Template:TPSScdSpMap Tab Page

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This tab is used to display the mapping of SysCAD species to {{{TPS}}} species. This is often a 1 to 1 mapping.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
SysCAD to {{{TPS}}} mapping
(The following table displays all the SysCAD species in the project with its mapped {{{TPS}}} species (if there is one).)
(The table has the following columns (one row per SysCAD species):)
Mapping Display The name of the first mapped {{{TPS}}} species (if there is one).
MapCount Display The number of {{{TPS}}} species that are mapped to the relevant SysCAD species.
MW_Diff Display The difference in Molecular Weights between the SysCAD species and the first mapped {{{TPS}}} species (shown in the name column).