in solids flow, feed-product. A positive value indicates precipitation has occurred. A negative value indicates dissolution has occurred.
Stream Properties Summary
Temperature / T Display The Temperature of the final solution.
Pressure / P Display The Pressure of the final solution.
MassFlow / Qm Display The Mass flow of the final solution.
Hf@T Display The Enthalpy of the final solution per unit mass.
Enthalpy / totHf@T Display The Enthalpy of the final solution.
Zeros Hide Zeros.png
Show Zeros.png
If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all phases/species that have NO mass flow will be hidden.
If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all phases/species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow.
Note this setting applies to the subsequent pages as well.
Feed Phase Flowrate Summary
(The following table displays a summary of results for the different phases. The table has the following columns (one row per phase)):
MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of the relevant phase in the feed.
MassFrac / Mf Display The mass fraction of the relevant phase in the feed.
MoleFlow / QMl Display The mole flow of the relevant phase in the feed.
MoleFrac / Mlf Display The mole fraction of the relevant phase in the feed.
Prod Phase Flowrate Summary
(The following table displays a summary of results for the different phases. The table has the following columns (one row per phase)):
MassFlow / Qm Display The mass flow of the relevant phase in the final solution.
MassFrac / Mf Display The mass fraction of the relevant phase in the final solution.
MoleFlow / QMl Display The mole flow of the relevant phase in the final solution.
MoleFrac / Mlf Display The mole fraction of the relevant phase in the final solution.
{{{TPS}}} Energy Balance (only shown if CalcEnthalpy is enabled on TCE tab page)
{{{TPS}}}.HeatFlow Display Difference in enthalpy between the product and feed of the {{{TPS}}} reactions calculated by {{{TPS}}}.
Bypass.HeatFlow Display The heat required to adjust the temperature and pressure of the bypass stream to exit conditions.
HeatLoss Display The environmental heat loss.
HeatFlow Display The heat flow required to achieve the product conditions relative to the feed conditions. Includes environmental heat loss if applicable. This is calculated by {{{TPS}}} and accounts for bypass and heat loss. Note that Bypass heat is calculated by SysCAD.
Calculation Summary
LastCalcType Display This displays the type of calculation (OpMode) used for the last calculation.
Remove Remove Duplicates.png If the user clicks on this button, SysCAD will remove duplicate error messages received.
ErrorCount Display The total number of errors encountered in the last calculation.
ErrorXX Display If there are error messages associated with the last calculation, they will be displayed here.
ConvergenceError Display The largest numerical convergence error. This is often zero when the solution converges with no errors.