Template:Solids Recovery Data Section

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Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options


RecoveryMethod Grade & Recovery The user sets the recovery and grade of the required solid species in the {{{Name}}} stream. This does not require any Size distribution data.
Mass Pull & Recovery The user sets the recovery of the required solid species as well as the mass pull of solids to the {{{Name}}} stream. This does not require any Size distribution data.
Size Recovery The user sets the fractional recovery to the {{{Name}}} stream for each individual size interval for all species that do have size distributions. The project must contain Size distribution data.
Primary Solid
Method Solid Species User may choose a solid species as the primary species for the recovery calculations.
Element The user may choose to base the recovery to {{{Name}}} calculations on an elemental basis.
PrimarySolid List Only visible if the user has selected Solid Species for Method. List of solid species in the current project which can be chosen as the primary solid.
PrimaryElement List Only visible if the user has selected Element for Method. List of elements in the current project which can be chosen as part of the primary solids species (based on all solid species in the project).
The following two fields are only visible if the user has selected Grade & Recovery or Mass Pull & Recovery for Recovery Method AND selected Element for Method.
SecondaryElement List Optional: List of elements in the current project which can be chosen to restrict the primary solid species. If a Secondary Element is chosen, then only solid species that contain BOTH the Primary AND Secondary elements will be classified as Primary Solids.
ExcludeElement List Optional: List of elements in the current project which can be chosen to restrict the primary solid species. If an Exclude Element is chosen, then only solid species that contain the Primary (and Secondary, if selected) element, but NOT the Excluded element will be classified as Primary Solid Species. (Please see the example in Model Theory above)
PrimaryRecoveryReqd Input Only visible if the user has selected Grade & Recovery or Mass Pull & Recovery for Recovery Method. Mass Recovery of the primary solid, or element, from the Feed stream to the {{{Name}}} stream.
PrimaryGradeReqd Input Only visible if the user has selected Grade & Recovery for Recovery Method. Mass Fraction of the primary solid, or element, in the {{{Name}}} stream.
MassPullReqd Input Only visible if the user has selected Mass Pull & Recovery for Recovery Method. Mass Fraction of all solids in the Feed stream, which report to the {{{Name}}} stream.
Additional Solid Species to {{{Name}}} (Only visible if the user has selected Grade & Recovery or Mass Pull & Recovery for Recovery Method)
SolidSpeciesCount / SolSpCount Input Optional: The number of additional solid species to be specified with recoveries or grades. Up to 25 may be specified.
(Only visible if SolSpCount is non-zero)
Recovery to Product The user can specify the recovery of additional solid species to the {{{Name}}} stream.
Grade in Product The user can specify the grade of additional solid species in the {{{Name}}} stream.
For each additional solid species:
SolidSpecies / SolidSp List List of solid species in the current project which can be chosen as an additional species.
RecoveryReqd Input Only visible if the user has selected Recovery to Product for Secondary Method. Mass recovery of the additional species to the {{{Name}}} stream.
GradeReqd Input Only visible if the user has selected Grade in Product for Secondary Method. Grade (mass fraction) of the additional species in the {{{Name}}} stream.
{{{Name}}} Liquid Split
LiquidSplitMethod Follow Solids The split of liquids will be the same as the split of solids. This means that the liquid fraction in the outlet streams will be the same as the feed stream.
Fraction of Feed Liquids User can specify the fraction by mass of liquid in the Feed that is recovered to the {{{Name}}} stream.
Liquid in Product User can specify the fraction by mass of liquid in the {{{Name}}} stream.
Solids in Product User can specify the fraction by mass of solids in the {{{Name}}} stream.
LiquidTo{{{Name}}} Input Only visible if user has selected Fraction of Feed Liquids for LiquidSplitMethod. Fraction by mass of liquid in Feed that is recovered to the {{{Name}}} stream.
{{{Tag}}}LiqFracReqd Input Only visible if user has selected Liquid in Product for LiquidSplitMethod. Fraction by mass of liquid in the {{{Name}}} stream.
{{{Tag}}}SolFracReqd Input Only visible if user has selected Solids in Product for LiquidSplitMethod. Fraction by mass of solids in the {{{Name}}} stream.


The following section is only visible if the user has selected Size Recovery for Recovery Method.
The following table displays the recoveries of each solid species in the project which has its own size distribution at each size interval.
Recovery.Ix.Species Input Mass Recovery of the relevant solid species in size interval Ix from the Feed stream to the {{{Name}}} stream.


PrimariesFound Calc List of all solid species in the project which meet the criteria specified for the primary solid species.
PrimaryRecovery Calc The actual recovery to {{{Name}}} achieved for the primary species.
PrimaryGrade Calc The actual {{{Name}}} grade achieved for the primary species.
ProdMassPull Calc The actual solid mass pull to the {{{Name}}} stream achieved .
SolidFrac / Sf Calc The solid fraction of the {{{Name}}} stream.
LiquidFrac / Lf Calc The liquid fraction of the {{{Name}}} stream.
FeedLiqToProd Calc The fraction of liquids in the feed which passes to the {{{Name}}} stream.
AdditionalSolids Calc Only visible if the user has selected Grade & Recovery or Mass Pull & Recovery for Recovery Method. List of all solid species in the project specified as additional species.
GangueSpecies Calc List of all solid species in the project which have not been specified as either primary or additional species.