Template:TPSModelCfg Tab Page

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Unit Type: {{{TPS}}}ModelCfg - The first tab page in the access window will have this name.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Tag Display This name tag may be modified with the change tag option.
Condition Display OK if no errors/warnings, otherwise lists errors/warnings.
ConditionCount Display The current number of errors/warnings. If condition is OK, returns 0.
GeneralDescription / GenDesc Display This is an automatically generated description for the unit. If the user has entered text in the 'EqpDesc' field on the Info tab (see below), this will be displayed here.
If this field is blank, then SysCAD will display the UnitType or SubClass.
Acknowledgement Display This program contains
Website Web Link
Version Display This displays the version of {{{TPS}}} installed on the user's computer
Select {{{TPS}}} database file
DatabaseFile/DBFile Input This is the name of the database file that was created by {{{TPS}}}, e.g. {{{example DB}}}. It is chosen from a dropdown list of available databases, which are defined in the cfg file for the project.
DatabaseFilePath/DBFilePath Display The folder where the database file shown above is saved.

CheckForSteam Tickbox If ticked, SysCAD will check if steam (H2O(g)) is included in the list of {{{TPS}}} species.
Load Load.png Click on this button to load the required database file.
DefnStatus List If the {{{TPS}}} database file has been loaded and no errors have been detected then will show OK, otherwise will show error message.
SpDBCount Display The number of species loaded from the {{{TPS}}} database file.
Sol.Count Display The number of solid species loaded from the {{{TPS}}} database file.
Liq.Count Display The number of liquid species loaded from the {{{TPS}}} database file.
Vap.Count Display The number of gaseous species loaded from the {{{TPS}}} database file.
ElemCount Display The number of elements loaded from the {{{TPS}}} database file.
ElemList Display The list of the elements used in the {{{TPS}}} database file.
Mapping Tolerances
Discard.Tol.SigDigits Input This provides an easy way to change the Discard.Tol.Rel value. For example, 4 here will set 1.00e-4 to Discard.Tol.Rel. If user changes the Discard.Tol.Rel value, this value will also be updated.
Discard.Tol.Rel Input The relative tolerance for ignoring species produced from the {{{TPS}}} calculations. If the mass fraction of a species is > DiscardTol and it is not mapped to a SysCAD species/ion then an error is generated.
ElemBal.Tol.SigDigits Input This provides an easy way to change the ElemBal.Tol.Rel value. For example, 4 here will set 1.00e-4 to ElemBal.Tol.Rel. If user changes the ElemBal.Tol.Rel value, this value will also be updated.
ElemBal.Tol.Rel Input The relative tolerance for Element Balance (Input - Output). If the relative error is > ElemBal.Tol.Rel then an error is generated. The ElemBal is used in all {{{TPS}}} unit models.
ElemBal.Tol.Abs Input The absolute tolerance for Element Balance (Input - Output). If the absolute error is > ElemBal.Tol.Abs then an error is generated. The ElemBal is used in all {{{TPS}}} unit models.
Convergence Tolerances
EnthConv.Tol.SigDigits Input This provides an easy way to change the EnthConv.Tol.Rel value. For example, 4 here will set 1.00e-4 to EnthConv.Tol.Rel. If user changes the EnthConv.Tol.Rel value, this value will also be updated.
EnthConv.Tol.Rel Input Enthalpy convergence tolerance. This is used for iterative enthalpy convergence calculations in SysCAD.
Species Without Enthalpy Data Tolerance (Mass Fraction)
SpHfMissing.Tol Input For species which do not have complete enthalpy information, i.e. either H25 or Cp is missing, the mass fraction of the species above which a warning is issued.
TotHfMissing.Tol Input The total mass fraction of all species with missing Cp or H25 data above which a warning is issued.